Make NPCs disappear, possible?

Make NPCs disappear, possible?

Is it possible to mod the game in a way as to remove all NPCs from a certain area (or all areas)?
I'm trying to do some imagery within the game but I want to capture the environment (cities, mostly) without any NPCs.

I'm pretty sure this can't be done with the debug console mod, I've looked into it and couldn't find anything beside the killing command, which is similar in that it targets NPCs, but does not make them disappear.

Any ideas?
You can probably make them invisible for taking the screenshot and if you use Ansel you won't get the talk prompt. Try making a mod where you replace every npc model and texture with an empty file. Should be easy if you start with a copy of the uncooked characters/models/npc(?) directory and the use a script to truncate the file or copy an empty file over it. With cygwin you could do something like
find characters/models/npcs -name "*.w2mesh" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -I @ sh -c '> @'
and then do it again replacing .w2mesh with .xbm for the textures.
exec function invisible (b : bool){
    var actors : array <CActor>;
    var i : int;

    actors = GetActorsInRange(thePlayer, 1000, 1000);



invisible(0) to make them invisible
invisible(1) to make them visible.

sometimes it doesnt make all actors invisible, so just use the command multiple times and it will be fine..
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