How do I drive backwards?

So I haven't played Cyberpunk in a month or so because I was waiting for bugs to be fixed.

Last night, I got into a car in the game and tried to drive backwards, but the car just stutters and stops instead of driving backwards.

I am using mouse and keyboard controls. So I went into the settings to rebind keys and see if there was a problem there. And I found out there is no reverse key? How can they expect people to drive cars in the game if there is no reverse key??

Is there something i'm missing here? Driving in reverse worked fine a month ago on mouse and keyboard. But now i can't drive in reverse?? Help requested! How do I drive backwards in a car using mouse and keyboard??
anyone? Is there a solution to this problem without being forced to plug in a console controller?
Wasnt forward and reverse A and S just like when walking? All i know is some places make cars stop like when you aproach certain parking lots neir restaurants or when you aproach the nomads camp in the badlands.. perhaps the car stood at such a place?

But thats not the oddest thing. Really funny it gets when trying to drive backwards and V exits the car instead: :>
walking backwards = driving backwards afaik
Driving backwards is best performed with a camera perspective outside of the car, the lack of side mirrors and not being able to look backwards makes it quite difficult to do it in 1st Person.
The problem i'm running into, when attempting to press the S key to drive backwards in a car, the car just stutters in place or stops for no reason, it's like the car is trying to move backwards, but because the S key is tied inoxerably to 'brake' and there is no true 'reverse' key, that it prevents the car from moving backwards properly.
There are – as stated above – some places (especially near quest-relevant NPCs) where your vehicles start to stutter and stop driving. So there must be an important NPC behind you ; )
If your car is just stuttering in place and stopping, it's got something jammed behind it.

Just take rapid travel to some other part of the city and summon your car from there; it will respawn. This gets it out of any 'stuck' situations.
Yup -- the responses above are accurate. You hold W to accelerate and S to break. Continuing to hold S should let the car back up normally.

There are areas of the game that have a sort of "invisble wall" effect on vehicles. They won't move properly, even though there doesn't seem to be anything in the way. (Ironically, a lot of the game's parking lots are like this for me -- I can't actually put the car in a spot. If I do, it gets about halfway in and inexplicably grinds to halt.) Aside from that, though, I have no issues reversing normally on mouse+keyboard or gamepad.

If that's not what's happening, it's something with either that, particular vehicle, or something in your playthrough. If you are using mods, or (especially!) if you have used mods then uninstalled them, that would be my first focus. You may need to reinstall the mods you were originally using to get things working normally again. If you've not used mods on that playthrough...then it sounds like it's a random bug / glitch. At that point, I'd send it into CDPR Support directly.
S works just fine on bikes and cars, From a dead stop, pressing S will get the vehicle moving in reverse.
The problem i'm running into, when attempting to press the S key to drive backwards in a car, the car just stutters in place or stops for no reason, it's like the car is trying to move backwards, but because the S key is tied inoxerably to 'brake' and there is no true 'reverse' key, that it prevents the car from moving backwards properly.
I know I'm a bit late but the same thing was happening to me. I played without reverse button for like 2 weeks. Just in case you're still having problems, my solution was simply to rebind the key. Bind the S key to anything else, maybe something you don't use, then apply changes then bind the BREAK again with S and apply.
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