which is your best and worse video game characters?

which is your best and worse video game characters?

2014 is over. So which is your best memmorable and worst unforgettable video game characters.



Male - None
Female - Clementine ( Walking dead season 2)


Male - Aiden Pearce (Watch Dogs)
Female - None (I love all females) =D

Male - The one I created for the game
Female - The one I created for the game


Male - The one I created for the game
Female - The one I created for the game

Male - Joel - Last of Us
Female - Madison Paige - Heavy Rain


Male - I can't really think of a specific person I loathed
Female - see above
Didn't really had time to play video game (excepted for a few one here and there), so I'll say, "Myself" as the best and worse, in this great video game that we call "Real Life".
Graphics are good, gameplay pretty fine but damn, everything else goes from "yay" to "It sucks", I still wait for a patch.

Male: Joel (The last of us)
Female: Ellie (The last of us)


Male: Grayson Hunt (Bulletstorm)
Female: Ashley Graham (Resident Evil 4)

male Adam Jensen (deus ex)
female Kerrigan Starcraft"


I can't think to anyone at the moment
-male: likely Adam Jensen, my male Shepard, or Geralt (played DE:HR, ME series, and TW2 for the first time in 2014, stop judging me!)
-female: likely my female Shepard or Jack in ME. Bioware is better at characters than most. Triss is up there as well.

-male: Every male character in Assassin's Creed Unity was dreadful for me. I can't even bring myself to play the game anymore I was so bored with everyone and everything going on. Easily the most disappointing game after how happy I was with AC4, in both gameplay and writing and things actually working.
-female: besides every female character in AC:U, Vivienne in Dragon Age: Inquisition. She is just a total bitch to everyone in that game.
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