GWENT: Ask a Dev

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Will you adjust the pro scene to Gwent Homecoming? Namely, Considering that Homecoming is out in October, will Challenger #5 and World Masters use the new build or the current one?

We will for sure, more info regarding that coming this month :)
Thanks for your effort @Burza to keep us informed on homecoming developement.

I'm sure you guys will do an amazing job as long you don't lose track of what make gwent, gwent. Aka witcher's atmosphere and skill based gameplay with no room for rng nonsense.

As for the questions:
1) Is weather as a mechanic going to be reworked? And are you planning on cutting Torrential Rain (that doesn't really have a place in the game now) and the gold/silver weather?
2) Will we see more interesting interaction with the deck and the hand? For example (if you are familiar with Yugioh) Gladiator Beasts have a niche mechanic where you return one GB from your field to the deck and call another ally in it's place, triggering an effect.
3) Are you planning on reworking continuous effects of gold cards that don't really work right now (ex. YenCon)?

Thank you :)

As for the gameplay questions, everything is still in the process of being tested, so once we're ready we'll share the details :)
With some planned changes (2 rows, 2 bronze copies, etc.) some cards will definitely need a rework.
What do you have in mind for the rest of the cards? Do you plan to change all / most / some of the existing cards not affected by the mechanics change and if so will these be more of tweaks or complete reworks?
I figure it's gonna be a mix of all these I'm only wondering about a ballpark ratio, of how many of the existing cards will be reworked, tweaked and kept unchanged.

We will be reworking all cards if possible, for sure we will look at the design of all of the cards, which are in the game atm.

Do you guys plan adding further language support to the game after Homecoming? I am particularly interested in hungarian, since The witcher 3 had it at least as a subtitle option.

Thanks in advance!

No new languages are planned at the moment.
Dear Dev Team,
Please let us/me know how does the mulligan system work, officially. I have watched videos and read articles (very old ones) which says about Blacklisting and the probability of drawing the mulliganed card later (The card which gets mulliganed first has higher probability to be redrawn then the second one and the third one). But how true is that? Was there any changes to how the system works now?

Let me tell you why I ask this. 75% of the time (I am not exaggerating), the card I mulligan in the round two phase is the card I draw in round three (if it was not summoned). Even in one of the Swim's video he says something like 'due to mulligan bug, he would have drawn this card'. What is the bug? When we mulligan a card in round 1 or 2 or 3, what happens internally (in my deck, not in your code)? Does the card go to a random spot or to some predefined spot based on the round?

As a player we want to have full transparency of the game system works for us to play better. So, could you please explain how it works and why I draw the card I mulligan in round 2 is almost always the card I redraw in round 3. I am NOT using a thinning deck. So, when entering R3, I would still have almost 10+ cards in my deck all the times and this happens almost all the time. Please be kind enough to be transparent on the game mechanics which we as players have rights to know.
Dear Dev Team,
Please let us/me know how does the mulligan system work, officially. I have watched videos and read articles (very old ones) which says about Blacklisting and the probability of drawing the mulliganed card later (The card which gets mulliganed first has higher probability to be redrawn then the second one and the third one). But how true is that? Was there any changes to how the system works now?

Let me tell you why I ask this. 75% of the time (I am not exaggerating), the card I mulligan in the round two phase is the card I draw in round three (if it was not summoned). Even in one of the Swim's video he says something like 'due to mulligan bug, he would have drawn this card'. What is the bug? When we mulligan a card in round 1 or 2 or 3, what happens internally (in my deck, not in your code)? Does the card go to a random spot or to some predefined spot based on the round?

As a player we want to have full transparency of the game system works for us to play better. So, could you please explain how it works and why I draw the card I mulligan in round 2 is almost always the card I redraw in round 3. I am NOT using a thinning deck. So, when entering R3, I would still have almost 10+ cards in my deck all the times and this happens almost all the time. Please be kind enough to be transparent on the game mechanics which we as players have rights to know.

Hi! We'll be changing how mulligan works and with that we'll share details how it works :)
Hi! We'll be changing how mulligan works and with that we'll share details how it works :)
One last question Burza. The change to mulligan system will come along with Homecoming? or you guys are planning as a patch before that?

So I'm going to try and ask this for the 100th time. When is Gwent coming to Steam? If its not please just tell me so I can stop wasting my time. All I'm asking for is a simple straight forward answer, I don't need an explanation or anything just the honest truth. I don't see why all Steam related topics are being ignored by CDPR.

Thanks for your time in reading my question.

So I'm going to try and ask this for the 100th time. When is Gwent coming to Steam? If its not please just tell me so I can stop wasting my time. All I'm asking for is a simple straight forward answer, I don't need an explanation or anything just the honest truth. I don't see why all Steam related topics are being ignored by CDPR.

Thanks for your time in reading my question.

To be honest, we don't know yet :)
In future, please, keep your tone respectful of others.
Why the fuck did you add imlerith:sabbath to the game? This card is more than pointless IMO. ITs frustrating. the ones playing imlertih win always if the enemy misses one countercard and so forces everyone to put this one card in their deck if they dont want to lose this matchup. Even tho the countercard it has 0 synergy with the rest of the deck. I thought at first it would be kinda balanced but its not. If they enemy starts round 2 with imlerith means he has first card which leads to a push with a +10 buff which makes imlerith indestructable. This is no fun gameplay at all. Not for enemies but not for the ones playing this deck as well. I cant understand why you would put such a card in the game. If you´re goal is to lure no brain gamers you´re at it. If this card remains i will quit the game definitely. So why did you add it?
Hi Burza! I want to ask if while we wait for Homecoming why you guys don't bring back the Adventures Challenges (Events). Those were pretty fun to play and since you already have them the team doesn't need to create nothing new.
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