Witcher 3 music bug

- Weird/rare music bug -
Hello, i've encountered an annoying bug concerning combat music in The Witcher 3. All combat tracks in the Velen/Novigrad region seem to have been replaced by the White Orchard combat music (
). This even affects scripted/boss combat themes, such as during the fight with Olgierd or against the Ophieri mage. Ambient music and combat music in Skellige isnt affected. Restarting/Reloading doesnt solve the problem. Edit.: Neither does fasttraveling to other regions.
Any ideas how to solve this? Help would be highly appreciated.
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We'll need a bit more about the situation before it's possible to offer any sort of help:

1.) What platform are you on?

2.) If on PC, are you using any mods, or have you ever used any in the past?

3.) When did the problem first manifest?

4.) If you back up your saves and begin a new game, Geralt Level 1, does the issue occur?
We'll need a bit more about the situation before it's possible to offer any sort of help:

1.) What platform are you on?

2.) If on PC, are you using any mods, or have you ever used any in the past?

3.) When did the problem first manifest?

4.) If you back up your saves and begin a new game, Geralt Level 1, does the issue occur?
Nevermind, thanks to you I checked all available savefiles and found out the problem actually occured way earlier than I expected, specifically after finishing a mod quest called "Little Sisters" (https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/5178?tab=description). Deleted the mod-file and it got fixed.

Thank you very much :D
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