It would be weak only vs Swarm deck, this is why Ardal'd need some AoE
Otherwise it'd be stronger than now as I suggested it imo, except opponent could play around it much more. If test shown it'd be too op, the value of Boost on use could be increased from 1 to like 3, or to dynamic val, depending on the lowest unit being siezed...
I agree that Sieze on leader is broken, but also Philippa sieze is broken, so it's not the rule that it being on leader makes it broken, no?
If you nerf it severly, it'll be less powerful. If you completely rework it, could as well add a completely new ability (now with decoupled leaders not a biggie).
Rework of cards (like Eredin) do happen, but quite rarely. I'm trying to change existing cards to make them viable or not broken but with a high potential, and to aviod dumbing down cards to "boost/damage/play a card"...
The point is, that now you can choose what to sieze and it's not even locked. Which is brainless.But if it's the lowest or the highest, you have to use the iq on WHEN to use it, as the timing it'd be crucial here...
And, that it shouldn't be on leader becaues of being instant action that practically can't be played around much. With my suggestion you could play around more, I think.
How about, "Damage 2 adiecent untis by 2, then boost one enemy by 2, then sieze the lowest enemy on a row" ...
"Create and play a Slave Master (old version with 4 on a row)", maybe with "Create and play a Pig 1 body no skill on opponent row, then create and play Slave Master".
I don't know, it's just an idea. Tailbot will choose a tier 3 meme deck to play it for Gwent Challenger anyways, so maybe if he had something extremaly difficult but with an actual potential, he'd at least win for once