New forums: Special announcement

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I wonder if we gonna have to re-register again on new themed forum just like on Cyberpunk website year ago.
Don't worry. All posts and threads will be moved to the new forum. But, just in case, I advice to make a backup of your pictures, avatars, signatures etc. :)
Keth said:
Don't worry. All posts and threads will be moved to the new forum. But, just in case, I advice to make a backup of your pictures, avatars, signatures etc. :)/>
Abstinence begins in 3 hours. Let's spam as long as we can. Tommorow will be black friday.

501105 said:
The end of days is nigh.

How can I possibly survive without this forum and my witcher discussion fix for so long? I need to join The Witcher Addicts Anonymous or something, for a support.
sfinxCZ said:
I am glad I live in Europe, in Australia, they already have this forum turned off :D/> ..
Oh...well...I'm glad too then :D

But we have only 2 hours left (if the forum will be offline past midnight)
// I would like to write something but I can't I want my "700" for new forum, so Va fail and see you all in new era :)

Synvael said:
But we have only 2 hours left
If you really want to enjoy that time ..

Sorry double post, I forgot to edit >_<

vivaxardas said:
I need to join The Witcher Addicts Anonymous or something, for a support.
TWAA does not exist yet? Nice idea, we should create it
soo no forum till Tuesday ? :(


i wonder how the new one looks
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