Open Sesame (Glitch... Still)

Open Sesame (Glitch... Still)

The quest where you listen to the guards still doesn't work. I can't reload any saves because I wandered off and did extra stuff, a previous save would take me too far back and I don't want that to happen because I love the gear that I have. I just want to finish the DLC :( It sucks that I can't.... I even bought the season pass...

When will this be fixed? Is it a priority?

Xbox One

It won't let me post links to others that are having the same problem... but they're out there.

Help us!

We are currently working on a patch. Sadly issue occurs only in really specific scenario and thus it may take a while to fix it. Really sorry about this, but I can assure you it is our priority at the moment.
As you mentioned, workaround is to load previous save file.
Best one would be before meeting the Mystery Man in Herbalist's Hut.
Thanks for reaching out.
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We are currently working on a patch. Sadly issue occurs only in really specific scenario and thus it make take a while to fix it. Really sorry about this, but I can assure you it is our priority at the moment.
As you mentioned, workaround is to load previous save file.
Best one would be before meeting the Mystery Man in Herbalist's Hut.
Thanks for reaching out.

I'm happy to know you're working on it... I assumed it would be difficult to patch.

I'm just glad to have some sort of hope that I can complete this DLC. I look forward to future patch notes, Thank you so much!
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