The Joke Thread

Marriage noun \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\

: Betting someone half of your shit that you will love them forever.
"I saw that. Brick killed a guy."
"Did you throw a trident?"
"Yeaa. There were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident."
"Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself safe house, or a relative close by, lay low for a while - because you're probably wanted for murder."
Oh I did @wichat! ^_^ I rarely venture into Community threads but when I do I always find something interesting, like this thread. Have a couple of more pages to read in it but I had to stop yesterday.
You see I laughed so hard because of jokes I got a headache. ^_^
Can't wait to contribute myself. ^_^
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