What do YOU want to see ?

How about...A Funfair!!! It could be a place where there's all kinds of contests like drinking contests, pie eating contests, fist fighting, horse racing, gambling, ring tossing, dice poker etc. Would also be a place to meet all kinds of people, at first all friendly and helpful but their sordid secrets are slowly revealed and the cheerful atmosphere turns out to be just a facade for much more sinister events...or everything is ok until the peasants get drunk and attack the nonhumans with Geralt having to choose whether to interfere or not.
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But... but... Sagitarii.... what about fisherman Geralt ?

Uhm... no. Just no.

Emhyr considered marrying Ciri to secure his dynasty (which many rulers would have done),
relying on Ithlinne's prophecy. But in the end he decided not to. Because he has a heart.

False Ciri was enough to play the political game without needing to hurt the real one~

The only reason I can see for him finding Ciri is either to use her powers for his empire or
to put her on the throne as his legitimate descendant.

After all Emhyr is not immortal and must have planned ahead, he's a character that does that.
And I'm sure he'd prefer his own blood to receive the heritage he built rather than an imposter.

Thanks that was really... big spoilers. Lol. Anyway wouldn't it be great if GoG version have the e-book version included? That would much better than papercraft for me though :p
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