Oddly, I feel like the ending's biggest change is that it establishes V probably does live in "Never Fade Away" because the ending establishes the cure the NUSA has came from the same person V is working for in the Heist ending.



Perhaps... although V being now an engram may complicate things, is V now still running on V's brain or is V now running in the relic as a software emulation? Can someone plug the relic from V's brain into an other person and have with V happen what before happened with johnny?

As I have explained in my earlier post I find most endings to be very forced (lazy writing) once V becomes an engram there is no reason they wouldn't be able to eider stay in the body indefinitely (if Jonny can why not v that's not plausible), or the body would have to die mo mater who stays in it, in which case being an engram would allow V to just switch to an other body.
The entire it needs to be a match thing is not very believable in the end Jonny and V surely were no matches eider and it worked. Saburo choosing his son's body surely had legal reasons above anything else, in the end the legal standing of an engram was not established in the legal framework what would be better then to take the body of the one person who would legally inherit everything one owned anyways, solves so many legal issues, howeever it would be a pity if someone would to leak a recording of yourinobu killing saburu, and now saburu in yourinobus body being convicted for murder to life in prison for killing well himself? LOL

It is possible that the "Never Fade Away" and the Aldecaldos ending are boot setting up for the announced sequel in which we can only hope V will have to finally find the long sought for cure.
I mean the answer for that is. "Yes, it would be simple if you had tens of millions of dollars, a couple of years worth of time, and were certain the Engram is you."

I'd love to hear an ending that actually has any sort of pathos or good writing to it from the people who hate these endings.

You can complain about specifics but this story has a lot of great emotional beats.

The people who are complaining about it don't seem to actually have any complaints other than, "I want my LI" and "V will be awesome."

I mean, can they describe what would be a good ending to them that has emotional resonance than, "Yay, I win?"

Seriously, hit me with it. I want to know what the upsides and downsides would be to THEIR ending. What makes it emotional and powerful? I am all interested.
That about clones was a genuine question i was hoping someone had a answer to, i am curious about the "state" of clones in this universe, it seemed a simple solution not for our broke arse but someone like Saburo Arasaka who does have the resources, hence why I am curious.

My "problem" isn't so much the endings or PL an 2.0 it's been nigh the same thing since 1.0 and it's i guess a perspective thing.

From my perspective doing the "secret" ending is V taking full responsibility, taking matters into their own hands and not wanting to get those he/she came to care about or respect into anymore shit, from CDPR perspective V has learned nothing and is selfish for NOT involving his/her friends hence your prologue, the "secret" ending should've opened "opportunities" inside mikoshi with Alt an Johnny even if it was as simple as texting Rogue or Panam to come pick you up.

My problem with PL is siding with Reed, not picking him but what's involved when you go that route, you know the whole one shot killer bot sequence of linear gameplay with zero deviations or die sequence, that's a BS mission tbh, very easy but BS, i tried quite a few things in that mission, as your want to do since it a OW RPG an not a linear COD main campaign Sequence, an the only thing you can do is hide or the teleporting robot 1 shots you, granted i could've missed something other than playing hide an seek but i never found it, for me it was a terrible way to end a expansion basically.

Another point was in the Ripperdocs just before you get the face tech installed, Reed says something like "No Netrunner stands a chance ALONE, to break this tech" by this point we know SB can easily and very quickly access beyond the Blackwall then you'd just had a talk with her with her telling you she feels someone is always with her but she can never see them and again a dialogue option is conveniently missed to not convey any of this not to mention Reed should know SB can easily access the Blackwall for assistance so she's not alone.

The only ending that has me with any emotion is Female V who had a relationship with Judy but committed suicide, that tbh was the only emotional and powerful ending there was for me but not one I'd like to revisit, the rest are simply "ok whatever"

As i said, no problems with the actual endings, it's something that happens before that is my problem and not even problem but more like disappointment.
What also bugs me a great lot is the utility of the stolen AI Matrix in the FIA ending, ...

So first of all, its an AI its data, no ware in CP anyone mentioned the use of quantum computers so no non cloning theorem, you can copy anything digital at anytime as often as you want, hence its not plausible that AI would be single use.

Second if I would be an exec at Militech and would find out my great new tool is single use I would just start a operation to capture many more single use AI's to have a full arsenal.

But anyhow how is that with this AI supposed to work, so its single use, but if it work or not can be known before trying to use it, as we know from the dialog with Reed it did not work for So Mi, hence they can now try to use it on V, I call this Bollocks.

Also taking what we were tolled on face value, if the AI would have worked for So Mi the NUSA would then subsequently not have the means to save V'S life? And they first would want to try on So Mi, so from their point of view ans state of knowledge, best case it works on So Mi, V gets a medal and dies because its used up. Ok fair enough Mayers is surely "nice" enough of a person to value her WMD over an provisional agents live anytime every time.
V being tolled by Reed that it did not work on So Mi ... what V did not realize that's a good thing, they were not tolled explicitly the AI was single use so I guess V did not notice the FIA was just about to screw them over.... and "luckily" it was to late for So Mi....
I don't like it also when not knowing the other story branch the user would not know eider... so whats the point.

A meaningful and plausible story would be the player has to choose if the matrix is tried on V or on So Mi, perhaps thinking that its So Mi's only chance, while on self having still the mikoshi option (not knowing that it wont work as planned), and then finding out that if the player uses it on V, V lives (even though perhaps without the cyberware), but when the player uses it on So Mi, it does not work and is lost, so double bad, So Mi dies (or becomes whatever she becomes when the FIA gets her in the current endings, a personality free black wall WMD) and V lost a shot on the cure for nothing in the end.

When I first played the So Mi ending I was under the impression that the FIA can save So Mi and does not need the AI Matrix for it, so giving So Mi up to Reed after learning that the matrix is single use, meant the FIA will use their existing know how to save So Mi and the AI Matrix is all for V and V alone, which was a plausible assumption, So Mi's condition was not identical not even close so perhaps she had better treatment options anyways.
Also in this ending we don't get to know anything about So Mi other then that she survived, she may be not free but fine otherwise.

But then playing the other branch made it clear that the FIA intended to use the AI Matrix on So Mi, tried it failed (for whatever reason without using it up) and then they saved her some other way, apparently loosing some of her personality in the process.

Anyhow since today intracranial stem cell injections already work for parkinsons,
I think its a safe bet to assume that V in the FIA ending after a few months to a year of treatment could get their brain fit for new implants and resume being a legend in no time, vic is a back ally hack, he know nothing, V has after so much eddies collecting before the come enough money for real doctors.... :p
Anyhow since today intracranial stem cell injections already work for parkinsons,
I think its a safe bet to assume that V in the FIA ending after a few months to a year of treatment could get their brain fit for new implants and resume being a legend in no time, vic is a back ally hack, he know nothing, V has after so much eddies collecting before the come enough money for real doctors.... :p

I mean, lore-wise, they don't need to do that because Cyberpunk RED reveals that Europe has developed massively powerful bio-mods.

There's only one downside to Bio-Mods: they can't be combined with cybernetics.


Maybe V should have hoped in that car to Europe with Misty.

The entire it needs to be a match thing is not very believable in the end Jonny and V surely were no matches eider and it worked.

Eh, I actually have the humorous idea that CD Projekt Red wrote themselves into implying Johnny is V's grandfather. After all, he slept with a LOT of women in his time.

Saburo choosing his son's body surely had legal reasons above anything else, in the end the legal standing of an engram was not established in the legal framework what would be better then to take the body of the one person who would legally inherit everything one owned anyways, solves so many legal issues,

I mean, Saburo addresses the country and says that he is Saburo not Yorinobu. There's no con game. The fact he can possess someone's body gives him immense power as now everyone will be clamoring for immortality tech.

The law doesn't matter when you make them.
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That about clones was a genuine question i was hoping someone had a answer to, i am curious about the "state" of clones in this universe, it seemed a simple solution not for our broke arse but someone like Saburo Arasaka who does have the resources, hence why I am curious.

I think canonically with Cyberpunk RED that Saburo COULD have grown himself a clone and transferred his brain (it's been done before) but transferring an Engram is tech they haven't perfected.

And his brain would still be old.

Guest 4412420

I mean, can they describe what would be a good ending to them that has emotional resonance than, "Yay, I win?"
For me, the Devil ending being the one where V gets the cure would have been a good ending. V gets to live (they can still keep the no combat implants thing because Arasaka would likely intentionally nerf V just to be safe) at the cost of bringing Saburo back.
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Personally, I'm kinda pleased with the new ending:
-V (and not a copy of him) lives, and that's the main point.
-LIs acting like a bunch of @ssh0les doesn't surprise me that much in Cyberpunk 2020 universe, as one of my survival rule is "Trust no one". At worst it just break some character development, showing that the nomads are as bad and selfish as the other, but I'm not very surprised (unless playing Nomad V, as it SHOULD be different for "family").
-V said not to be able to be a merc anymore because of cyberware us just a lie for at least three reasons: First is that you don't need cyberware to be an efficient merc even in that universe (you will just end up being Batman instead of Superman). Second is that there IS specialized gear made to turn a pure, non cyberware human into a warmachine. Third is that nothing is impossible (like for example curing V...) and if V might even be curing that new condition with enough luck and work.
Personally, I'm kinda pleased with the new ending:
-V (and not a copy of him) lives, and that's the main point.
-LIs acting like a bunch of @ssh0les doesn't surprise me that much in Cyberpunk 2020 universe, as one of my survival rule is "Trust no one". At worst it just break some character development, showing that the nomads are as bad and selfish as the other, but I'm not very surprised (unless playing Nomad V, as it SHOULD be different for "family").
-V said not to be able to be a merc anymore because of cyberware us just a lie for at least three reasons: First is that you don't need cyberware to be an efficient merc even in that universe (you will just end up being Batman instead of Superman). Second is that there IS specialized gear made to turn a pure, non cyberware human into a warmachine. Third is that nothing is impossible (like for example curing V...) and if V might even be curing that new condition with enough luck and work.

I think people assume V being beaten up by two randos is a sign they need cyberware.

But they've been in a coma two years.

I'm pretty sure you need a lot of physical therapy to get back to 100% after that.
Um, not every cyberpunk story ends in tragedy. Even if many do, there are some that don't. I'm tired of this whole 'no happy endings allowed' bullshit when it comes to this genre. Tropes aren't concrete. You can deviate from a theme. And how about NOT talking down to those who don't like how this ending played out.

Touche! At least the secret 'sun' ending leaves to the player to interpret what comes next.

My pick there is a V that woke up in a bionic body, not unlike Smasher's, and ruled NC as a V in place of Smasher. And not before they not only accomplished what they set out to in the Crystal Palace, but also propelled the thing down on its way back to Earth, causing mayhem and carnage that will get them written in history books as a top-dog villain Johnny has nothing on. No amount of afterthought updates is going to convince me otherwise.

"I am back." -- The last words on the cut scene where V calls their Cali before continuing to roam NC.

Rogue survived until 2077.
At least. In the above-said ending (minus my imagination), Rogue doesn't ever enter the Arasaka Tower after that gig with Johnny, and of course has a shot at living past 2077.
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Let's make a petition so they redo it. Hopefully they will listen... bioware did
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For me personally, the only truly f-d up circumstances are the desperation River resorted to (screw NCPD tho so I'm proud of him and more than willing to help him and his family) and Panam understandably being pissed at you despite not knowing the circumstances. Goro failing to help Hanako retake Arasaka from her brother and being framed for her murder has to be the most devastating scenario. Vik having to sell out to Zetatech and falling out with Misty is another, but he's learned to adjust and managed to become successful in spite of it, and Misty's found new balance in her life. Even V, as Rogue tells it, has earned some respect for their accomplishments, though no legend status yet, but that's more realistic than what V was originally shooting for... and less fatalistic.

Kerry is doing great and even promises to visit you - the only reason he doesn't immediately is because he's on tour in other countries at that time. Judy is finally happy and not burdened with the debilitating circumstances of Night City. I could easily imagine my V going to visit just to give their blessing. It's great to see them all responding to the events of the world in different ways and made me curious about a few other characters I liked. Whether a person cares about the engram Johnny depends entirely on their playthrough and the character disposition since they can hate each other by the end of the game rather than be friends. The whole point of the Cyberpunk genre is that the people in the world are often forced into corners or driven by circumstances that they can't control thanks to capitalist and colonial forces and how they respond to them. Like, V is lucky after being in a coma for years that they can even remember just those numbers in the first place, and the fact that some of them were even able to reminisce however briefly shows the depth of the bonds they formed.

Also as a Disabled person, it was very evenly-balanced, which the game does a horrible job of portraying in general when it isn't using us as tragic narrative devices (the six-months-to-live "twist" because V's body is attacking them despite the real world literally having experience treating autoimmune disorders that do exactly that to help people manage as an example of this problem). V was already losing elements of their life prior to that surgery. They have been Disabled ever since the Relic, and even afterward, are still Disabled, like a lot of people. It's tied with Panam's ending for me.

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Night City is repeatedly referred to as the worst city between the Pacific and the Atlantic. It’s not a place where people go to make their dreams come true. We know it’s dark, gritty, and the game (especially PL) is filled with choices between crappy and less crappy outcomes. Like a lot of people, I wanted a HEA ending of some sort for V. I think base game gave fairly ambiguous endings because, theoretically, there was a chance V could find a solution. In my mind, that was especially more feasible with Legend of the Afterlife ending. Just my opinion. PL, I felt, gave more concrete endings that felt more bleak. Yes, V can survive and still has Misty and Vic, her real long-time chooms. But everything that made her the go-to merc legend is gone. She’s vulnerable now in a way it didn’t feel even with Johnny’s engram stuck in her skull meat. I was really entertained with PL and the less than comfortable decision-making throughout. I didn’t expect a fairy tale ending to come out Night City, not this time, but I do kind of miss the slightly more ambiguous endings of the base game.
Hearing the new ending seems to be just a joke delivered by the writers is disappointing. So nomads can kidnap your love interest in one ending but it seems in the new one, they are just used as a stick to beat V with for daring to choose the ending.
Nah bro. This ending sucks. I know 2077 isn't about "happy endings" and all, but I'm the type of guy who gets WAY TOO emotionally invested. I got spoiled on the ending, and I gotta say, it kinda soured my excitement a bit. I wanted something happier. V gets to live, but loses two years of his life and everyone else (besides Vik) moves on. Judy moves to Pittsburgh and gets married, River was forced to sell out secrets to pay for Randy's treatment and refuses to see you outta self-shame, Kerry is too busy for you, and Panam doesn't even answer you (and Mitch says in a post-credit scene that Panam has a deep grudge because she trusted V and he disappeared). Nah, I'll stick with the original Nomad ending.

I sure hope that once CDPR makes the Cyberpunk sequel, and if they choose to continue V's story, make the new Phantom Liberty ending NON-CANON. Plus, V is useless in that ending anyway. Can't work as a merc as his body rejects all combat implants. Make the Nomad ending canon and set the sequel in a different city! Seeing other cities in 2077's cyberized world would be quite interesting. Plus, I'm biased. Panam became one of my favorite video-game characters EVER (her personality and loyalty is just 10/10) and V loses her and everyone else.

Lemme take a break and play the game later. Regardless, I won't be choosing the new ending anyways. xD
Many players agree with you! Me too!!!! 100%! Only 1 ending: The star!
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I mean, I don't even think it's sad.

Misty will even call you out if you start complaining, pointing out that V gets to retire at age 30 and all they have to do is be more cautious.

She's also no longer suffering depression because her friend is alive again.

I feel like people overstate how bad the ending is.
If you romanced Panam, this ending sucks.
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Here is my reflexion about the new ending.

For me, what make sense to the all history, on this new ending, is the fact that Arasaka falls without the V & Silverhand action. That puts on the table a new view of point, where means V & Silverhand weren't so important as they thought because without them Arasaka also was defeated. In my opinion, that's proves Silverhand was just a narcicistic terrorist.

For the other hand, when V decided to obtain the cure, he had to give Songbird to Red & NUSA, and also eliminate Silverhand, and abadoned the main quest, so as the title of the DLC say to win the liberty you have to pay. In this case with your own life, to be a phantom. And that price is you lose everything as pay for what you did it to arrive to that point.

Remember at the begging of the DLC we abandoned our live to go help Songbird because she offers us a cure. We could say: "I'm not going to risk my onw life", but insetad of that, we took the risk and lost all sense just to find the cure. And to reach this point we killed a lot of people, and betrayed everybody, also ourselves, because we abandoned our live. Betrayed everybody because we abandoned our live and because during the DLC non of any decision we took was good for anyone more than us to find the cure. Because if we thought about Songbird we had taken her to the moon, where she could be cured and free, but we would lost the oportinuty to find our cure.

So, in conclusion, obviusly I'm not happy to know V lost his power, more when I were level 53 and I was almost inmmortal, with my blood pump and mylitech "apogee" sandevistan. But, if I would to be free that's the price for abandoned my life to risk everything for a call, of one stranger called "songbird".

And now V is a nobody who can have a normal live, without be involved on terrorist plans or FIA plans, where everybody got fucked. And the most important thing for me, V lost of his view Sivlerhand, so now he can be V and choose his own life. Because before this ending I don't remember any of the characters involved on this were happy. They had problems or V make them get involved in problems, but with V in coma two years, everyone get a better life, because they choosed to be away of the problems.

I know for some people the good ending could be Panam's ending. But in this ending V only live for a short time, and he deads, so I think isn't a good ending for V, is just a good ending for the spectator who still alive with a good feeling. Instead of this, the new ending, makes the specator live with a bad feeling like V, but V is alive with full of time for life as the spectator live.
Yes, but if you watch a movie or play a game, when you completed them, all that's matter is how do you feel! I prefer the good feeling than if my player lives o dies. I prefer thinking in fall in love with my girlfriend and live happy for 6 months (or more finding a cure) than live all player life alone!! Better? Living your life cured and with your love! am I asking too much? :)
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I understand the point of the ending because the whole point is that nobody gets a truly happy ending in Night City, but the whole 'You've been in a coma for two years' is seriously contrived. Even if I can accept that, the fact that all you can do is give your love interest and friends a text message saying you'll be out of town for a few weeks is too much. Why, because Reed told you to? Why do I give a shit what he told me to do? Sure it's a matter of NUSA security and they could reneg on the deal if you gave away secure details, but at the very least any normal human being would call or visit their lover at the very least and explain that there is a cure for their condition. V is going in for experimental life altering surgery where there's no estimated recovery time and all he had to say to Panam was two lines through a text? Bullshit.

It doesn't even make sense that V would say nothing. He has been given weeks to live at most and he has told everyone he trusts this and then he is told that he could be in recovery for an indeterminate amount of time, and he doesn't even think for one second to tell ANYONE that he might not be responsive for a time for any particular reason other than 'I gotta bounce, see you later' through text? Also apparently Panam, or whomever you message doesn't even think to say 'wait, where are you going for possibly a few weeks when you told me recently that you're quickly dying.'?

I fully expected the ending to still be linked to the main story ending I.E. you have to connect to the blackwall through alt to activate the AI, or NUSA makes an agreement that you infect Alt as part of the deal, then you would still have the option of getting to the end and making your choice there and not ignoring the last quarter of the original game.

Yeah, I find this ending contrived. On its own I get it, but it seems like a ham hashed way of giving the nobody gets a happy ending message. Maybe CDPR didn't want to put in the effort of fundamentally rewriting the game ending or the writers just couldn't be bothered to do it, but it's pretty flimsy.

I saw that people were complaining about the ending before finishing it and I figured there would be some aspect that made it not a total happy ending and I honestly expected to be defending it like I did with the original ending, but nah screw that.

It isn't badly written on its own if you take it for what it is, but when you add in every external piece of other characters and your relationship to them it just doesn't chalk up to much for me.

(I'm referring to V as a he and Panam as his lover because that is how I played it, but I've seen the female V version with Judy as a lover and it is fundamentally the same.)

EDIT: As an afterthought, If you don't have a love interest in the game maybe it is a little less contrived but I still don't buy that V wouldn't say anything to anyone other than a bunch of texts saying he'd be out of town. Also I am ignoring the fact that just as an afterthought they shunted in that Johnny gets wiped and its only stated optionally in a call to Reed, which doesn't really make sense to me, surely the Relic would still have data on it. You could argue that the NUSA wouldn't want a known Anticapitalist terrorist alive so would wipe the chip, or at least part of the deal would be that the NUSA keeps the chip to use for their own research, which I would accept as a premise, but they didn't do that, they just gave a bullshit handwave of Johnny has to die for reasons as a fake excuse to give you a moral dilemma about going through with it if you like Johnny.
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