Check out Shupe's Holiday Bag o’ Kegs!

One post deleted. There's no need for rudeness.

Also, this thread is indeed turning into a discussion of keg drop rates rather than the News topic itself. Therefore, please continue the discussion in this thread.
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Can confirm after patch kegs weren't modified (in negative way) I didn't buy Holiday pack but I saved some kegs and got bunch of golds and bunch of new cards.

No one, especially not the greedy company as CDPR is here presented, would modify kegs so earned kegs give more than bought kegs.

Criticism after the patch is more than warranted but there is no need for conspiracy theories and attacking every single thing CDPR does as it muddies the waters.
Well i never consider any conspiracy. For me it's just extremly bad luck. And well that offer is not bad, still considering buying at least one pack. But damn knowing my lack in that 25 kegs i will get prob 1 legend, it's kinda scarry me. I wish once for first time getting like 10% legend drop so : 30 kegs - 3 leg would be awesome. And i saw many streamers opening live - some of them( not all) had so gg openings.

Edit : i like to add that finally i get my first legend from daylis (2nd Isengrim but whatever) instead of 15 ore or scraps or powder. I played since closed lvl50 and open lvl 68 now and that happened finally. (still didn't get even epic that way) :p
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I love how this has turned into a whole discussion of economics about scraps :p Damn we are all crazy! :D I love this xD

Anyway, the main problem is the lack of common cards I think. There is an immense amount of Rares, Epics and Legendaries, Legendaries in particular being more than Common and Rare combined. That's what can make you miscalculate the drop rates. The update added a lot more Epic and Legendaries than it did common and rare. I have a feeling that's what changed the formula (without being any sure, of course)
I imagine, if in the future we see a holiday bundle with a gaurenteed gold alongside 25 kegs and 500 powder people will loose this minds and their money.
WTF... 24.99 € for THIS? What more, when it is harder to find a new after-midinvaerne BRONZE card in the kegs than it was with the LEGENDARIES before the latest update? Have you really no shame to ask this much money of us? FYI in my country basic groceries for one week cost that much!

You're growing greedier & greedier aren't you?
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