[DISCUSSION] Witcher 3 Screenshots and Artwork

Well Geralt's skin should be pakke, perhaps in comparisson with his skin the scars look red. I don't what amount of time would pass before a scar starts to fade...

And Geralt's ability to quickly heal his wounds doesn't mean there won't be a scar, especially for deep and life threatening wounds.
Going by all the footage, potions don't last that long anymore

But mutagens apparently works as long as you wish and they rise toxicity quite significantly, so if someone wants to, I can imagine that with right combination of mutagens one can get a freakish looking Geralt for most of the game.
AAAAAAAAAA. Maaaan. I misunderstand. I thought monster climbing on mountsin. LOL. You mean Geralt climb on monster. I searched hard to find any monster climbing on mountain for 30 minute. LOL again.
Aww.. you poor thing, oop's, well I'm glad you found it.
It's cool huh?
But mutagens apparently works as long as you wish and they rise toxicity quite significantly, so if someone wants to, I can imagine that with right combination of mutagens one can get a freakish looking Geralt for most of the game.
I guess we'll have to see how it works and figure it out. As for the 'someone' that would be me, Alchemical Witcherlord Level 5000.
Aww.. you poor thing, oop's, well I'm glad you found it.
It's cool huh?

Man this is realy cool. But how it would be in witcher i cant imagine. Because we already know there will be heavy armors. And i cant imagine how climbing look while this armor on Geralt. But feature are amazing.
But now that we are on the subject, Geralt´s scars arent the most realistic ones. Because most scars, even the big ones become white pretty quickly when new, more raw skin grows into it (firsthand experience here).
No way the scar Geralt has going over his eye would stay that red and fresh looking so long unless the person wearing it regularly keeps it open with a knife and lets it fester.

Pretty funny to actually picture Geralt secretly keeping his facial marks fresh so he could keep his cool and intimidating appearance for everyone else:huh:

'Firsthander' too, and I've always thought the same, after time, scars are not that visible, they become the same color than the skin, but different texture and no hair grows there... but in no way they are RED ;)


  • Witcher3ToxicityGI (1).jpg
    Witcher3ToxicityGI (1).jpg
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That toxicity picture is one of the more genuinely scary things I've seen lately. Not because it's horrific on its own, but probably because I'm used to seeing Geralt looking more... uh, mellow. It's like having a familiar friend getting really furious at something. Which can be pretty terrifying.

Either way, love the picture and the mechanic. The detail on his face is incredible.
I can live with the reddish scar, what kinda bugs me in all the footage is his eyebrows being black
I see what you're saying but at the same time, I have made avatars in games with white eyebrows before... and it looks even more stupid/weird, as if they are shaved off!
lol.. I think the dark gray is the best soulution man ;)
I just can't get over how good the new trailer looks. It's one of those situations in which the longer I watch it the more and more amazing stuff I notice. It's extremely rich and detailed.

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