VR Editions: Yay or Nay


Do you think Cyperpunk 2077 should come to VR?

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Personally, no, I have no interest in VR(For now as in current technology-there is potential in the future but it needs to also be more affordable). But this is really hypothetical, because there is as close to zero chance as it gets for CP VR. Think about it, we have a W3-like (and probably bigger and more ambitious) in terms of scope and length single player at launch and then we know (as in confirmed) that there is a possible MP in the works and even a possible SP expansion. Does anyone really think that there is even a tiny chance on top of all that to add VR support? I would call them insane honestly :p Perhaps 1-2 years after release? But don't get your hopes up even for that.
I'd say the VR is still taking its baby steps more or less so VR-version of CP2077 gets a nay from me. I personally think the VR technology is not yet enough developed and refined so that it would be worth implementing. Also, it would take resources away from the actual game planning, so at this point it would not be a good thing.

Maybe when VR technology has gotten more refined, but at the moment this gets a definite nay from me.
That's the thing as far as Sony goes .
This tech was an introduction to VR..They are and have been working on the next gen vr to go with the ps5 .So the next gen will most likley coincide with CP2077 being next gen.
I'm just saying it's possible
Do I want a full on vr game..no thats not ever going to happen..but a year or two into the next gen cycle with some form of dlc would be stellar.
Resources shouldn't be an issue.Pretty sure the witcher 3 was built with the one studio...now there's 2 studios
This game won't be out til 2020.. that's a bit far to predict anything that's possible with the next gen
I am thinking sony would be the console VR version. They have really been pushing VR for their console and I do expect the PS5 to be built around it. Sony's goals might be to separate it from the Xbox and if the xbox can't do it, sony will be pushing for developers to make VR compatible games so they will have something that the other can't compete with. As for the reasons of not including VR as everyone has mentioned, these are the same arguments against Skyrim VR and that turned out amazingly well.
I think not. Part of it has to do with how few folks actually have a VR rig, and part of it has to do with the fact that I think the system requirements for the regular version will be high enough that the added load of VR would be too much for the GPUs currently on the market. I base that on comparing the requirements for Skyrim:Special Edition to those of Skyrim VR and the assumption that CP2077 will have requirements comparable to Witcher 3. I would feel differently if the i7-7700 and GTX1080 were considered "average" instead of "high end", but as it stands, I think that it'll be a while before it's really worth CDPR's while to invest in developing a VR version of CP2077.

As for the reasons of not including VR as everyone has mentioned, these are the same arguments against Skyrim VR and that turned out amazingly well.

Look at the time gap between the original and the VR versions, and the increase in system requirements between the VR version and the remastered Special Edition. I'm not saying CP2077 VR shouldn't ever happen, but I'd wait until teh regualr version has been out for a couple years.
The issue with releasing a VR port at a later time is that if it is a free update, then there is no real business incentive to make it since most VR users would already have bought and played the game in 2D anyway, while selling it as a separate game would receive criticism for "cash grabbing". From what I have seen, I think CDPR would not want bad PR for the sake of small extra revenue, so they just do not make ports and re-releases.
I have no VR yet, but I plan to buy a headset when the next generation of VR will be released. I hope for less screen door effect and a bigger FOV then current generation. Would be cool for me to be able to play Cyberpunk in VR
I honestly have no interest in VR. When I was a lot younger, I was always excited for the days when we would finally have it, but now that I've gotten older, I'm quite comfortable with gaming in a traditional sense with the input devices we're used to.
Waste of time. I tried it, and for certain games designed from the ground up for it, it works. Not when you tack it onto something like this game is going to be.

Guest 4310777

They should release a version for this generation, a version for next generation and then a version for VR, all a few years apart.
Have you played resident evil though? Because it stands on top of every game I've played so far. No other game comes close to its movement and flow.
I'll admit..all other devs need to step up for sure.
Yes most games are clunky.. but this tech will evolve and only get much better... the real test for this tech is coming and it's firewall zero hour.. if this game can pull off the movement like resident evil and good fps mechanics then we should fully understand where the tech will advance into the next gen and beyond

We still need a cross platform killer app,for VR. Res Evil and Skyrim VR are huge leaps forward though.
The issue with releasing a VR port at a later time is that if it is a free update, then there is no real business incentive to make it since most VR users would already have bought and played the game in 2D anyway, while selling it as a separate game would receive criticism for "cash grabbing". From what I have seen, I think CDPR would not want bad PR for the sake of small extra revenue, so they just do not make ports and re-releases.

There wasn't any real business incentive for them to give away free DLC for Witcher 3 either, at least not if you think that money is the only incentive any business has. Don't get me wrong, I know CDPR isn't a charity. But think, how much is having a reputation for generosity really cost? Even if they do charge for it, giving those who already have the 2D version a generous discount instead of making them pay full price for a game they already have would alleviate much of the criticism about cash grabs.
They should release a version for this generation, a version for next generation and then a version for VR, all a few years apart.
I doubt Oculus Half Dome or Pimax 8k will require a different version than current available VR Headsets.
There wasn't any real business incentive for them to give away free DLC for Witcher 3 either, at least not if you think that money is the only incentive any business has.

That is different, the free DLCs were planned already before release, and they were relevant to more than just a tiny fraction of the players. It was basically clever marketing, a small percentage of the content (like 2% or less) was cut from the main game and released as free DLCs, in the end you got the same content as if it was all just one package to begin with, but it was great PR for the company. However, this does not imply CDPR would just give away anything for free if there is no real benefit to them (be it financial or marketing), just like those petitions to bring back Iorveth or make a third expansion achieved nothing.
Today it is very limited. is a technology that few can afford. today the televisions, consoles and pcs of high performasse offer us such beautiful graphics. VR is disinterested to my point of view and is a technology that may or may not become popular. Tomorrow if the big companies in the industry solve them they can stop developing games vr. it is a risk investing in vr.
in medicine and for driving issues maybe this technology will survive.

Are you implying that the majority of the PC gamers out there don't have top-end rigs with the latest/greatest chips? After reading these boards I though I was in the minority for having a Haswell i5/GTX 1050Ti instead of spending 3 times as much for a Skylake i7/GTX 1080! :p
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