AC/Far Cry "Tower mechanics" in TW3

Rather than looking at a map and coming to conclusions, it makes more sense to listen to the guy who was in part of the "Living World" team ;)

I agree... I'm generally quite weary when developers claim their world/NPCs are "dynamic", but from what I've hear and read about Wild Hunts AI and NPC systems, they seam quite a bit more complex then the systems employed in other open world games like Far Cry. Take, for an example, the organic cycle of attraction they implemented for monster/animal behaviour: Herbs/plants attract sheep/deer, those attracts wolves and bears, dead animals/humans attract monsters based on how long they are dead, etc. Mix in the ramifications of quests, and they possibilities go through the roof...
I absolutely hate that in FC/AC games, it's just super repetitive and serves to "pad" out the game.

Hopefully TW3 , if it does have thing slike that, are varied and it's not literally "go to point a, clear monsters, villagers fill up town, rinse and repeat 20+ times doing the same thing over and over and over.
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