Witcher 3 DLC

I want it exactly how they did it in TW2. Couple of small additions here & there that come out with patches, then some kind of Enhanced Edition with a few extra reasonably sized missions & whatever else they decide to add.

I would prefer a release that is as close to perfect as possible & then if they receive feedback about certain aspects of the Game like they did with The Witcher 2, add some stuff in for free.

I know everyone here is in love with CDPR & would be willing to throw their money at anything CDPR does, but really you have to remember that that is exactly the kind of mindset that is why companies like EA & Activision etc are doing the shit they do now. They didn't start with the shitty DLC & attempts to nickle & dime people, they took their time until they had hordes of mindless drones who would buy anything they created & then went full Evil.
CDPR are a company like any other, I know we want to wish the best for them, but the more Drones out there who will buy literally anything they create without a second thought, then the more they might start heading in a bad direction.
Either way, whatever CDPR decides, payed or free DLCs or Expansion Packs ... I'm swiping that plastic VISA bit*h without thinking !

Also, CDPR what are you waiting with W3 Collectors Edition announcement?

C'mon CDPR, I need money reserved for this masterpiece. This time Collectors Edition will be mine.

I was late for W2 CE, but this time I'm on stand by !
Why are add-ons called DLCs? The term is pretty weird and not descriptive. Sounds like one of those blank business terms. Rather than adding more content to the finished game (which takes time and resources), I'd prefer CDPR to direct their efforts on porting Witcher 3 to Linux, so Linux users would be able to play it to begin with.

DLC back on the days are content added to games months after release to maintain an active community and get bored players back into the game. Now they just rob you of your money creating an incomplete game with pre-order DLCs.
I don't worry. DLC(or expansions or whatever you call it) by CDPR's account mean its included to anyone who bought the game. Love 'em! Hat off to one of the best and generous devs ever! :hatsoff:
Let's not get greedy here, if an addon is bigger than the actual game that means the game is either unfinished or shit for a lack of a better word. My idea of W3 DLC is a relatively long side quest that lets you explore areas not included in the vanilla game. They nailed it with the 2 added quests in the EE in Loc Muine, they felt a bit short tho.
I'd love to visit the elves' (of the wild hunt) world, although I suspect that's already in the game.
I would be fine with paying for DLC as long as its worth the money. If its something as small as a couple of skins for X amount of $ then no. I would be willing to pay for dlc in comparison to skyrims dlc which added quests, plots, and new items.

It would also be really cool if they could actually add new landmass to the actual map with dlc instead of having scripted instances like skyrim/fallout dlc.
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No problem. The only thing that I am even more curious about is if there will be any free dlc upon launch. At some point TW3 will be done and ready to be printed and shipped, that might mean a tasty day 1 snack similar to Troll Trouble.
Troll Trouble was only "DLC" that you got from registering the game online. A policy they eventually went back on. Free DLC on launch is just another word for: "We released this too soon"
Paid DLC on launch is either "Our art team got bored" which is fine or "We're scumbags and cut stuff out of the game. Screw you!" which is getting to be the norm in this genre.
I would love to see more games that are featur & content complete on launch.
I hope CDPR will stick to "fixing/adjusting" the game and release an enhanced edition (if necessary) FIRST.
After that I could see myself paying for a mini-expansion:
- as long as it adds something meaningful to the whole game that is interwoven with its main storylines
I wont pay for minigames and a few sidequests.
Troll Trouble was only "DLC" that you got from registering the game online. A policy they eventually went back on. Free DLC on launch is just another word for: "We released this too soon"
Paid DLC on launch is either "Our art team got bored" which is fine or "We're scumbags and cut stuff out of the game. Screw you!" which is getting to be the norm in this genre.

The difference is that CD Projekt won't ask money for smaller dlc's and their team having some time to catch their breath after TW3 has gone gold may result in something small on release.
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