Easter eggs you'd like to see in Cyberpunk2077?


I wish for two Robocops, a Terminator, one Tetsuo Iron Man aaaand...a Gibson to go.

Hold the cheese.
Pffff. ALLERGIES. That's just your natural reaction to not having enough metal grafted into your body yet. THE FUTURE WILL FIX. Tom clancy has assured me of this.
WHAT? Cheese? Fine. Fine. That better be soy cheese, though. The real stuff is crazy expensive.

And none of that kibble-parmesan crap you people use.
Oh the prime Nomad is suddenly afraid of allergies?! PREPOSTEROUS!

Allergies that involve rapidly spinning and jagged robo-phalluses.... phallusi... pha.... big metalic spinning cocks with sharp bits... yes, I am very allergic to those...


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No, please. I dont want to see anything related to Judge Dredd (movie with Stalone, not comic series). Dredd (2012) is totally different story. If we will met cop and this girl from the trailer as npc's in the final game, it would be cool if he would ask her: "Rookie, you ready?", before kicking in some doors in cut scene or something like that. Just my opinion. I know, LAAAAAW is funny. But I just hate this movie so much I dont want to see anything related to this garbage :(

You know, I am just gonna say it.... the Stallone Judge Dead is actually a kick ass film. He has the jaw and the sneer... the tech was awesome, and the lawgivre in the movie was far cooler than it had any right to be considering the extremely goofy looks of the comic gun. In fact, the only real complaint I have with the movie, and the only thing that kept it from being recieved better, is that he took off the helmet. It's a little thing, but it made a huge impact in the quality of the adaptation.

Just like I still believe the Dolph Lundgren Punisher was a better Punisher than either of the other two films... the only problem with it was he didn't wear the skull shirt. But Lundgren himself looked pretty much exactly like Jim Lee's Punisher.
Thiiis is like your taste in hair-funk, right? It's that one chink in your otherwise perfect Cyberpunk taste.

The Judge Dredd Stallone. Dolph Lundgren's Punisher. Ieeee.

Although I did like the line, "Grow up to be a good man. Because if you don't... I'll be waiting. "
I still think Viggo Mortensen is a no-brainer for being cast as Frank Castle. If they could get a decent script, a good director, and an ACTUAL budget, it's possible they could make a *good* Punisher movie.

Full disclosure: while I do like the existing Punisher movies, I acknowledge they are NOT good cinema. Kurosawa, they aren't.
Oh, I dunno. When Castle hit the parkour-meth guy in mid-air with the RPG, I felt briefly transported to new heights. Of humour.
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