Rematch Button

KnifeTime;n7072560 said:
But instead of GG. Pressing the GG button automatically means no rematch.

Why? Because of collusion to continually give GG rewards to each other? Why not have Rematch only from an initial Match?
One Rematch

I don't know if this has been suggested, excuse me if it has.
There should be a "Rematch" button next to the "Send Good Game" button. Each player should have the option of ONE rematch for a best 2 out of 3 match.
Its an overall good idea, but why 1 rematch? Why not as many as they want (as long of course as they both want to rematch else it becomes kind of redundant since the other player might not want to play)
I totally agree ! Its a great suggestion ... Too mutch often I get destroy in ranked(So is my pride haha) I would like a chance to win it back ! Anywai so far so good,with a great studio like CDPR who listen to the community i can't wait to see all the great thing coming to Gwent in 2017 !!
As another friendly reminder: Don't forget to also send ideas like this to Gwent Support under 'Gameplay': 'Give feedback'. This better helps the REDs track trends in suggestions.
AlkamlBan;n7397710 said:
Its an overall good idea, but why 1 rematch? Why not as many as they want (as long of course as they both want to rematch else it becomes kind of redundant since the other player might not want to play)
Because more is a clear way to abuse the system?
Another option that might be easier, is to have some way of making a player your friend. I see a friend's match, but sadly I have no friends. :(
So if you could add a good match to your friends list, you could rematch them indefinitely.
1 rematch and that's it. Imagine rematching again and again with a friend who let you win to make you climb the rankings faster...
Lots of good ideas never get implemented because of the abuse possibilities.
How about adding some sort of sideboard option for deckbuilding and then after rematch you get to side before round2? That would also be nice for tournaments, i think pretty much all IRL cardgames have sideboarding.
Rematch Option after a match.

Here's a suggestion in Rank Game, but can also be applicable in Casual.

Both players should agree first on a rematch and you can have only 1 rematch so no one can exploit it.
Yes!!! I wondered if anyone else had thought of it. I've had so many matches where I wanted this option. Either because I had bad luck at the draw or because I really enjoyed and admired my opponents deck and wanted to experience it again. +1
There should be a cap on it though, 2 out of 3 for example.


Forum veteran
Currently, when I challenge a friend and play a friendly game, I wont be able to challenge again. The challenge button stays as "Cancel". Now, I ask my friend to issue a challenge. After the second game, we both have to restart Gwent. I remember that this has been raised somewhere, this issue. While the issue has to be fixed, I want to suggest another QoL improvement for Friendly Games.

In the post match, we should have a Rematch option. It doesn't go to the main screen, but starts the next game with the inverted coin flip (whoever went first the previous game will go second). If one of us wants to switch our deck, we should go out and issue a new challenge. CDPR, please introduce this. It is currently a pain in the rear to play friendly games. When you fix the Challenge button, add this Rematch too. Please.
I agree that there should be a rematch option after finishing a match. Some games are worth a rematch.
Name it 'Revenge' button. Only the losing side can activate this and only ONCE. That's because not all game ends up with satisfaction and GG. And this will clearly prevent winner abusing the loser and system again with 'Rematch'..
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