Cyberpunk 2077 User Reviews & Impressions

My review would just be an iteration of what so many already has said.

The game is flawed beyond redemption. Maybe future DLC will fix this, but then it will no longer be the same game.

The biggest fault though, is the story-gameplay interaction. You are on a timer, but have to wait (or do repetitive quick jobs) to continue side quests? This is counter intuitive, and just plain stupid...

List of faults (In no specific order):
Bullet sponge enemies - This is due to game mechanics where perks are used instead of skills (a topic in itself).
Food/drink is the same - Different inventory items with the same effects.
Junk is not always junk - Which too is a topic in itself due to the broken crafting system.
One ending regardless of player choice - Nothing really matters and kills replayability, which is even more stupid than the story-gameplay fault above since you have to play the game over and over again to understand how to play it.

3/5 - And that is with two bonus pionts due to level of world details and the fantastic world Night City is.
Praise and suggestions

PC version:

Sure, there are bugs. But they will be cleared up, and (PC version) they are only occasionally annoying, but in comparison to the wonderful, gigantic, dystopian virtual world, they are not worth mentioning.
Thank you CD Project Red for creating such a complex, huge end-time world with such an exciting and branching story. You can't really imagine how such a gigantic map with infinite possibilities, dynamic action development and so many details can be programmed at all.
Wow. After a few hours of play, you really get the feeling of living in Night City.
Shouldn't it be clear that when developing something like this, bugs are inevitable?!? Anyone who does not get this point does not understand at all how much work and passion has gone into this project!

The only thing you can blame CDPR for is the hasty release - that is probably what caused most of the bugs in the first place.
And, much worse, some magical game content - like the monorail system - was not completed.

This game is in a way the worthy successor to "Blade Runner" from 1996 in terms of the atmosphere in the game and will remain unmatched for years.

CDPR, just do us a favor:

In the coming months and patches, finish the game as planned. Including the monorail system. The game deserves it.

And implements a function to save the created character of your own V.
So that at any time, for example, the game can be restarted with the created character.
It grows fond of you and the identification with the character is one of the essential elements that make the game so fascinating.


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LGBTQ+ representation and handling, and some very basic core issues.

I'm pretty sure that this games community issues is not a top shelf concern for the majority of players, and that's frankly the same as real life.... and it's pretty sad that a company who expressed themselves able to handle said nature of topics such as trans and sexual tone in a game are so blatently bad at it, and it's not even hard to treat this community with some time and energy if it's something you've advertised, ingame, and out. The games bugs don't bug me, it's the game's lack of immersion, lack of variety in characters/actors, that really dissapoint. Below is hopefully a brief personal window into the things i'm addressing, and yes I'm likely going to miss some things, everyone does... but at least I have a few things nailed down.

RIght at the start of character creation, i've got to identify V as male or female (no other pronouns) attached to the way their voice will sound. As a trans woman who is done fucking with her voice, having a sometimes deep voice shouldn't be an indication of my gender identity, they are seperate. Also, don't need to dig deep into the game to constantly be reminded that basically everything is binary, almost everyone is cis gendered, and that the prostitutes are never changing and also fill that binary issue. The advertisement had my hopes up of being a very "gender is a thing of norm now" and that I could run into many people who weren't cis, or representation of any variables... but no.

This is not to mention the whole game is a s*** show of bugs, featurless scapes of venders who you can't sit at and chat while eating, pleasure palaces or places you can just go and relax and enjoy anything immersive, this shallow husk of a game is, not done, and poorly implemented, terrible main story that is just to the point of convoluted for the sake of it, and no g** damn net running... wth?

I am struggling to find reasons to not ask for a refund. I feel like my expectations were low to begin with, and that the campaign or "issues" with things such as the advert for a drink in game with a sexualized trans person was a sign of good things. Almost every handling of lgbtq representation is like a hug while being stabbed in the back. I played the heck out of this game, I truely felt like if I just played through it, that I'd find that it wasn't that bad, or that there were things that really bespoke for the community... but all i really got was npcs caught up in some binary attraction grid based on bodyparts and not hearts, a transwoman bent on vengence that really didn't need to actually out herself as it wasn't related to the story arc and thus shallow backfilling for trans people, and that representation was boderline villian so cool.

Solutions? maybe don't become so attatched to shareholders.... or you know... simple stuff would be nice... how about

- seperate the gender identity from the voice tone so they are seperate
- have the pleasure dolls on an algerithim to just change up everything, like a random character generator, give us some prostitutes with various body types and parts
- let us build thick, chubby, bulky body types?
- stop gating a single players experience to romance characters by body types or parts, or identity, its a fantasy game, why not have it so we can romance who we think is cool, and if they like how we choose our options lets us? This is just bonkers... it isn't even a hard one.

The other game stuff that dissapoints, but like here is some basic suggestions that erk me crazy

- food vendors... let us eat there, eat the bbq, or the shrimp, noodles whatever, and like let us skim through a phone or talk with the vendor (going to a shrimp bbq and given a menu that doesn't have anything shrimp is a big slap in the immersion face)
- get someone to script actual ai for driving, and like walking... open world games have been around for over a decade so this shouldn't be a hard thing
- gang rep, and actual gang threat, where is this? I heard we were going to have factions in low standing send hit vans and stuff... so maybe add that?
- dance clubs, heaven hotel, all these things... please let us interact with them more than a blink for the narrative
- braindances, give us brain dances outside of missions or main story
- NET RUNNING, all throughout the game i've saved or killed or stopped netrunners, why can't we be one, do that?
- this list could go on, i'm sure the forums have PLENTY to say, even dare I suspect suggest kindly... so yeah.

In closing, i'm heartbroken, a digital world that's all about saying f*** you to the corporations is in fact a big f*** you to it's communities... I'm tired. I've been wondering how to express myself, make a youtube rant video, get a refund, scream through the streets while running naked. I'm just tired of being supremely lied to by corporations... I wanted better from CDPR, and this rant, or whatever is just a byproduct of me clinging out to something I want to believe in, i'm done with bethesda, or the other major publishers, and this is the second last game i've preordered. I purchased Valheim simply due to being able to see a friend show me it, and I am gambling on it, it's an example of an early access game that simply is polished enough for release, simple, polished, within the scope of their team, something I can get behind. If anyone from CDPR reads this, please note, i've bothered to write this out several times, varying degrees, and i've finally decided to send something to you, and that I truly look for more champions for LGBTQ+ communities and just good f***ing games.

Hello all,

I'm one of the dummies that bought into the hype and purchased this game pretty close after release (and even pre-ordered it for a friend as a birthday gift.. sheesh).

I've played for maybe one hour before I stopped and today I'm gonna explain why. To start with, I love the setting of this game, I love the city, I love the design of the weapons and cars and most everything in the game. All those things are up to the standard set by The Witcher 3 (which I consider a masterpiece).

But then I started playing and everything fell apart. After the intro (and montage of Jackie and me doing cool stuff that I wasn't allowed to partake in), I finally was allowed entrance to the city. I had already seen some worrying signs in the intro (pistols walking one way, Jackie another, stuff like that), but those I could live with.

Instead of going with Jackie to the Ripperdoc (first mission), I decided to look at the city first (boy, are those first impressions pretty!).. and immediately I was struck by jitter. Let me show you:

In the top left corner is a zoomed in part of the screen. The entire screen is covered in these crawling dots, it looks way worse when you move. The entire screen is crawling with this jitter effect. When I turned off Screen Space Reflections it looked like this:

The jitter is gone but so are a lot of the reflections, unfortunately.

Anyhow, I pressed on. I walked a short distance and got onto a freeway next to where you start and this is what I see:

Cars slowly loading in high-res models, unloading car models from a simple look away (notice how the red sedan turns into a yellow truck) and drivers not reacting to anything I do (I took the gif standing on top of another car that had just stopped in the middle of the road).

This is where I decided to not continue playing. It's just too much for me, too much immersion-breaking stuff going on.

Like this:

No splash from shooting the water, no splash and hitting the ground beneath the water when trying to punch the surface.

Objects popping in and out of existence.

Bodies (both alive and dead) clipping through things, street vendors that can't be interacted with (he stayed in that position for the rest of the game).

All these endless locked doors. I didn't manage to find a single openable door (except to my own apartment) the entire hour I played!

I will play through this game at some point, but I have to say that it irked me seeing the "Our Commitment to Quality" video and that Martin guy telling us how proud he is of the PC version and that he and his team hadn't seen a lot of the things players were reporting. That is an outright lie. It is impossible to play this game without seeing these bugs, no matter the system (I use a Ryzen 7 2700X, Geforce GTX 1080Ti, 32GB 3600Mhz RAM, Samsung 970 Evo 1TB M.2 SSD system btw).

After reading these forums for a while I fear this game has much deeper problems than what my brief introduction showed (game systems not working as they should, missing story pieces, no interactivity, etc.). We will see what time and patches will bring.

And that's my story. Feel free to tell me yours in this thread.
Hard to blame you.
To be honest I'am not convinced that these kind of issues will be fixed at any point by CDPR... but who knows ?

CP2077 doesn't deserve so much attention, just play some other games - after CP i've played NieR Automata and that was absolutely amazing game, now waiting for Replicant :)
Thanks for sharing. Those screen space reflection dots are in my game too and very puzzling. It's worse at lower SSR settings, so I think it has to do with the reflection resolution matching up with ground textures. It's terrible at night on pavement.

I have a 3080 and play with RT on, but I'd like to play with RT off to get higher frame rates. I can't because the "ground glitter" is just too distracting. It goes away if you turn off SSR, but then everything looks pretty flat.
Hello all,

I'm one of the dummies that bought into the hype and purchased this game pretty close after release (and even pre-ordered it for a friend as a birthday gift.. sheesh).

I've played for maybe one hour before I stopped and today I'm gonna explain why. To start with, I love the setting of this game, I love the city, I love the design of the weapons and cars and most everything in the game. All those things are up to the standard set by The Witcher 3 (which I consider a masterpiece).

But then I started playing and everything fell apart. After the intro (and montage of Jackie and me doing cool stuff that I wasn't allowed to partake in), I finally was allowed entrance to the city. I had already seen some worrying signs in the intro (pistols walking one way, Jackie another, stuff like that), but those I could live with.

Instead of going with Jackie to the Ripperdoc (first mission), I decided to look at the city first (boy, are those first impressions pretty!).. and immediately I was struck by jitter. Let me show you:

In the top left corner is a zoomed in part of the screen. The entire screen is covered in these crawling dots, it looks way worse when you move. The entire screen is crawling with this jitter effect. When I turned off Screen Space Reflections it looked like this:

The jitter is gone but so are a lot of the reflections, unfortunately.

Anyhow, I pressed on. I walked a short distance and got onto a freeway next to where you start and this is what I see:

Cars slowly loading in high-res models, unloading car models from a simple look away (notice how the red sedan turns into a yellow truck) and drivers not reacting to anything I do (I took the gif standing on top of another car that had just stopped in the middle of the road).

This is where I decided to not continue playing. It's just too much for me, too much immersion-breaking stuff going on.

Like this:

No splash from shooting the water, no splash and hitting the ground beneath the water when trying to punch the surface.

Objects popping in and out of existence.

Bodies (both alive and dead) clipping through things, street vendors that can't be interacted with (he stayed in that position for the rest of the game).

All these endless locked doors. I didn't manage to find a single openable door (except to my own apartment) the entire hour I played!

I will play through this game at some point, but I have to say that it irked me seeing the "Our Commitment to Quality" video and that Martin guy telling us how proud he is of the PC version and that he and his team hadn't seen a lot of the things players were reporting. That is an outright lie. It is impossible to play this game without seeing these bugs, no matter the system (I use a Ryzen 7 2700X, Geforce GTX 1080Ti, 32GB 3600Mhz RAM, Samsung 970 Evo 1TB M.2 SSD system btw).

After reading these forums for a while I fear this game has much deeper problems than what my brief introduction showed (game systems not working as they should, missing story pieces, no interactivity, etc.). We will see what time and patches will bring.

And that's my story. Feel free to tell me yours in this thread.
Those are only some of the problems.
I have bigger problems like gaming running at sub 20 FPS outside.
Textures are not loading making objects, cars, NPC look like abstract paintings.
Texture flickering, texture popping.
Bodies falling out of the sky.
T pose on NPCs.
Cars going through solid things in the world.
F button not working on opening doors and picking things up or putting something on the floor. You have to jump several time for F button top appear and being able to continue a mission.
Frequent crashes (in the hundreds-flatline error) in few hours(~10h) of playing the game.
Car on crashes would get stuck in the car it crashed into.
Falling into the map.
Lips not synching or not moving at all.
Rain is bugged.
Hair not loading while on bike.
I can only imagine how many bugs i would have encountered if i would have played all the game for 50 h or more.
Police teleporting like Star Trek style even while in buildings.
Some of the cars drive horrible like skating on ice.

Reminds me of Fallout 76.
This release is a joke and an embarrassment.
Those are only some of the problems.
I have bigger problems like gaming running at sub 20 FPS outside.
Textures are not loading making objects, cars, NPC look like abstract paintings.
Texture flickering, texture popping.
Bodies falling out of the sky.
T pose on NPCs.
Cars going through solid things in the world.
F button not working on opening doors and picking things up or putting something on the floor. You have to jump several time for F button top appear and being able to continue a mission.
Frequent crashes (in the hundreds-flatline error) in few hours of playing the game.
Car on crashes would get stuck in the car it crashed into.
Falling into the map.
Lips not synching or not moving at all.
Rain is bugged.
Hair not loading while on bike.
I can only imagine how many bugs i would have encountered if i would have played all the game for 50 h or more.

PS4 I guess ?
I'm a bit surprised performance is still that bad, I had seen videos comparing 1.02 to 1.10 on that console and it seemed to run and look significantly better o_O
And that's my story. Feel free to tell me yours in this thread.

My story is almost the same. But I liked the setting and the characters so much that I gritted my teeth and played it to the very end. It was both amazing and frustrating experience.

I also have the same issues with SSR (it looks terrible!), annoying spawning and despawning of vehicles etc. And, as Enrique said, I do not think that CDPR will fix all these problems.

BTW, be glad you didn't try to kill some civilians. You avoided not so pleasant introduction to all these infamous "wanted system" mechanics. Lucky you. ;)

Lips not synching or not moving at all.

This one is soooo annoying. I play on PC. Most of the NPCs in the streets do not use their lips while talking.
Those are only some of the problems.
I have bigger problems like gaming running at sub 20 FPS outside.
Textures are not loading making objects, cars, NPC look like abstract paintings.
Texture flickering, texture popping.
Bodies falling out of the sky.
T pose on NPCs.
Cars going through solid things in the world.
F button not working on opening doors and picking things up or putting something on the floor. You have to jump several time for F button top appear and being able to continue a mission.
Frequent crashes (in the hundreds-flatline error) in few hours(~10h) of playing the game.
Car on crashes would get stuck in the car it crashed into.
Falling into the map.
Lips not synching or not moving at all.
Rain is bugged.
Hair not loading while on bike.
I can only imagine how many bugs i would have encountered if i would have played all the game for 50 h or more.
Police teleporting like Star Trek style even while in buildings.
Some of the cars drive horrible like skating on ice.

Reminds me of Fallout 76.
This release is a joke and an embarrassment.
To be honest, I also ran into a lot more bugs than what I mentioned in the first post (falling through the map, slow texture loading, slow world loading, the dreaded T-pose, F button not working and so on). I just didn't catch them on camera, so to speak.

But about the low fps problem; I followed a guide that I found on Eurogamer that gave me respectable frames:

Maybe it will help you too?
Post automatically merged:

BTW, be glad you didn't try to kill some civilians. You avoided not so pleasant introduction to all these infamous "wanted system" mechanics. Lucky you. ;)
Actually.. I did. And it was sooo bad. I accidentally ran over a pair of pedestrians and got that introduction message about police chasing you. I pressed C to continue and my car continued to roll and a cop spawned directly in front of it.. and I accidentally ran over the cop too!

I drove away and they didn't chase me and ten seconds later all was forgiven. Two civilians and one cop dead and they forgave me. Night City is a forgiving place!
To be honest, I also ran into a lot more bugs than what I mentioned in the first post (falling through the map, slow texture loading, slow world loading, the dreaded T-pose, F button not working and so on). I just didn't catch them on camera, so to speak.

But about the low fps problem; I followed a guide that I found on Eurogamer that gave me respectable frames:

Maybe it will help you too?
I was able to play at 720p at 20-30 FPS after many tweaks and windows optimization.
But the game look so bad on my 40" 1080p TV and the bugs, crashes and the mediocre gameplay(useless perks, loot; looking like a clown(changing your outfit more often then u blink), bad AI making the combat boring, immersion breaking cuz of AI, lack of interactivity, poor physics) made me stop.
We got this turd instead of another awesome Witcher game.
How to shoot yourself in the foot.
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Those are only some of the problems.
I have bigger problems like gaming running at sub 20 FPS outside.
Textures are not loading making objects, cars, NPC look like abstract paintings.
Texture flickering, texture popping.
Bodies falling out of the sky.
T pose on NPCs.
Cars going through solid things in the world.
F button not working on opening doors and picking things up or putting something on the floor. You have to jump several time for F button top appear and being able to continue a mission.
Frequent crashes (in the hundreds-flatline error) in few hours(~10h) of playing the game.
Car on crashes would get stuck in the car it crashed into.
Falling into the map.
Lips not synching or not moving at all.
Rain is bugged.
Hair not loading while on bike.
I can only imagine how many bugs i would have encountered if i would have played all the game for 50 h or more.
Police teleporting like Star Trek style even while in buildings.
Some of the cars drive horrible like skating on ice.
I have 5 old years PC (some parts below required minimum like graphic card), almost all low setting, excluding density of crowd and some minior graphic options, but highest possible resolution. Not even one crash during 500 hours, some problems you mentioned are in game, but not really happen that often. It's pretty polished (more polished than any Bethesda or even Obsidian game like New Vegas)release of game for me.
But game started to act more buggy when i turned on some xtra options, medium quality. Maybe you should start with lowest possible setting and then start to look where you can improve some options, because 20 FPS is not normal even for 4 years old PC.
When I turn on ultra for photo mode, it's like 5-10 fps...and my pc is upgraded with some RAM for example, but it's ancient.
I have 5 old years PC (some parts below required minimum like graphic card), almost all low setting, excluding density of crowd and some minior graphic options, but highest possible resolution. Not even one crash during 500 hours, some problems you mentioned are in game, but not really happen that often. It's pretty polished (more polished than any Bethesda or even Obsidian game like New Vegas)release of game for me.
But game started to act more buggy when i turned on some xtra options, medium quality. Maybe you should start with lowest possible setting and then start to look where you can improve some options, because 20 FPS is not normal even for 4 years old PC.
When I turn on ultra for photo mode, it's like 5-10 fps...and my pc is upgraded with some RAM for example, but it's ancient.
Trust me i spend many hours tweaking the game, the settings, windows 10 and many other stuff. No help.
Waiting on patch 1.2. Maybe through some miracle there will be some significant improvements.
But doubt it since they said they are proud with pc version.
Post automatically merged:

My story is almost the same. But I liked the setting and the characters so much that I gritted my teeth and played it to the very end. It was both amazing and frustrating experience.

I also have the same issues with SSR (it looks terrible!), annoying spawning and despawning of vehicles etc. And, as Enrique said, I do not think that CDPR will fix all these problems.

BTW, be glad you didn't try to kill some civilians. You avoided not so pleasant introduction to all these infamous "wanted system" mechanics. Lucky you. ;)

This one is soooo annoying. I play on PC. Most of the NPCs in the streets do not use their lips while talking.
"This one is soooo annoying. I play on PC. Most of the NPCs in the streets do not use their lips while talking."
So immerse breaking.
Together with textures not loading on NPC, objects, cars makes the game basically unplayable.
The cars changing on screen sounds more like a performance problem, because usually they do this while they are NOT on the screen. So i think the mechanic is working to slowly on your computer or something.

All in all its a question about tolerance vs acceptance for wasted money. Are you able to tolerate the bugs enough to still squish the minimum of fun out of the game you purchased or do you accept that it is a total waste of your money.
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PS4 I guess ?
I'm a bit surprised performance is still that bad, I had seen videos comparing 1.02 to 1.10 on that console and it seemed to run and look significantly better o_O

I would not assume that. Other than the low frame rates, I have experienced every issue listed and I have a PC with a 3080, i7-9700k @ 5Ghz, and 32GB of 3600MHz RAM.
Hello all,

I'm one of the dummies that bought into the hype and purchased this game pretty close after release (and even pre-ordered it for a friend as a birthday gift.. sheesh).

I've played for maybe one hour before I stopped and today I'm gonna explain why. To start with, I love the setting of this game, I love the city, I love the design of the weapons and cars and most everything in the game. All those things are up to the standard set by The Witcher 3 (which I consider a masterpiece).

But then I started playing and everything fell apart. After the intro (and montage of Jackie and me doing cool stuff that I wasn't allowed to partake in), I finally was allowed entrance to the city. I had already seen some worrying signs in the intro (pistols walking one way, Jackie another, stuff like that), but those I could live with.

Instead of going with Jackie to the Ripperdoc (first mission), I decided to look at the city first (boy, are those first impressions pretty!).. and immediately I was struck by jitter. Let me show you:

In the top left corner is a zoomed in part of the screen. The entire screen is covered in these crawling dots, it looks way worse when you move. The entire screen is crawling with this jitter effect. When I turned off Screen Space Reflections it looked like this:

The jitter is gone but so are a lot of the reflections, unfortunately.

Anyhow, I pressed on. I walked a short distance and got onto a freeway next to where you start and this is what I see:

Cars slowly loading in high-res models, unloading car models from a simple look away (notice how the red sedan turns into a yellow truck) and drivers not reacting to anything I do (I took the gif standing on top of another car that had just stopped in the middle of the road).

This is where I decided to not continue playing. It's just too much for me, too much immersion-breaking stuff going on.

Like this:

No splash from shooting the water, no splash and hitting the ground beneath the water when trying to punch the surface.

Objects popping in and out of existence.

Bodies (both alive and dead) clipping through things, street vendors that can't be interacted with (he stayed in that position for the rest of the game).

All these endless locked doors. I didn't manage to find a single openable door (except to my own apartment) the entire hour I played!

I will play through this game at some point, but I have to say that it irked me seeing the "Our Commitment to Quality" video and that Martin guy telling us how proud he is of the PC version and that he and his team hadn't seen a lot of the things players were reporting. That is an outright lie. It is impossible to play this game without seeing these bugs, no matter the system (I use a Ryzen 7 2700X, Geforce GTX 1080Ti, 32GB 3600Mhz RAM, Samsung 970 Evo 1TB M.2 SSD system btw).

After reading these forums for a while I fear this game has much deeper problems than what my brief introduction showed (game systems not working as they should, missing story pieces, no interactivity, etc.). We will see what time and patches will bring.

And that's my story. Feel free to tell me yours in this thread.

Excellent post!!

I went a bit further than you in my first playthrough, 5 hours or so, then I put it down. I play on Xbox One X and between the lag, wonky graphics and audio, being kicked from the game to the Xbox dashboard, it was just too much.

The game world looks great, as you mention, but it also feels like zombie-land, and a bad zombie=land to boot. If you stand in one spot long enough the same AI will walk by and do the same thing, exactly the same thing. They don't move, talk, or do anything resembling "normal".

I played other games until patch 1.11 came out, at which point I jumped back into the game with a new character. I finished the game with very little issue and it turned out to be so much fun I immediately started another character to see how the story played out differently. I only got about 1/3rd through the story when I realized something I don't want to say here but you've probably heard about it, the story and the character types I'm talking about.

I loved the weapon-play and the options available to modify them. The cybernetics were awesome and my first playthrough I went exclusive intelligence/quick hack and it served me very well. My 2nd playthrough I wanted to go mainly with max health and stealth, that hasn't worked out well so far.

I too was so pissed when I heard the excuses coming from CDPR's executives and that they weren't aware of the problems across all the systems prior to release. Then when they came out and said they WERE AWARE but released it anyway, all I wanted to do was get my money back. In the end I decided to just let the game sit on my HDD and wait. Pre-orders for games should be outlawed at this point. Nobody should give any of these game companies a cent anymore until the games are available as a demo right before the scheduled release. PC and console buying platforms need to be modified to allow no questions asked returns of games (digital) within the first 72 hours post purchase, or some reasonable timeframe. To me, what CDPR did with the release of the game was nothing short of criminal. I wonder what these companies do wrt QA/testing, if anything. I'm personally sick of game companies and the proliferation of "games as a service".
The cars changing on screen sounds more like a performance problem, because usually they do this while they are NOT on the screen. So i think the mechanic is working to slowly on your computer or something.
That's exactly what OP showed in the video. Cars are swapped (spawned and despawned) "NOT on the screen". It happens when you turn your head around. This is not a performance problem. It was designed that way. The game does not keep track of models (vehicles) out of player's sight and completely removes them from memory.
I would not assume that. Other than the low frame rates, I have experienced every issue listed and I have a PC with a 3080, i7-9700k @ 5Ghz, and 32GB of 3600MHz RAM.

I guess you mean the problems mentionned by the original poster.

I was actually referring to the post by "sL3nd3rmAnn" who mentions a lot of more serious problems like he can't even reach 20 fps.
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