Best card of each faction

What is your favorite or most unique card of each faction.

Mine are :

Skellige lippy gudmund. This card is great it allows you to replay your cards and works great with discard .

Monsters Gaels. This is my favorite card considering I play deathwish unseen elder. It can be really powerful but it gets removed easily, thats why I have ressurect in this deck. Some times I play play against big monsters Who doesnt have removal cards and I always can generate more points thanks to Gaels.

Northern realms foltest pride. Sadly it easily gets removed before making significant impact. i did once had 10 charges. It was beautiful.

Scoiatel Schiruu. Only powerful Scoiatel unit in my opinion. Works well with Eithne control.

Nilfgard Letho kingslayer. Great card which I include in all my Nilfgard decks.

Neutral Shupe days of. Great versatility but it got nerfed with Emhyr ability change, also huge requirments.
I've not much to say TBH. But I really like the Botchling for the North. Not very powerful, I know. But very annoying (for opponent), well balanced card that can be used for many different things.

Nilgaard, this is going to sound real stupid, but I like the 13 point knight card (Tibor Eggerbracht), especially in combination with "viper witchers". Just pulling out a random high value card from the enemy deck and summoning it random can be tremendously disturbing, while at the same time you put 13 points on the table. Countering the witchers, or putting point pressure on the opponent. I also really like false Ciri as a multipurpose card. Worthy mention: Peter Saar.

I've not played the other factions, but from what I have seen in the arena of the cards there I really like the consuming a card from the graveyard (ozzrel) of the monsters.

Scoia'Tael I quite like the Hawker Smuggler and Mahakam Defender. In the arena I had quite some fun with 2x smuggler cards and letho kingslayer. And one of the ST resilience cards as well.

I'm adding neutral: Geralt Yrden. I was thinking about this, but the card is actually quite versatile.
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Well Shiruu can still on base destroy an entire Thrive board turn 3, usually people equalize them to maximize thrive value and thus could lose to a Shiruu, in fact whenever I am making these plays it is the same feeling against Eithne as "Does my opponent have Igni/Geralt/Professional etc ?", it can be a complete blowout securing a round against a Nekker opener, returning after such a tempo loss is hardly an easy feat to accomplish and takes a lot of provisions yu might have to go above your opponent's curve to even get the chance of not losing the round right away.

Skellige would propably have the new Coral, given that Coral offers the most versatility of all Skellige cards, which is funny when you think about it, given that unlike Lippy it does not allow recovering and going above curve in terms of Provisions without necessarily being punished.
Coral offers versatility in running completely situational low provision cards with potential high payoff (D. Bomb, First Light, Spores etc.), while being able to cycle, being uninteruptable (I am not sure Pitfall Trap should count), whether or not you use those teched Special Cards you can still tempo with another 4 provision 2 point card in Sirmisher or even Morkvarg for a play up to 14 points with Bran synergy, that is equal to a Gernichora Old Speartip, which is a 15 provision card and not cycling through one's deck and beyond that Coral offers an engine for discarding Special Cards via Bran, Skald, Kambi, Birna and Iris' Companions (of which all but the least are stapples).
This shows an interesting idea of actually making Special cards without insane payoff (old Froth and Commanders Horn) playable, even if they are situational.
Not to mention that in case of an Eldain meta Skellige could easily tech White Frost without having to really deal with a potential dead card.

The best card of Northern Realms should obviously be a tie between Hubert Rejk and Anna Strenger, although from a design standpoint Hubert enables more decks and in an Adda deck can hardly hit value below 8-11, while Anna Strenger for Meve decks enables a lot of tempoing without needing fragile engines to survive, enabling boosting synergy, having the 2 generated points each turn not create a Geralt vulnerability distributing them rather well and also triggering synergy with cards like Tridam Infantry, which has to take the spot for least expensive engine in the game.

I am not too sure about Nilfgaard, however I would say it has to be a tie between Letho: Kingslayer, enabling a lot of synergies to be expanded on and Ceallach Dyffryn, being able to technicly making anything vulnerable, denying immunity, resilience and other kinds of attempts to cement points or engines.

In term of Monsters this is actually rather difficult to gauge, given that unlike other factions Monsters actually do have several archtypes that (unlike movement etc) are worth playing.

As for Neutral cards this might be very controversial, however I would say it is a tie between the forms of Geralt (excluding Aard) and Doppler, turning the primary category into an archtype of its own, having at least 1 piece to begin with.
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wait, so this thread is
"What is your favorite or most unique card of each faction. "
I assumed a mixture between having a deep impact in one way or another, while being somewhat to very unique and enabling decks using said faction.
Hello, my favourite cards for each faction (if I really have to chose only one per faction) are:
Scoia'tael ... Saesenthessis - You can not touch me, so I win.
Monsters ... Keltullis - I touch you, so you lose.
Northern Realms ... Bloody Baron - Does not matter whom I support, he ensures our win and your loss.
Nilfgaard ... Leo Bonhart - Your best unit is out of game.
Skellige ... Dagur Two Blades - I am the best unit in our game.
Honorable mention, Neutral ... Gimpy Gerwin - Glustyworp, in our 100 duels, you still did not manage to win even once.
NR - Draug - He is just such a cool unit that usually gets you much more value than his provision cost.

ST - Ele'yas - This is a card that I haven't seen anyone play but me. I use him in a Filavandrel deck and the effect when you play him looks so badass.

SK - Queensguard - Although they're completely different now, I really like their ability.

NG - Vilgefortz - I've always loved this card so much. I honestly like a lot of NG gold cards but if i had to pick one, it'd be him.

Monsters - Caranthir - His ability is just so cool and unique.
Strongest List:
NR: Botchling
NG: Assire
MO: Ozzrell
SK: Coral
ST: Milean

Favorite List
NR: Roche Merciless
NG: Also Assire
MO: Miruna
SK: Kambi
ST: Ele'yas
I think my favorite Monster card is Frightener. It's a great card to protect your thrive units. Or let's say, if they get destroyed, you get a 12 pt unit.
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