Now reading [books]

Anyone here read Chronicles Of Amber?

Since Witcher is based on books, anyone else read another awesome saga called Chronicles Of Amber?

Apparently whenever I ask anybody no one knows what Chronicles of Amber are :(

Edit: The Author, Roger Zelazny, was a friend of George R. R. Martin if you guys would like to know
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Since Witcher is based on books, anyone else read another awesome saga called Chronicles Of Amber?

Apparently whenever I ask anybody no one knows what Chronicles of Amber are :(

Edit: The Author, Roger Zelazny, was a friend of George R. R. Martin if you guys would like to know

Yeah, I red them all. Pretty good, but towards the end the story gets confusing and they aren't finished because Roger Zelazny passed away.
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Yeah, I red them all. Pretty good, but towards the end the story gets confusing and they aren't finished because Roger Zelazny passed away.

Yeah, totally agree, but first arc was great, it had a great beginning middle and end, while Merlin's cycle fell apart in the end because of its incompletion.


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Story is interesting

The overarching story, perhaps. But all the details are wrong in that first run. The writer was obviously out of touch with what The Witcher is actually about and all of its subtleties.

Reasons of State is still the best recent Witcher comic in my eyes. Everything from artstyle to story.


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books similar to witcher?


are there any books similar to witcher?
i have read all the books except the last one ( really scared to end this wonderful journey)

Currently i have read / droned through inheritance , GOT series , book of malazan (those are right off my mind , so i might have read others too)

please suggest !

thank you!
I highly recommend Joe Abercrombie's The First Law trilogy, if you're looking for something with a similar style to The Witcher books.
No suggestions on books similar to The Witcher Series, I'm afraid. But, I've been reading a few Polish folktales, recently, and now, a newly discovered collection of German ones. It's always interesting to examine the human imagination. I've been attempting to locate more Polish tales in English translation, but I'm not having much success.
I am reading
1) End Game Vol 1- Derrick Jensen
2) Wasted Lives (Modernity and its Outcasts) - Zygmunt Buman
3) Crisis Of Modernity - Rene Guenon,
other book series similar to The Witcher

So, I was not really a huge bookworm in my life so far, to admit the Witcher books were the first real fantasy books I ever read and that was just some years ago.

Since then I learned a whole new world besides movies, tv series, animes, mangas and games, I guess I am getting older and wiser :D

A whole new world with hundreds of new worlds, but I am getting a bit lost in it.

Since The Witcher game series is more or less over and Sapkowski is taking his sweet time to give me a proper sequel, I want to delve into new worlds.

I have read The Farseerer by Robin Hobb, the first book and a bit of the second, but I really started to hate the protagonist, such a whiny brat. I looked in the internet how the story progresses and I really didn't like it, so I stopped that.

Then I started to read The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie and wow, there were days I wished I had to drive longer to the uni (not by car, with the train :)) than just 15minutes. I was so curious about what was coming next, but I took my time and only read 30min a day and I loved it. Then I started to read the stand-alone books and I loved them, too. I saw that Abercrombie has more books, but they seem to be YA (Young Adult) material and that kinda scares me off a bit.

I want grown up adults with grownup problems and not 16year old teenager, who are saving the world. I am past that.

I know there are those classics like Tolkien, but 'high fantasy' and this good/evil like Tolkien isn't really my thing. I don't want an evil antagonist, who does evil things, because he is evil.

I also want to read complete series first, I started to read GRRM's books, but it's unfinished for a while.... There are so many series, no need to start more unfished ones.

So what else can I read, especially to satisfy my hunger for more The Witcher?

I thought about reading The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence, because it is considered 'low fantasy', i think.

or those books by Patrick Rothfuss, just read days ago that they are getting a movie, tv series and a videogame, but the series isn't finished yet...

I also heard good things about the Coldfire series by C.S.Friedman, however I can't really find them as ebook.

Brent Weeks' Night Angel Trilogy and Lightbringer, though I heard they aren't so good, especially the last books in the trilogies.

Scott Lynch, Gentleman Bastards.

Or with what should I continue my journey? Any advice?

Oh, and I know there is this series by Moorcook, which has a protagonist quite similar to Geralt, even in appearance, is it worth it?
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