360 version dead-corpses enemies disappear in front of you

360 version dead-corpses enemies disappear in front of you

I know is not posible for the 360 handle all dead corpses

but it will be good like in pc that the last soldier you kill dont disappear in front of you like the others,,, and stay with the ragdoll until you leave

it is posible a Title-Update to make this?


Forum veteran
gab961111 said:
The bodies are desapearing on pc too.

what? It gradually disappeared and not instantly until the last time I've seen which has been months around patch 1.3

please no
n4meless1 said:
No, kidbox360 is a crappy ten year old junk.. It just can't handle it.

It must kill you inside knowing that the Witcher 2 is releasing on a console ...

Anywho, it's not really a big deal.
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