Ciri Fan Art Thread

i got a question is a little silly but i gonna ask it anyway ok so i was researching stuff about the witcher and it universe and i stumbled with this key character Ciri i know she has gone the the Tirnalia world(or what ever it call) which is where the wild hunt live and they are a type of elve call aen elle something and since the leader of this elves need ciri to bear his child because of some prophecy thingy i was wondering?...

Is Ciri is willingly to do it ?? i mean is she still a virgin because i know their are like 3 o 4 guy who want to bang her to bear a prophecy child the leader of the aen elle try but couldn't lift it or some thing and i was wondering if she is that willingly???
i got a question is a little silly but i gonna ask it anyway ok so i was researching stuff about the witcher and it universe and i stumbled with this key character Ciri i know she has gone the the Tirnalia world(or what ever it call) which is where the wild hunt live and they are a type of elve call aen elle something and since the leader of this elves need ciri to bear his child because of some prophecy thingy i was wondering?...

Is Ciri is willingly to do it ?? i mean is she still a virgin because i know their are like 3 o 4 guy who want to bang her to bear a prophecy child the leader of the aen elle try but couldn't lift it or some thing and i was wondering if she is that willingly???

Ciri has been, well, not exactly willing, more like resigned to the prospect on a few occasions.
You're thinking of Auberon Muircetach, the former leader of the Wild Hunt, who was unable to perform and died of an aphrodisiac prepared by his successor, Eredin Breacc Glas. Ciri didn't fancy Eredin and gave him a thrashing as she escaped.
to be more accurate

she did fancy him but he was a massive racist dick. so they werent in the best of terms

Hm, i don't think that was the case. Sure she admired his slender elvish looks, but I doubt she fancied him. At that point she was really self conscious, her scar had a major part in this, and that's why one might think that her stance, could suggest her liking Auberon. She was more scared of him than anything else, and she thought of him as distant and cold, hardly likeable I believe. Also, curiosity has a large impact on such an occasion. I mean, the only men she had seen naked, were the Rats, and I doubt their bodies had anything in common, with that of Auberon.
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Oh no, dont get me wrong, when i mean fancy i mean merely physical attraction. She hated him because he treated her like crap. that said eredin atleast was honest towards her, told her his true feelings and told her the truth about avallach.
i got a question is a little silly but i gonna ask it anyway ok so i was researching stuff about the witcher and it universe and i stumbled with this key character Ciri i know she has gone the the Tirnalia world(or what ever it call) which is where the wild hunt live and they are a type of elve call aen elle something and since the leader of this elves need ciri to bear his child because of some prophecy thingy i was wondering?...

Is Ciri is willingly to do it ?? i mean is she still a virgin because i know their are like 3 o 4 guy who want to bang her to bear a prophecy child the leader of the aen elle try but couldn't lift it or some thing and i was wondering if she is that willingly???

Sorry guys English is not my first language so is a little hard to got to the point of what i'm trying to say ok i will be a more precise since no one have give a clear answer (thanks for answering anyway) here we go Is Ciri have sex with anyone or anything?? and were is suppose to have ciri her scar because i thought it was in like the chest or belly not in the face like some pic in show in this forum
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Sorry guys English is not my first language so is a little hard to got to the point of what i'm trying to say ok i will be a more precise since no one have give a clear answer (thanks for answering anyway) here we go Is Ciri have sex with anyone or anything?? and were is suppose to have ciri her scar because i thought it was in like the chest or belly not in the face like some pic in show in this forum

The scar is in the face.
According to Vysogota in the books: "starting from below her left eye socket, going toward her ear".

Sorry guys English is not my first language so is a little hard to got to the point of what i'm trying to say ok i will be a more precise since no one have give a clear answer (thanks for answering anyway) here we go Is Ciri have sex with anyone or anything??

She had sexual relations with Mistle.
Sorry guys English is not my first language so is a little hard to got to the point of what i'm trying to say ok i will be a more precise since no one have give a clear answer (thanks for answering anyway) here we go Is Ciri have sex with anyone or anything?? and were is suppose to have ciri her scar because i thought it was in like the chest or belly not in the face like some pic in show in this forum

Ciri has had sex with a woman named Mistle. And that's about it. Unless CDPR tells us something else.
Ohh Ok thank ...... nah i was just wondering that because i was on the witcher wikia and stumble with her as i was reading who she was and where does she come from i get to the part where she goes to Tirnalia and meet with this racist dick douche bag Elves Auberon Muircetach who just want her just to bear a prophecy child or something and in the wikia is not quite precise if the have fisical relationship that is when i start wondering this question
thanks for the answer
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No, although i did see it on /wtchr/

how intimate they got depends on your interpretation on what you read and your definition of sex. They did get really intimate and it could or could not be considered that they had sex. as for how i interpret that part, read it as auberon had begun to do the "deed" but was too impotent to finish it. so yes, to me they had sex.
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Ciri reminds me of a pirate there for some reason. That's a very nice drawing, though.

About the eyes: I don't know... Certainly, green eyes are more Ciri, but if you look at the drawing and forget it's Ciri, it may just be me, but blue eyes suit better.
For comparison, I modified it to have Green eyes instead of blue, in the most similar way as possible. Apologies of you dislike me doing so G and C, I'll remove it if you want me to.
Ciri reminds me of a pirate there for some reason. That's a very nice drawing, though.

About the eyes: I don't know... Certainly, green eyes are more Ciri, but if you look at the drawing and forget it's Ciri, it may just be me, but blue eyes suit better.
For comparison, I modified it to have Green eyes instead of blue, in the most similar way as possible. Apologies of you dislike me doing so G and C, I'll remove it if you want me to.

Darker or more detail to pupil. Looks awesome by the way.
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