Welcome Thread [Archive]

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I don´t think anyone will mock you, don´t worry! Nice of you to show your face here!

In order to keep the thread on track, I´ll post an updated picture of myself, since the ones I posted earlier where a couple of years old.

There´s me and my GF in a wedding party we had two weeks ago. Hadn´t worn a suit for a long time, lol!
well after such a huge mistake that am post my own pic in the wrong thread ( but that in the past ) ,
so is time to make thing right here is my picture

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This thread seems to have gone a wee bit off track, so I've finally decided to pluck up some courage to post a picture of me for you lot to mock!

& AL890 nobody are gonna mockery you
you must believe in yourself man

( & believe me your looks is not bad at all ;) )


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Just hoping for cat-proofed. Instructions to carpenter: Holes must be big enough for cable connectors but too small for a cat to get through.

Cats will always find a way though! I remember when Ciri was still a kitten, she always used to go behind the TV and play with the wires, so we get our hands on a material that looked similar to a cage and built a fence around it. As you can imagine, she eventually found a way to tear it down and get in anyway! She doesn't try to get in behind the TV anymore, and now likes climbing the chairs!
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Well I don't know if there is anything in the world that can be cat-proofed. I built a sort of cage thing for my new little one(Paper Monster) so that Curtain Monster would not eat her kitten food.

Lo! I come home and through sheer fat will she got through.
That's a pretty cool setup @dragonbird. I'm curious, how's the price of computer parts over there compared to the usual reference, the US?

High, I think, but I don't really look at US prices, there's no point. There's a fairly hefty import tax here on electronics.

It's also largely grey market as a lot of higher-end parts don't have official distributors here, which means you're dependent on store warranties, no back-to-back with the manufacturer. Not a problem if you're dealing with a decent store, but when I was buying my desktop the "asking for quotes" process ended abruptly when the store I was talking to went bust. I'm happy with my current store though, and they're a national chain so relatively safe.

Found the post: This is the rig itself, in my old house, with the old cabinet.

....and surprise, surprise. Saskia worked out how to get into the enclosure. From the shelf underneath. I had the carpenter leave a gap at the back of the shelves for cables, she got through it. Need to block that off tomorrow. Sigh.
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@dragonbird: I like the setup. Especially shelves for the computer itself. I was looking for something of that sort, but ended up keeping my computer on the desk (since the case is quite tall).
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@dragonbird: I like the setup. Especially shelves for the computer itself. I was looking for something of that sort, but ended up keeping my computer on the desk (since the case is quite tall).

The simplest "rack" solution is an open-backed bookcase, the kind often sold as a room divider. I think we have the same case, and that's what I was using before I had the cabinet made. The computer fits nicely if you lie it on its side.
Mine has protruding panels (which open on both sides), so putting it on a side can probably deform them somewhat, since the whole thing is heavy:

Shelf / room divider is a good idea, but I like in your case that the closet has some sort of a door which also allows ventilation.
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Ah, OK, it wasn't the same model. I thought from an earlier discussion it was.
Well, if you know a carpenter, I'll happily send you the design :)
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