Witcher 3 map vs HoS expansion map

Witcher 3 map vs HoS expansion map

I have bought and installed HoS expansion before finishing main line of Witcher 3. And now I have a feeling that maps shows me locations from both: Witcher 3 original and expansion. But I would like first to finish all the sidequests from original game (including various random locations, like bandits camps, hidden treasures etc.) and only then start exploring what is from expansion.
Can I find comparison what is added in maps with expansion? I managed to find some, but it shows only Novigrad area (Skelige is not included). And I'm not sure if Skelige is not affected by expansion.
And I'm not sure if Skelige is not affected by expansion.
Skellige is unaffected by Hearts of Stone: There is no new content in Skellige. Quests from the expansion will appear in your quest log with a blue indication that they are from HoS. The new area of the map is an addition to the east of Novigrad and Oxenfurt. (Unfortunately, I don't have an exact comparison map on hand.)
the comparisons you've found show novigrad region only because the new content is located only in that region, right from novigrad
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