Venus in Furs: I hate it.

I think it's a terribly implemented 'mission'.

You get a text from her, and your only two options are "I wanna see your tattoo more closely" (which is obviously flirty), and "Shame, I was starting to like you..." (still somewhat flirty, with the 3 dots, but could be seen as sarcastic).

Then she text "No-Tell Motel. 1st floor. Come alone." This could be flirty, this could be "less discuss business", this could be anything.

Well, you show up, and she's got her outfit on with an intimidating array of related objects strewn about, with the dialogue option being "what now?" At this point, things should be clear. Although you can't loot the weapon if you walk away, so there's a real struggle between RP and a giant weaponized dildo.

This mission is just.. why is there no "No thanks, I'm not into you/women/whatever" option, other than rudely, silently, walking away? Why can't V say "I think you got the wrong idea"? Or just dismiss the text message? Why's there no sensible roleplaying option to turn her down, other than walking away at the last moment?

It's got the same feeling as the consort from ME1; you do a quest for her, she thanks you with words. If you say you were expecting more (say, money), there's an immediate (asari) sex scene, with no option but to reload. My last ME1 run took a long hiatus because I forgot about it, encountered it, and.. well, I didn't like it and it put me off.

I may be a tad thick, and the subtleties of fictional women may be too fine for me, but still. Absolutely do not like this sort of thing.
I would also like to get the weapon without "unnecessary interactions" (I just don't care about sex scenes in general, in any game, but the weapon is just hilarious :ROFLMAO:), but then again... if they never used it, how could it be looted if it wouldn't have been left there afterwards?

Wouldn't it also be a bit rude to say "I'm not interested, but could you still give me your toy"?
You can always just not text her back :shrug:

Sure, an option to blow her off would be funny I guess, but I feel like it would have the same result as not answering, which is being locked out of the item. I also think Meredith was meant to have more content that got cut, I've never seen that confirmed anywhere but her appearances on TV and some her dialogue leads me to believe that in one path she dies, but in the other she was meant to have more side content. But I guess we'll never know unless someone from CDPR comes right out and says it.
@DjSpyder Thing is, if you don't reply then it's stuck in your to-reply-to list, and flagged as important. It's getting a quest and leaving it.

It's worse than just having a quest you're not interested in stuck in your quest log; it's in your phone list, demanding attention and getting in the way.

And I'm not asking for an option to blow her off (although, since she did threaten to kill V, an option to actually blow her up would be nice..), but something less, in her words, pussified, than just running away after the misunderstanding. Not to mention that it's not obvious to players that just walking away is an option.

@Sunsibar Same tbh. I'd rather they just fade to black; the sex scenes are entirely a waste of time. Same as in any non-porn story; if it's relevant that the characters had sex, then, sure, include it. But there's no reason to go into detail except to titillate, and here as with aforementioned it's pointless.

Don't get me wrong, one of my favourite experiences with CP2077, and in general, is after you sleep with Ward, and Silverhand says "Can't believe you made me fuck a cop" or something similar. I, in my head, told him "Go eat a dick". A second later, realizing what I said, I added "Oh, wait".

(Even though the sex scene does not include V performing fellatio upon Ward, I think it's implied, because reasons).
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You can always just not text her back :shrug:
I do that, and it was fine in the old version because I only saw it as an unread message amongst all my message contacts.

In 2.0 there is a permanent new message dot which is really irritating. I live in this magical place call right now in the present with present time rl tech and I can delete a message I don't want to answer from my phone. Apparently in Cyberpunk we're trading message delete technology for having a cyber limb if something unfortunate happens to our meat limbs.

Okay. Now that is say that it doesn't sound bad.... and yet I still want to delete her message or have and "ignore" thing so I don't have a permanent new message dot on the HUD.
I get it, the player is basically forced into hooking up with her to get the "Mission Reward" for siding with her, it would definitely be good if there was another way that played out, maybe with a different reward even. But unfortunately, it looks like the options are either, Side with Gilcrest and She dies, Side with her and hook up, or ignore the text.
I could've sworn in earlier versions of the game (pre 1.5) V had the option to say "no way, don't trust you" when she invites you to the No-Tell (which I assume turned her down - I always just took her up on her offer because I'm a complete klepto in games. It doesn't appear at all anymore.

One quick youtube search later:

I could've sworn in earlier versions of the game (pre 1.5) V had the option to say "no way, don't trust you" when she invites you to the No-Tell (which I assume turned her down - I always just took her up on her offer because I'm a complete klepto in games. It doesn't appear at all anymore.
Thanks for the confirmation. It's been a while, and I forgot about that.

It's weird though, right? You (must) give a flirty response and then be all "I don't trust you." If one didn't trust her, I would think one would reply not with a flirt but with something terse and professional (or at least terse) like "understood."
A horribly, disgustingly forced "encounter". There absolutely should be a way to tell her "no, thank you", either with a text or in the room. Why they removed that "Don't trust you" I don't know, but it was a BAD decision.

This is why I didn't simply ignore the text:
Thing is, if you don't reply then it's stuck in your to-reply-to list, and flagged as important. It's getting a quest and leaving it.

It's worse than just having a quest you're not interested in stuck in your quest log; it's in your phone list, demanding attention and getting in the way.

The only good thing was that it's not like the game forced me to watch or listen to the scene, and I sure didn't. I have zero interest in any kind of sex scenes in games. They're totally pointless, and it's a shame there's no way to simply skip them in this game when there's no way to entirely avoid them (not referring to this quest with that).

I'll make sure to never get a text from Stout in the future.
Besides, the "iconic weapon" is about as immature and dumb as can be. I left it in the room.
Well, I like to clean the quests, so when I have her quest I go to the room and walk out without accepting the conversation. Then the quest fails but it is removed from my log. I don't care about her special weapon anyway.
my theory is that this is the state the quest was in when the game was released; and CDPR had to leave it this way to avoid investors suing them for delivering unfinished content - meaning they said the quest was fine and left it in the game as a "proof". And since the game is selling pretty well now, investors have the only way to pull back.

But that's just a thought...
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You're sure? You give me doubts... I'm quite confident I saw this answer in my current playthrough yesterday o_O
I sent no reply to her stating the place; there were no reply options to it.

I sent no reply to her stating the place; there were no reply options to it.
Now I answered and finished the quest, there is no way to verify in my messages (only messages you selected appear).
But I'm pretty sure I saw the second option to answer (the one @AlienSpaceBats posted) > "No way. Don't trust you!"
No idea what this answer does (I guess the quest remains available), because I'm generally fine meeting Meredith, as long as it's before Judy final quest :)
had the option to say "no way, don't trust you" when she invites you to the No-Tell (which I assume turned her down
Blue text options always get additional text only and don't affect the outcome.

Guys, if you are upset about Meredith just get her killed and chose the Weasel instead.
I sent no reply to her stating the place; there were no reply options to it.
Turns out I was wrong: the options did show up -- for a fraction of a second; I saw two yellow lines flash in the phone interface, but as I wasn't expecting them, I had no chance of clicking fast enough.

I reloaded a save to try and spam LMB after sending the first text reply, to see if it would be possible to click one of the next options when knowing they're coming.
I was able to click "I'll be there" (the option I didn't want, of course), but it didn't appear as a sent text message.

Must be a bug. The options are supposed to appear normally, I bet.
Turns out I was wrong: the options did show up -- for a fraction of a second; I saw two yellow lines flash in the phone interface, but as I wasn't expecting them, I had no chance of clicking fast enough.
Yep, the same on Xbox, options appear and instantly disappear :(
I've just finished sending a bug report about the vanishing reply options. A small but really annoying bug.
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