Would like to see the conflict with the Baron's men fleshed out more

Would like to see the conflict with the Baron's men fleshed out more

After the Baron's story is resolved, I would like to see some kind of payback or final conflict with the Baron's men after they go dark. I know that this game is all about bad things happen and you can't always fix it, but it would be nice to at least have something you can do to the Baron's right hand man after he tells you "this is the new way things are around here."

It doesn't have to be killing all of them, but it would be nice to at least put that guy in his place. It just so happens in my current game that it played out nicely in that at least I had the fist fight with him after he said that and kicked his ass.
a lot of things are unfinished in the game as well the underwater , content the act 3 the post game, etc
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