Compensation for Midwinter Patch Fail

Compensation for Midwinter Patch Fail

No, not free kegs.

For many players, this season (if not the game as a whole) is truly ruined with unpleasant Dwarves Scoia'tael and partly Bear Skellige and some non-sense cards like Slave Driver. Some people gave a break until they are fixed and some quit entirely. I am one of the few people who still refuses to use that nauseating (to put it lightly)Dwarf deck and getting heavily penalised for not doing so and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this matter. Of course we are not the ones CDPR taking into consideration as long as people tick their hours in game but I won't be grinding my way to Rank 21 playing against mirrors all the time with a truly disgusting deck because of CDPR's admitted blunder.

"They apologised". So what?

A mere apology is not enough because there are many rewards I (and many others) would normally have, will be missing because of this patch. I'm not a top player, the most I got was R20 last season and reached top 250 for a day and that's about it. That's probably the highest I can ever get (even then I was complaining about Restore Skellige being OP. How naive...) but I refuse that most players that reached rank 21 this season got there with their own skill. CDPR should not be rewarding people for using broken decks and punishing who don't.

So what is a reasonable compensation for preventing all the fun and possible MMR we could have?

All players should be rewarded with all avatars exclusive to this season regardless of their rank if they played at least 10 ranked matches total this season.

This is the least you can do without any economical disadvantage. If anyone that has earned their rank rewards with their hard work (i.e grinding with autopilot dwarves) gets upset, I suggest to remove the MMR they earned with Dwarf deck to see if they really worth the rank. Deal?
I don't play dwarves and probably won't get to 18 this season. Stuck on 16 atm and doubt I'll get much higher. Not doing the crazy grind this season.
Compensation, really?

altaybek;n10295732 said:
I refuse that most players that reached rank 21 this season got there with their own skill. CDPR should not be rewarding people for using broken decks and punishing who don't.

That statement you've made insults everyone that has reached rank 21, regardless of how they got there. Players can use whatever means are available in the game. If a deck is "broken", then it's not the user's fault for playing it, but rather a misstep by CDPR for introducing such a meta in the first place. Furthermore, you're talking about the Dwarfs like it's some Holy Grail. Yes, their popularity is so great, it has become unhealthy for the meta. But still, it's odd, though, because a lot of strong archetypes exist that can win from Dwarfs, which you've completely ignored, just because Dwarfs are so prevalent. Also, CDPR isn't punishing anyone. Players are free to choose whatever they want. It's just a shame that most of them picked the easiest option available in the form of Dwarfs.

altaybek;n10295732 said:
All players should be rewarded with all avatars exclusive to this season regardless of their rank if they played at least 10 ranked matches total this season

You do realize that by giving everyone the reward, the reward itself becomes moot precisely because everyone has it? That's why it's a terrible idea, regardless of whether compensation should be given at all, in the first place.
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altaybek;n10295732 said:
"They apologised". So what?

All players should be rewarded with all avatars exclusive to this season regardless of their rank if they played at least 10 ranked matches total this season.
As someone who works in retail, I am completely fed up of these entitled people who think they are owed compensation when something isn't the exact experience they wanted.

This game is in Beta. It's free (by which I mean you don't have to sink any money into it). You are playing the game the developers have designed, not the game you want. Why should they give anything at all just because it isn't to your tastes? I personally prefer this meta to some other ones in this game - and yes, I have huge problems with it. That's why I'd rather offer my input about what could be improved. Not think I'm entitled to free stuff.
they should rather punish everyone playing this braindead dwarf deck. they are abusing an op mechanic the devs are unable to fix. their ranks should be reseted to 0 or smth like this.
and their accounts erased and burned with fire...
filthyPhil;n10295922 said:
they should rather punish everyone playing this braindead dwarf deck. they are abusing an op mechanic the devs are unable to fix. their ranks should be reseted to 0 or smth like this.
and their accounts erased and burned with fire...

I think the hard feelings come from the fact that the game mechanics reward players who rush the start of the season using broken decks to climb the ranks which
A: Does not do much to showcase any true talent that is within the player base.
B: Frustrates many players who want this game to succeed.

The biggest burn for me is that we have a good theme even the makings of an E-sport complete with commentators, celebrities, commentators and such yet the core of the game is broken. So it is starting to look like a sham or pyramid scheme especially after watching the Gwent Open. It's like Scientology or something and if you go along to get along you win¿

I have almost every current card and I can certainly make every "meta deck" but then I would feel like a "meta dick" and no fun would be had for me.
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4RM3D;n10295782 said:
But still, it's odd, though, because a lot of strong archetypes exist that can win from Dwarfs, which you've completely ignored, just because Dwarfs are so prevalent

Cannot express how much I agree with this statement.

What makes Dwarves so prevalent is that it's a great deck, that anyone, whether you've bought 300 kegs or are a F2P player, can make. It's a cheap deck that relies heavily on its silver cards, and uses the relatively strong ST golds to push it further in competitive play. A Dwarf deck with just Triss, Geralt, Royal Decree and some other gold you get at the start, will still be a viable deck in lower ranks.

It's unhealthy because of how popular it is, but I honestly wouldn't say it's as a strong as Nekker which is dominating the meta. If things like Brewess: Ritual and Phoenix were silvers, or somehow Nekkers was getting its strength from silvers, I'd think we'd see the same problem. Arguably worse, we'd see Nekker vs Nekker or Nekker instantly forfeiting against NG.

On that note, I'd say making Paulie a gold, nerfing down Dwarves a point or two, then throwing them on Paulie to shift their strength, would be a great idea. They'd have to cut out a gold, so dropping Isengrim or Ithlinne, to have the same pull.
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Karfuss;n10296022 said:
Cannot express how much I agree with this statement.

What makes Dwarves so prevalent is that it's a great deck, that anyone, whether you've bought 300 kegs or are a F2P player, can make. It's a cheap deck that relies heavily on its silver cards, and uses the relatively strong ST golds to push it further in competitive play. A Dwarf deck with just Triss, Geralt, Royal Decree and some other gold you get at the start, will still be a viable deck in lower ranks.

It's unhealthy because of how popular it is, but I honestly wouldn't say it's as a strong as Nekker which is dominating the meta. If things like Brewess: Ritual and Phoenix were silvers, or somehow Nekkers was getting its strength from silvers, I'd think we'd see the same problem. Arguably worse, we'd see Nekker vs Nekker or Nekker instantly forfeiting against NG.

On that note, I'd say making Paulie a gold, nerfing down Dwarves a point or two, then throwing them on Paulie to shift their strength, would be a great idea. They'd have to cut out a gold, so dropping Isengrim or Ithlinne, to have the same pull.

I like the idea of doing something about both Isengrim or Ithlinne but that is as likely as them changing meteorite powder to do something nifty instead of just more pixel effects and energy bills from GPU processing.
coralzombie;n10296042 said:
I like the idea of doing something about both Isengrim or Ithlinne but that is as likely as them changing meteorite powder to do something nifty instead of just more pixel effects and energy bills from GPU processing.

I wouldn't necessarily consider them to be THAT strong in a run off the mill ST deck. I'd say the problem is that Dwarves can use them both, alongside their already strong silver cards.

Rather than hurting the whole ST faction, shifting some power from Dwarf bronzes onto Paulie, then making Paulie into a Gold, forces Dwarves to drop Ithlinne or Isengrim. That significantly hurts their Round 1, where they're strongest, as Paulie is their Round 3 finisher and Ithlinne/Isengrim is what's carrying them through Round 1.

That essentially gives them a strong finisher too, as Paulie into a Skirmisher that Barclay pulled out earlier isn't as powerful as other factions. So yeah, just an all around power shift.

And I say that as someone that only plays ST, from Dwarves to Spell'tael. Dwarves is absurd for it being the only deck type that doesn't need a specific Gold, all their strength lies in silvers while Faction golds top them up further.
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SkippyHole;n10295872 said:
As someone who works in retail, I am completely fed up of these entitled people who think they are owed compensation when something isn't the exact experience they wanted.

This game is in Beta. It's free (by which I mean you don't have to sink any money into it). You are playing the game the developers have designed, not the game you want. Why should they give anything at all just because it isn't to your tastes? I personally prefer this meta to some other ones in this game - and yes, I have huge problems with it. That's why I'd rather offer my input about what could be improved. Not think I'm entitled to free stuff.

Sometimes, when I am at a retail store, I pee on the toilet seats, mix up the sizes of clothes on the racks and then leave bad reviews about the employees in the suggestion box.

Why? you ask.

Because I can.
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Ok haters here's a long one.

Firstly, the game is of course CDPR's property. They can abandon it without a warning, make all cards 0,47 point just for fun, remove all golds just because someone in design team had a bad lunch, close the beta again just to include 39 people, make it possible to buy 50 points bonus every match, put monthly subscription, make Options button DLC or any ridiculous thing you can imagine and they don't have to explain why. But they chose not to do for a reason. We are not the guests here, they are the guests in our lives and they know it. We voluntarily invited these guests because we love hanging around with these fun and smart dudes. Their former actions proved them to be trustworthy and caring so no need to worry about leaving your pets, credit cards and house keys behind.

They also know that mutual satisfaction is the best way to succeed. They are working hard and sweating over how to make things better not only for their personal satisfaction but for receiving end's (us) satisfaction. No sexual innuendo here.

Considering this one a valid and proper season is as cringy as explaining why it's not. It's a disaster season/patch that needed a rollback (yes that's impossible because it's way easier to fix apparent problems than reverting it back and dealing with a whole new number of unknown problems.) Player ranks and MMR in this season are far from their deserved values thanks to tons of faulty mechanics. I'm not saying "I should have been GM I'm smart I'm good hurr durrr" I'm level 100 and if I couldn't reach it so far I will never reach it and I'm OK with it. Some players are better others. Now I'm at Rank 18 and struggling and most probably can't reach 20 ever again unless I get younger and less occupied. But this time I'm not OK with that


-When worse players (misplaying countless times, oblivious to what a cards does, just playing same cards with the exact same order because the guide said so etc.) overcome better players (planning, predicting, customizing etc) by abusing a faulty deck thus preventing non-abusing players reach where they belong (may belong to R10 or 20. It's irrelevant)
-When this abuse is rewarded with extra commodities and cosmetic stuff that's only obtainable by reaching a certain rank

it annoys me to the bits. This seasons ranking (neither high or low) is not an indicator for deserving the proposed awards. Premium weekend was a nice gesture yet what good is it when it's pointless to play that card?

What good is a mundane avatar in a beta game that I probably won't even use? Rank avatars are, subjectively valuable, symbols for success. They should be indicating that person played well, bested many players and reached some higher level of play. Can you say that a regular dwarf player have it because he/she played well? Was it him/her or the "broken mechanic" itself that should have the avatar? For this once, its non-deserved value should be nullified by giving it away to every player.

4RM3D;n10295782 said:
That statement you've made insults everyone that has reached rank 21, regardless of how they got there. Players can use whatever means are available in the game

You are saying everyone and I'm saying a number of people. Way too many people are ABUSING it and that's punishing those who don't chose to ABUSE. You understand the difference between an "abuse" and "playing what they want" right? They don't want it. People who want to reach higher ranks are abusing this guaranteed way. I can find an exploit in game and abuse it to rank my way to the top and it would still be "using whatever means are available in the game." It wouldn't be my fault to discover an existing problem yet it's not normal to abuse it. Would you say "Oh sorry it's not your fault it was the programmer who made the mistake. Here, join Masters anyway"?

4RM3D;n10295782 said:
Also, CDPR isn't punishing anyone. Players are free to choose whatever they want

So we should blame the guy who discovered dwarves meta deck?

4RM3D;n10295782 said:
because a lot of strong archetypes exist that can win from Dwarfs, which you've completely ignored, just because Dwarfs are so prevalent

Of course I can craft a deck just to counter dwarves in most matchups but that can ONLY win against dwarves and occasionaly some others. Meanwhile dwarves don't even need to tech against any particular deck while having a higher WR of ANY other metadeck. No deck is Holy Grail but this is close to being one for now and that's no thanks of the player who steers it. That's why a number of people above some certain MMR level normally couldn't even imagine anchoring where they are let alone reaching there.

4RM3D;n10295782 said:
You do realize that by giving everyone the reward, the reward itself becomes moot precisely because everyone has it? That's why it's a terrible idea, regardless of the whether compensation should be given at all, in the first place.

I think this whole month is terrible. Even more terrible than the amount of "terrible" of this idea. This should not be considered a proper season. It's a season that took place in a broken, extremely buggy, unbalanced and completely irregular environment. Giving everyone a reward makes it moot and that's the point.

SkippyHole;n10295872 said:
As someone who works in retail, I am completely fed up of these entitled people who think they are owed compensation when something isn't the exact experience they wanted.
This game is in Beta. It's free (by which I mean you don't have to sink any money into it). You are playing the game the developers have designed, not the game you want. Why should they give anything at all just because it isn't to your tastes? I personally prefer this meta to some other ones in this game - and yes, I have huge problems with it. That's why I'd rather offer my input about what could be improved. Not think I'm entitled to free stuff.

As a retail worker, ever heard of something named "defective good"? I probably heard a lot more than I cursed when I was too in retail for years. Providers are owed a compensation when something isn't the exact experience they proposed. We are customers and of course I know that it never makes us owners or shareholders to the company just because we may have voluntarily paid them a small amount for some service or goods but If it wasn't for the money many people "sinked" in TW2, TW3 and Gwent, we wouldn't be talking here. Judging by the amount handed out in tournaments, I guess people sinked a nice amount of money.
Karfuss;n10296022 said:
Cannot express how much I agree with this statement.

What makes Dwarves so prevalent is that it's a great deck, that anyone, whether you've bought 300 kegs or are a F2P player, can make. It's a cheap deck that relies heavily on its silver cards, and uses the relatively strong ST golds to push it further in competitive play. A Dwarf deck with just Triss, Geralt, Royal Decree and some other gold you get at the start, will still be a viable deck in lower ranks.

I would totally disagree, dwarf decks probably the worst starter deck of them all. Their most bread and butter cards yeah sure can be used but without the agitators and the gold scoiataels you would have a very weak deck. I tried dwarves even just without agitators and dennis cranmer and I felt without these cards and a few others I was missing it was so much weaker than my best decks which i'm 13 wins 3 losses into the new season so far and wouldn't dream of using my weak dwarf deck in ranked.

I don't really know how you would balance scoiatael dwarves without tweaking about 10 cards, if you weaken the bronzes, well you gotta weaken the skirmishers and the mahakam guards for instance and this goes for a lot of its deck because there are so many strong replacements that would enter the dwarf deck. I don't really think a 15-18ish power play from paulie is really the issue. The golds are kind of the issue too but without destroying the elf deck in the process, you got some problems to answer to with that solution.
altaybek;n10296472 said:
We are not the guests here, they are the guests in our lives and they know it. We voluntarily invited these guests because we love hanging around with these fun and smart dudes.

Poor analogy. They are not guests, they are entertainers and we are paying them (some of us, at least) to give us a good time. If you dislike their performance, you can file a complaint or just choose a different entertainer next time.

altaybek;n10296472 said:
When worse players [...] overcome better players [...] by abusing a faulty deck thus preventing non-abusing players reach where they belong

This makes zero sense; literally none whatsoever.

First of all, better players are not defined by what kind of deck they play, but by how well they can play it given the circumstances. Those players either have another deck that can beat Dwarfs (which I've already mentioned) or are actually just playing Dwarfs themselves. Better players will win most matches, except for a few that have bad RNG or have an Achilles Heel (e.g. Nekkers vs Sweers). Regardless, "non-abusive" players are not deserving of anything just because they do not play net-decks.

altaybek;n10296472 said:
You understand the difference between an "abuse" and "playing what they want" right?

You seem to be very confused. You keep going on and on about abuse where there is none. Playing a Dwarf deck is not abuse. Playing whatever net-deck is not abuse. Before the hotfix, Emhyr could steal the opponent's unit. That is actually a case of being abusive by exploiting the game.

altaybek;n10296472 said:
As a retail worker, ever heard of something named "defective good"?

Defective goods do not apply to digital media. Are you going to ask the theater for a refund because you didn't like the new Star Wars movie?
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Why do so many of you seem to react in such a salty manner because he is asking for compensation? He is a consumer and when developers mess up he has every right to ask for compensation. He is investing time and money into the game. Oh and don't even start with this "Well duh don't to it and entertain yourself with something else." Nonsense. People say that way too often. Do the developers pay people for saying that?

This season was a mess in every aspect, the delay and thus former top 1k's losing their reward, the spy abuse that is still not gone and the premium keg weekend that earned them even more money and gave us pretty little - bunch of premium bronzes, because of the terrible drop rate. Yeah I won't buy or open kegs again until we get value for our money. Don't get me wrong, I want Gwent to succeed but that's no reason to be white knight. I'll say it like I see it.

That being said, avatars to the people!
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There are decks that can beat dwarves without even being designed to counter them or even being netdecks. Just today I beat 3 consecutive dwarf decks (2 eithne 1 brouver) with my moonlight in ranked.

Dwarves are powerful but you need to outpoint them. Depending on your deck, if you have a long round game plan from which you profit more exponentially, then you can beat them. Be it engines, weather, etc.

I am not saying dwarves are weak. They need a nerf, especially the whole Ithlinne double tremors combo. But you can make a deck which has a positive matchup against dwarves AND is still competitive.
TheNotoriousThree;n10297192 said:
Why do so many of you seem to react in such a salty manner because he is asking for compensation? He is a consumer and when developers mess up he has every right to ask for compensation. He is investing time and money into the game.

"Right to ask for compensation" Legally? No. Reasonably? Could be, but not in this case and not using these arguments. The game is in beta and is delivered "as is". Now, that might not be an excuse to leave the game in a messy state, but at the same time there is no grounds to ask for compensation as this stage.

TheNotoriousThree;n10297192 said:
This season was a mess in every aspect

No one is arguing that. However, some players do seem to focus too much on one thing, while ignoring the rest, which leads to an incomplete picture or tunnel vision.
TheNotoriousThree;n10297192 said:
Why do so many of you seem to react in such a salty manner because he is asking for compensation? He is a consumer and when developers mess up he has every right to ask for compensation. He is investing time and money into the game. Oh and don't even start with this "Well duh don't to it and entertain yourself with something else." Nonsense. People say that way too often. Do the developers pay people for saying that?

This season was a mess in every aspect, the delay and thus former top 1k's losing their reward, the spy abuse that is still not gone and the premium keg weekend that earned them even more money and gave us pretty little - bunch of premium bronzes, because of the terrible drop rate. Yeah I won't buy or open kegs again until we get value for our money. Don't get me wrong, I want Gwent to succeed but that's no reason to be white knight. I'll say it like I see it.

That being said, avatars to the people!

How is 'spy abuse' worthy of compensation? It's exactly the same as its been since day one. Now spy play is down to the usual play/summon circle/decoy/emhyr interactions, and that's it. That's a game mechanic.

And no, sorry, salty is when people are complaining because they feel wronged, not people calmly pointing out why the reasons for asking for said compensation are absurd. Salty is saying you won't buy or open kegs again - in the most generous computer card game ever released - because apparently that generosity isn't enough to provide value for money. Money you don't even need to spend because of aforementioned generosity allowing you to stash massive numbers of unopened kegs during a season and splurge them all when the next set of cards come out to essentially get all the ones you want completely free. I splurged heavily at Midwinter because I wanted to, not because I needed to.

Salty is claiming that because one deck has become supreme that this is some sort of crime dealt to us as players, rather than the typical balance cycle of literally every collectible card game in the history of man. Name me one where there has NEVER been a deck that completely dominates the field. It's an unfortunate consequence of the process in these things. Every now and again developers miss a card interaction or two that creates a monster. And it sucks. But that's how it goes, and there's nothing to be done about it save play and use the deck, choose not to and accept lower performance, or step out and wait for the next balance patch/ban list update/set to be released.
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