Geralt's look... always updated with new appearances

Thank you so much for explanations, both szypek26 and Blooddragon. The fact that I, insignificant fan, cried like a baby, and you calmed me down better than my mom, shows that you care. :)I really have nothing else to complain about. Just can't wait for the game to come out. Keep on the amasing and oh so unique work you guys do in todays cheap, instant rpg's world. :peace:
robert1a said:
I would also like to comment on this from szypek26,
If I get you right, you want my opinion on your post, right?I get why Reds had to change Geralt's model for a newer one and it's absolutely ok for me. And then I understand that while rebuilding his face, making it look differently was needed in case of making his face look more naturally. That's okay, I'm fine with that. Changing heroes' faces happens all the time and it's fine as long as those faces are kept within some limits. So after first trailer my concern was not the fact that Geralt's face was changed, but that it was changed into very... gay face. Geralt's supposed to be an ugly bastard, not a pretty girl. So after BloodDragon explained that Geralt's face is going to change someway into direction of GT's banner - I'm totally fine. Changing faces is ok as long those faces keep their previous character. Look at Triss or Dandelion. Aren't they much better than in W1? I strongly hope that after some changes, Geralt's face would be just as good.
robert1a said:
Szypek, thank you so much, not just for your heroic translations, but also for reminding the Reds that the international fans also love The Witcher.
Yeah, I'm heroic! ;D
i have full confidence that they will strive for character and not for the looks, this being europe and all. europe hates 'handsom' people. and white teeth :teeth:eek:n a serious note, RED-dudes this looks amazing and it's been pleasure gaming with you. i have no concerns about your artistic capabilities so keep the good work. also, your communication with nitpicking fans is very appreciated
I guess I disagree with most people when I say I like his new look better. The cleaned up look makes sense. In the first Witcher Geralt was all over the place because he forgot who he was, so he had this disheveled look, which was appropriate. Now in the Witcher 2, as he's discovered himself and become more comfortable with himself, he has cleaned himself up. It makes sense. Good choice Red.
Blooddragon said:
...Moreover, we’re simply happy with the face which you could see on the main page of GameTrailers:
A little better tha smiling Geralt, but he still looks like a movie star from an action movie. You get the impression he likes kicking asses. Actually he must be kicking them not because he likes it, but because he MUST do it, because it's his dirty job, and the matter is HE or the Beast. Just like a predator has to kill to survive. And what's this bullshit about giving him a more human face? He is NOT a human! He is a witcher, more like an animal, an wolf! You're giving us a badass hero from a Guy Richie's film. Probably this - is the movie that describes him best - not too much muscular like a steroid bodybuilder but very sinewy (although his sword swing is a little exaggerated - he must strike a deadly hit, not to look fashion). Sometimes I feel like the developers are not getting the idea about the Witcher, I'll probably stick to the books :(
Blooddragon said:
szypek26 I've noticed your translation and thank's a lot for your effort! I just wanted a precise translation to clarify my statement.So here is Daerdin's translation of my post on Polish forum:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(...)It’s understandable that no one likes things they got attached to being changed - that’s a fact, that’s why the new face woke up so many emotions. Let me give you a short clarification though :)In case of TW1 Geralt’s face was done, as I remember, 3 times totally from the scrap. It changed a bit every time, which you can see on various promotional materials. Since we started working on TW2, the face has changed another 2 times (the face from the first leaked material, believe it or not, was totally different than the one in TW1). We’re just constantly looking for and complaining :)Since the times of TW1 we got experienced and got more skills, we can make more realistic faces which have proper proportion and human features. We also have incredible concept artists whose creations are way better than the ones from TW1. That’s why we decided to redesign all main characters, and once again design their faces, just barely based on the originals (keeping only the most important features - Dandelion’s little beard, Zoltan’s haircut, etc)Once we had the full set of main characters put together side by side, Geralt started to look strange... his disproportionate face stood out making the impression of badly made model. It pushed us to iterate Geralt one last time, thanks to which the White Wolf got his human proportion, which bizarrely provoked many of your comments :)For you, the old Geralt had a face with intentionally highlighted ‘wolfish’ features, for us he was simply a badly made model :)Nevertheless, you rightly point out in your comments that Geralt looks too young, has too shallow scars, too few of them and too flat texture - WE’LL FIX THAT! The texture of the face definitely needs to be fixed and will definitely make Geralt look differently. We’ll probably mess with the eyes as well. However, the proportion of the face, its structure will probably stay the same - we won’t come back to the old proportion both for technical reasons (ready facial expression system is done based on this head) as well as for time limitations (each iteration of Geralt’s head takes a lot of time, which is always too short). Moreover, we’re simply happy with the face which you could see on the main page of GameTrailers:
In your comments you focus mainly on the last shot from the film, in which Geralt’s face is in strange grimace. Let me point out that those shots were not prepared especially for the film, they are part of the game, they were recorded and used in the film which you will have the chance to check on Thursday.Regarding the rest of the model:Geralt’s hair in the film and current gameplay has no physics applied (the hair is still), has no shader (which will diametrically change the look) and is taken from the first leaked material (June 2009) - we plan to make it from scratch. Additionally, there might be a possibility of changing the haircut by the player, I’m totally in favour of that.On the film Geralt is wearing a heavy armour - that’s why he’s looking powerful and heavy, in TW2 the character will have much more equipment elements and armours. There will be light armours - just like the first three in TW1 - and heavy ones like the one from the film. Scabbards are not fully done yet, that’s why they split while sword is being taken out - that will be fixed. We also have a sabre with curved scabbard, already done. Maybe it will be presented on Thursday as it looks super cool :)Well, it took me a while but I hope I dispelled a few of your worries. I’m sorry I won’t answer your specific questions but you created loads of them :)Keep tight and thanks for your support!
Thank you for taking the trouble to give us such a detailed reply, Blooddragon. I appreciate your efforts and apologise for maybe having been a little too negative over this matter. About the face you showed us on that image... well, I'm probably being too picky again, but this one looks a little too rough and... well, not handsome enough. :p I would prefer a middle ground between the face in the trailer and the one in the GT image.Also, what do you have to say about Geralt's voice? The new one sounds somewhat bland and overly guttural. Has the voice actor changed, and if so why?
Blooddragon said:
szypek26 I've noticed your translation and thank's a lot for your effort! I just wanted a precise translation to clarify my statement.So here is Daerdin's translation of my post on Polish forum:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(...)It’s understandable that no one likes things they got attached to being changed - that’s a fact, that’s why the new face woke up so many emotions. Let me give you a short clarification though :)
Thank you for the explanation.The problem is that the image in your post is not the Geralt that we know from TW.In my opinion you need to change the face morph as it is giving the wrong impression on Geralt and TW2.
Sorry, but Geralt looks like he was 16. Like a kid. :mad:Perhaps some kids will buy it - but this is not second witcher - this is a mix of Fable and Gothic. For kids. Edit: well, that image above is better, but it is still a little bit unoriginal...
Thanks for the additional info there, Blooddragon - very much appreciated.I noticed a difference in Geralt's appearance in the new trailer, my first impression was that he looks older than he did in TW1 - then I hop on here and find that most people find he looks younger :D Oops! :) And I'm loving the ponytail - it makes the most logistic and practical sense, and I think it suits him :p Does this new Geralt look like our previous iteration? Not exactly, but I trust RED so I'm sure it'll all work out ok in the end :) Much respect for the community involvement, though, well done guys. Seriously, well done, I can't stress this enough. Thanks for the time you put into supporting (and calming! ;) ) the community.With regards to the picture Blooddragon posted - Geralt looks mighty ticked off :D Anybody else experiencing an overwhelming urge to tickle him to lighten him up? :) The fact that he could rip your spine out and use it as a toothpick (to clean the wyvern meat from his teeth) if you tried to tickle him notwithstanding, of course :beer:
Thank you Blooddragon for the additional info and clarification.I like many others have voiced displeasure at the new face of Geralt.But after rewatching the trailers again and again, I must admit that the new face grows on me and if CDPR manages to make him look exactly like the pic on Game trailers or better, I'm happy.I learnt 3D modelling before and I know that it is not easy to just 'upgrade' the existing model and it is easier to start from scratch. Which could be one of the reasons why Geralt looks so different. :pI guess the most important aspect is that the personality we know of as Geralt remains the same as well as a good storyline and great gameplay.CDPR, I will be waiting for more good news from you!
The original rendering of Geralt, both body and face, is quite erotically fascinating - and I thank you very much for making it so! The new rendering captures what is best in the old and makes it much more realistic. The eyes in particular are compelling (so please don't change them!!!). This is a dangerous, complex man and his face reflects that. His eyes seem to convey a great deal without revealing anything. To get the man's perspective on this, I asked my non-gaming husband to take a look. His response was one that I'd seen in real situations but NEVER in response to a game character. He grinned that particular fierce battle grin and allowed that the image certainly was a realistic portrayal of a man to be reckoned with. I've read the English translations of two of Sapkowski's books and learned a lot more through Wiki and forum postings. I am still looking for the description of Geralt as an ugly old bastard. So far, haven't found it. Scarred, yes, and certainly long-lived. But not ugly and not old.And about this quote..."So after first trailer my concern was not the fact that Geralt's face was changed, but that it was changed into very... gay face." I wasn't sure who the author was is always a fools game to judge a person's potential based on their appearance. There's no such thing as "gay face". If you mean that he looks too beautiful, say that. Beautiful men kill when they have to, too. And many beautiful gay men and women are heroes and warriors in real, messy, gruesome combat because they feel a call to the same duty that Geralt serves...protecting humans. Thank you for striving for quality and impact.Eowien
don't know, only eyebrows bother me a little, and those are hardly seen at all.In game You usually see only his back side eitherway, so any simillar-to-Geralts face will do :)As long as there's a good story to play in...(too many pages, didn't read thought)
Hey All, Don't know what more I could possibly add, however I'll say a few things. First off thanks szypek26 In retro spect I suppose I was quoting the wrong person but I think I got my point across all the same. And I understand the need for change in a design to reflect better graphical abilities but I just feel that the designers didn't even try to keep anything of the original Geralt design, as I said this one feels more like it would be a brother to Geralt. I wonder if there is anyone in this world that hasen't played or seen The Witcher so we could do a triple blind test Hehehehehe and use this trailer from the first witcher, ( In his calm state he just has enough of a "Pretty boy look for the women, but still a bad ass ) then this one from ROTWW , and the NEW trailer from TW2 that we're seeing now. To see how these people react to the charcater design and take note what they choose for a natural progression of Geralts Look. Even though I have played The Witcher many times now my vote would go with the ROTWW trailer as a natural design progression for Geralt, he dosen't look exactly like he did in the first witcher but there is enough change to make him look like a more seasoned Geralt, Definitely an exceptible change without making him look like Geralt's older brother. I even like the look of him here on this banner On another note, an I have asked this question on other forums about different games, When you show us fans a new trailer, what are the specs of that computer you show it on? My reason for asking is one of curiosity, but also in reguards to. If you are proud of the way a games graphic capabiltiy has progressed that is good to know but I must say that I would estimate that less then half of the people that see these trailers have a rig that could fully take advantage of, and view/play the game the way the designers intended. So in short, am I watching a trailer viewed on a spec'ed out system that cost 5K+ because us average joe's out here can only drool about a system like that. Cheers! Robert
One thing that I just noticed about both of Geralt's new faces(the one in the trailer as well as the one on the Game Trailers image) annoys the hell out of me. Geralt is not an albino!? Pale skin, white hair. These are two fundamental features of his appearance that have been in the books since the first short story. Why change it just to make him more acceptable to the standards of generic fantasy heroes?
I'll take this one issue at a time:ponytail: I like it. In all the books isn't he wearing a ponytail pretty much all the time? It makes sense to me. Who wants hair flying in their face when they're trying to do all those intricate witcher moves anyway?Voice: I didn't notice much difference in the trailer, but I liked what I heard.Face: Hmm...the new look isn't bad, but I think he's too Westernized. Personally, I prefer him looking nice and Slavic. But then I like the Eastern European/Slavic vibe anyway.Overall, I'm not upset or particularly pleased.As for the swords....I don't know that in any of the books it ever says he wears his swords in an "x" style. Personally, I always thought trying to wear swords crossed on your back would be a pain. The bottom ends of both swords sticking out both sides of your hips, the hilts coming out over both shoulders, could cause problems. With them both next to each other like that it looks a little more organized. Also, KEEP THE SCABBARDS!!!
Yes, hair flying on face when fighting - bad indeedIn books... Usually his hair were loose, sometimes tied with a learther strap on his forehead, I remember nothing about a ponytail, but I see nothing wrong with him having one.
Sparrowhawk said:
As for the swords....I don't know that in any of the books it ever says he wears his swords in an "x" style. Personally, I always thought trying to wear swords crossed on your back would be a pain. The bottom ends of both swords sticking out both sides of your hips, the hilts coming out over both shoulders, could cause problems. With them both next to each other like that it looks a little more organized. Also, KEEP THE SCABBARDS!!!
I'm not experimented in wearing two swords on my back in "X" style but I guess this style keeps the equilibration? :hmmm: When Geralt wears the two swords on one side only it slips to the right (or left) because of two much weight. But... as we now have scabbards in the game this shouldn't happen ;D
Sparrowhawk said:
One thing that I just noticed about both of Geralt's new faces(the one in the trailer as well as the one on the Game Trailers image) annoys the hell out of me. Geralt is not an albino!? Pale skin, white hair. These are two fundamental features of his appearance that have been in the books since the first short story. Why change it just to make him more acceptable to the standards of generic fantasy heroes?
I can't really say he has albino eyes? Do you have a screenshot? The attached screenshot was taken from the Gametrailers video.
these eyes I believe are cat/snake-like eyes, mentioned in books, when witchers awake from the final trail. Coen had problems with his eye mutation, so color of his eyes was this intensive green/yellow color, so eyes of Geralt now looks... I believe they look as they should look. Just yes, somehow there's slight lack of whiteness on him, some kind of dark-hair strokes there and here, and slight tan or is this a "lively skin color" thing, not sure.Well, sking texture and simillar things can be changed day before game is released, so maybe he'll be changed, who knows.I just hope that elf will stay as he is, lovely refreshment from TW1 elves...
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