Problem with the finisher moves

Problem with the finisher moves

This has been quite an annoyance for me since release.
Before I'll make my point keep in mind that I really love the finisher moves, they're great but...

Always after you decapitate someone his head turns into the same white bald head which is really weird and lazy.
This always happens even if they have helmets on or have hair, their heads just transform into the same head model.
Small HoS Spoiler here
Also happens when you decapitate the Ofeiri mage, his head just turn into this white bald one even tho he is dark skinned.
It's me nittpicking but it is annoying and also in the gameplay launch trailer (the one with the woman speaking similar to GTAV) you see Geralt decapitating a man with a helmet and you see his helmet flying off seperately, but in all my 300 hours playtime I've never had this happen and the head just magically transforms into the white bald head model.
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Well I had a similiar problem when trying a blood mod. All the blood turned pure white and that looked really stupid. So I guess you have some texture conflict with a mod, or some kind of install error.
I had strange texture problems on NPC`s which looked exactly like the infamous face bug of "Assassins Creed Unity" but after a clean new install with all patches and DLC`s everything was fine again :)
This is very noticable when you cut someone i half, especially when it's one of those really big skelligers, the head and upper body becomes a "standard shorthaired man". Really annoying!
Oh yeah I noticed that shortly after I started playing the game and gotta agree its a big mistake by CDPR.I wouldn't say its you nittpicking because in a game like Witcher 3 rich with details seeing something like this every time is really annoying and disappointing.
Yup, really noticing it at Whoreson's men too. I made a post about this on Reddit too but people did not understand what I meant.
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