What in the f*ck project rekt!!!!!???

What in the f*ck project rekt!!!!!???

I wanted to try the redkit and install some mods, now this was my first time EVER playing the witcher two and loved it! But it didnt say anything about deleting my save files and im fucking furious!!!! i wasted 40 hours into this game explored everything did a shit ton of side quests and because i update the game it deletes my save file!!!!!!!!!!!!?? WTF!!! Really not interested in doing it all again, i cant even describe how pissed off i am right now. WHY!!!!!?? WTF

---------- Updated at 01:35 AM ----------

I installed version 3.4 and my saves are gone this is some serious bullshit!!!!
I've no idea what you're talking about, but maybe you could calm down a little and explain in more detail? Which mod did you install? This isn't something that normally happens.
The only way it would have deleted save files is if you uninstalled and specified you did not want to keep save files when uninstalling. Another possibility is that you are not running the game as the same user. Saves are kept under your Documents folder, and each user has his own.

Check your Documents\Witcher 2\gamesaves folder.
Ok i aplogize for the language, my blood was boiling at the time of me typing. I went to the redkit website provided through the popup thing before the game runs, it has options such as launch game and thewitcher.com and such,as well as the redkit mod. Out of curiousity i clicked the redkit link and it said in order to install mods i needed to run version 3.4. well the redkit launcher was always unavailable so i figured i needed to update through the redkit website to install it and put on some cool mods. After installing version 3.4 i excitetedly ran the game to try and defeat the kayran in flotsom but to my surprise my saves were gone. Why did this happen im still upset but not as bad as when it happened. Again i apologize for the language i was pretty pissed off.

---------- Updated at 11:29 AM ----------

and i just checked my documents and sadly the saves are gone :(
Would the save have been good anyway going from an earlier version to 3.4?

I'd have restarted to be on the safe side anyway. Assassin of Kings isn't a horribly long game. Usually only takes a long weekend for a playthrough, being fairly thorough.
Would the save have been good anyway going from an earlier version to 3.4?

Depends on what the older version was. Any save from before 3.0 would cause problems, but they still shouldn't just disappear.

@jstiffler891 - you weren't playing on Insane mode, were you? That COULD get screwed up if you upgraded mid-game.
I would be furious to, but that is the risk of modding when you don't know what your doing or you don't know what game files a mod is changing. Your best bet is to reverse the changes of the mod and try to see if the saved file exists outside of the running game. In the future you should look into making copies of the saved game before modding and moving them outside the game folder.

Its also possible, and even likely, that the save file is still in the game file. So you should try to locate it and you might be able to insert it into a new game download. There is also a chance that you did something incredibly stupid that most normal people cant fathom in which case I am sorry since witcher 2 is a great game.

If you are nice you might be able to make a friend on the Internet who can send you a save that is approximately around the same place, and you can insert it into the games save location.
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