Poll: Favorite TW1 Cutscene

Poll: Favorite TW1 Cutscene

A new mod I'm making has required me to open every single cutscene in Djinni. And while I thought this would be a terrible chore, watching all the cutscenes again has actually been kinda fun.

A lot of people love the intro and outro of TW1, but those are big-budget CGI movies (made by Platige), not cutscenes. The cutscenes are made by CDPR, using the game's own cutscene editor. So of course they aren't as fancy as the CGI movies, but a lot of them are still quite nice. (The still pictures with Geralt's voiceovers are flashbacks, not cutscenes, though some of them are fun, too.)

In previous discussions of the game's cutscenes, I've heard people say that they especially like the cutscene where the Lady of the Lake knights Geralt and the one where the Grandmaster says, "But that sword is for monsters" and Geralt kills him with it, anyway. Aside from those fan favorites, which cutscene(s) do you especially like?

I think we're all agreed that the knighting and GM-killing cutscenes are important and affecting, and I almost left them off of my list, just because I KNOW you like those; EVERYBODY likes those. ;) I was wondering which additional cutscenes people like. But then I decided to put the knighting and GM-killing cutscenes on the list after all, for fear you all would rise up and lynch me if I left them off. :p
"That sword is for monsters!" is one of the best endings I've seen in a game so far, and it's even more powerful a few minutes later after finding out about Alvin. The first time I saw that scene I was spitefully happy and mocking him, "Yes, it is..." as Geralt finished him off. But after realizing it was Alvin I felt really sad and full of loss, and regretted what I had done.

My second choice would be the werewolf cutscene because that was awesome :D

On a side note, for this cutscene: "Some non-humans attack Foltest, but the Grandmaster saves him" When did that happen? I actually don't remember it
WardDragon said:
"That sword is for monsters!" is one of the best endings I've seen in a game so far, and it's even more powerful a few minutes later after finding out about Alvin.
Is IS wonderful, yes. And the whole "But that sword is for monsters" both sets up the subsequent revelation that the GM is Alvin AND it's the capstone to the thread that runs through the whole game, where Geralt has to decide who is and who isn't a monster. Masterfully done!

WardDragon said:
On a side note, for this cutscene: "Some non-humans attack Foltest, but the Grandmaster saves him" When did that happen? I actually don't remember it
During Chapter 5, Foltest finally returns to Vizima, after being away for the first four chapters. He insists on going out and looking around, over Velerad's objections that it's too dangerous. He says something like, "You know those intelligence reports are only good as something to wipe your ass with. If I want to know what's happening, I have to see for myself." Then a small group of non-humans attacks, and two of Foltest's guards are killed. The Grandmaster and his troupe of Order soldiers appears, and the GM casts a spell that disappears all of the non-humans who are attacking Foltest.

The GM asks Foltest to put him in charge of the military and give him unlimited power to do whatever he wants. Foltest gets angry and says no, and the Grandmaster threatens him, by saying that he might not be in time, the next time Foltest is attacked.

At the very end of this scene, the doors to that section of the city open, and Geralt strides in. Foltest decides that Geralt is just the man he wants to see, and tells people to bring Geralt to the castle. When the cutscene ends, you and Geralt are in the castle, and the castle portion of the game begins.
It's not on your list Corylea, but does the leaving of Murky Waters count? The nosy dog from the swamp bidding farewell to Geralt with a mournful howl from the Ladie's altar, while knights of the order march into the rural idyll. Something about the scene always gets to me, and I wonder if that hound is a sending of the Lady, bidding her new champion farewell.
Blothulfur said:
It's not on your list Corylea, but does the leaving of Murky Waters count? The nosy dog from the swamp bidding farewell to Geralt with a mournful howl from the Ladie's altar, while knights of the order march into the rural idyll. Something about the scene always gets to me, and I wonder if that hound is a sending of the Lady, bidding her new champion farewell.
You're right, that IS a good one! I'll add it.

If you choose Shani in Chapter 3, then Alvin has a dog in Chapter 4; I'm pretty sure it's not the nosy dog from the swamp, because that dog never survives Chapter 2 when I play. :) If you choose Triss, if I remember correctly, Alvin DOESN'T have a dog in Chapter 4, but the dog howls you farewell, anyway. Since I picked Shani on my first playthrough, I'd seen the dog, and I used to wonder what people who chose Triss on the first playthrough thought of the dog ... I guess now I know. ;)
What I like about first Witcher, is that even though there arent that many cutscenes, every one is very important and memorable. And they all feel like a reward for completing some part of the game. This feeling was completely lost for me in second game.

As for my favourite, I choose Leo's Funeral. Everything in it is just perfect. Especially that atmosphere of the place, of Kaer Morhen and its cold but beautiful nature surrounding it. The togetherness of the witchers and magical music that plays for the whole scene. And feeling that this is the beginning of a new adventure in Geralts life.

This scene shows exactly what I had in mind when I was reading the books.

I mean, Flotsam forest whas beautiful too, but it was very...fantastical? But forest around them in that scene reminds me of forests in my country. Damn, I miss those slavic influences in second game.
Babli said:
What I like about first Witcher, is that even though there arent that many cutscenes, every one is very important and memorable. And they all feel like a reward for completing some part of the game.
*nod* *nod* *nod* Yes, I agree. Well, I agree that they're important and memorable and that they feel like a reward for completing some part of the game -- I think that's very well stated. Having just gone through ALL of them, I wouldn't say that there aren't that many.

Babli said:
As for my favourite, I choose Leo's Funeral. Everything in it is just perfect. Especially that atmosphere of the place, of Kaer Morhen and its cold but beautiful nature surrounding it. The togetherness of the witchers and magical music that plays for the whole scene. And feeling that this is the beginning of a new adventure in Geralts life.
Yes. I've played the Prologue something like 30 or 40 times, between actual plays of the game and a lot of testing of mods I've made. And I never escape out of Leo's funeral at the end, even though I've seen it so many times. It's tragic and beautiful and hopeful, and seeing the witchers all together, so comradely and united for the last moment in the game ... it's affecting.
-When Yeavvin, that lurking elven scum, kills Rayla. I don't exactly love Rayla mind you...but damn.

-When Geralt first enters the icy hell of Aldersburg's imagination.

And folks with rose colored glasses: there are many cut scenes in TW1. This hasn't just changed for TW2.
Hmmm either The Beast or leaving Murky Waters
NotSlimgrin said:
-When Yeavvin, that lurking elven scum, kills Rayla. I don't exactly love Rayla mind you...but damn.
I never got why many seem consider this so bad. Of course he killed her, they are on opposite sides and depending on how things panned out she had Toruviel hung.
I voted for Geralt's speech warning the villagers: it's one of the best speeches delivered by a game character, ever.

"... I'll come back, I'll slay every lice-ridden peasant, anything that moves and can't climb a tree..." Worthy of Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter or Pale Rider.

The scene with Caroline and Alvin running from the barghests, and the scene of Geralt and Dandelion leaving Murky Waters, are also among my favorites.

(I know it's sentimental, but my favorite flashback is the one you get if you cure Vincent: "Tough cop. Whore from the slums.... A fairy tale.")
Atalyah said:
Hmmm either The Beast or leaving Murky Waters

I never got why many seem consider this so bad. Of course he killed her, they are on opposite sides and depending on how things panned out she had Toruviel hung.

At the risk of being both pedantic and vulgar*, Toruviel was "hanged". Of the "boys" Rayla "turned her over to", it is probable that one or more of them was "hung".

* (Woot! I can downrate my own posts.)
Apart from the above stated, I love the last option cutscene
the dog was cool! :D
well I also like the part where you defend abigail (I always saved her, made most sense) and screw the villagers. the dialogues were very well made and fun to watch.
I have trouble picking a favorite, actually. One reason why I started this topic was that I'd watch the cutscene of Savolla leading the frightener in and think, "That's so cool!" Then I'd watch the cutscene of Geralt telling the villagers that he'd "slay every lice-ridden peasant, everything that moves and can't climb a tree" and think, "That's the best," and then I'd watch the one of the golem turning slowly around as its eyes come alive and think of the shivers it gave me the first time I saw it. The Lady knighting Geralt, Geralt killing the GM with the silver sword, Geralt casually killing a drowner -- with a flourish! -- as he's on his way to kill the cockatrice ... they're just all so great!

No matter which one you pick as the best, I'll probably agree with you. :p
To be honest, the actual direction of cut scenes is better in TW2. Be it Triss and her arrow/butterfly spell, her magical remove clothing trick, the dragon crash landing, Iorveth creeping up on Letho in the cave, etc.
NotSlimgrin said:
To be honest, the actual direction of cut scenes is better in TW2. Be it Triss and her arrow/butterfly spell, her magical remove clothing trick, the dragon crash landing, Iorveth creeping up on Letho in the cave, etc.
We don't need to elevate OR denigrate the cutscenes in TW2 in order to celebrate the ones in TW1. This thread isn't intended as a comparison between the two games, just a fond retrospective of our favorite moments in TW1.
My favorite is "the Lady knighting Geralt". The atmosphere, the music, the water rising into the air, and the quest-line building up to that scene are all amazing. I always do it in the night as well, to the reflection of the moon on the water and the fireflies in the air. It's one of my favorite moments out of both Witcher games - truly epic. Remembering that scene makes me want to go play TW1 again so badly :(.

My second favorite would have to be the scene when Geralt kills the GM using the silver sword. Like Corylea said, it perfectly concludes the internal struggle Geralt had since the beginning of the game - how people have become the monsters of the new world, and in order to stop evil, Geralt must kill humans. It also hints the connection between Alvin and the GM. All of this done in a single line fallowed by a single action, no more than 5 seconds - that's art.

her magical remove clothing trick

I can not for the life of me imagine why .
" Geralt chewing out the villagers for planning to lynch Abigail " would probably be mine. The whole dialogue and scene just grasped me by my hart while it was happening, all that biggotry, hatered and greed spilling out of the villagers towards a single lady made me want to see them suffer. So, instead, Geralt talked them down really nice.
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