GWENT: Ask a Dev

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> Why does the game have such bad optimization? My video card is screaming. This is the first collectible card game so loading it.
> Why are there so few settings in the game? I hate to look at the filter over the battlefield. It really blurs the picture + the game is very dark. Will you change something in the visual?
> Why did you change all the card animations? In the original game, you made all the animations fast, and in HC all the animations became slow again.

- the game wasn't fully optimized for the PTR, like mentioned numerous time it was a work in progress version
- We might tweak, but only a bit
- Final animations are not implemented, the game will play faster with proper animations
Hey there.

With HC at out doorstep, got a few questions.

1st - currently on PTR, immunity given by Eredin persists after Renew. Is it supposed to do so, or is it a bug?
2nd - Factions appear to have certain unique mechanics. ST gets ambushes, SK gets discard and bloodthirs, NG gets reveal and deck manipulation etc. Are those planned as exclusive mechanics? Or can we expect to see stuff like Roche placing some ambushes for NR?
3rd - Extreme RNG cards, such as spotters, are they a new staple? Should we expect alot more RNG in gwent?
4th - With alot more gold cards neccecery to actually build a deck, old barrel system probably wont work too well. Is there any rules towards them planned? If so, can you share any?)
5th - Ive played WH control since CBT, so ive got to ask - is it ever going to be thing again? Or is going to be deathwish/consume all the way?

- bug
- they stay unique
- we always to try to limit RNG
- it will work just fine
- too soon to say
Hey Burza,

I have two questions:

- Will Queen Meve ever be added to the multiplayer ? I think it's a shame that the main character of Thronebreaker and one of Northern Realms Leader to not be present in multiplayer.

- Is it planned to give "Tactical advantage" a premium version ? Like through Achievements or Rank rewards, I guess?

Thanks for your time :)

- Maybe
- Not planned atm
Hi Burza and team :)

I love Homecoming and am really impressed with your efforts! Thanks!

Unfortunately I can't run the PTR on my laptop (cards are invisible in mulligan screen and in deck builder). I think the reason is my built-in graphics (intel HD 3000). Regular Gwent works fine on my laptop with medium settings and I have more than 700 hours on record.

Is there a possibility to optimize the game a little bit more to be functional on machines like mine? I know other people are having the same problem. Thanks again for the great work.

The game wasn't fully optimized on the PTR, we will optimize more for launch.
Hello Burza,

I know you guys are super busy at the moment, but I was wondering if there is gonna be a summary of what was milled (i.e. total cards) for each of us during the auto-mill phase.

Still working on this, I'll share details once I know more :)
Hi Pawel! First of all, thank you and the rest of CDPR for the opportunity of playing the HC PTR. I really liked it! I just have one little question concerning card removal animations/effects you might be able to answer. It always seems to be the scorch animation while in pre HC gwent there were different animations like maggots "eating" the cards (epidemic) or the blood effects (consume etc.). Is the current animation is just a placeholder thing and will different effects return?

Placeholder a lot of VFX were missing from the PTR :)
Hey Burza just wanted to ask about some abbilities from the PTR which were described differently than they worked.

For example: Henselts description says "pull A copy from your deck", but in fact he pulls ALL copies.
Also Slave drivers description said: "Damage an enemy by 2. If an enemy unit is locked, damage it by 1 instead." But realisticly the damage increases for every locked unit.

I just wanted to know are these descriptions wrong and the cards work as intended or the other way around so that the cards are bugged?

Everything you saw is WIP the tooltips are not finalized, so they will change.
Hi Burza, loved the ptr can't wait to play more of the new Gwent after release!

> As a monsters main since forever I'm a bit sad that there are no resilient units for monsters in HC. Given that this used to be THE faction identity ever since W3, are there any plans to change this? Maybe this could be added to Woodland Spirit since his ability is underwhelming atm.

> Any plans on implementing diferent provisions for leaders besides/instead of mulligans? Currently it feels awful to play the 1-2 mulligan leaders, and Usurper makes your sacrifice even more painful.

> Are some of the very similar abilities between faction locked and neutral units placeholder or is that intended? For example Dao and Striga both do the same exact thing, and so do Wolf Pack and Wyvern (Wyvern can shoot cow carcases I guess).

Thank you for reading this, wish you good luck in the following two weeks!

- not planned
- not planned
- not locked yet, still working on them
Greetings Burza! A question on the new reveal system.
Has gwent team finally decided to keep this mechanics? You said so but, later you said the team will listen to players.
Obviously players don't like this RNG based reveal much. And also you said gwent is trying to limit RNG.
I really hope I will not face enemies with reveal and beat me because he uses Yennifer to reveal a 15 point Tibor by luck.
IMHO, this is not healthy.

BTW, will the PTR open again when it is ready?

People often ask here whether this or that thing will be changed on release. As opposed to them trying to guess the team's plans and you replying "Not planned", maybe it would be easier if you just shared with us what IS planned to be changed/implemented/fixed in the near future? Of course taking into account that everything is subject to change and not set in stone. So, is there anything on the table apart from balance tweaks?
Hi Burza, I loved the PTR Open, and can't wait until it is fully released, everything so far is on point just needs several tweaks to be made.
One question to mind:
> Will there be an animation where the art of the cards comes out when placed on the board, as this will be extremely amazing and awesome to see. However, you don't have to animate all the cards to come out but maybe only important cards or hero cards? For example like in other CCG or MTG:A in general where you have card arts coming out of the board that looks so cool and will look even better if it was implemented in The Witcher Universe of Gwent.

Kind day!
I would write fewwords about leader 3d models:

Mighty Eredin on cursor hover light, looks like an white-red clown
Woodland Spirit looks like plastilina dear toy.
(no offence, it just Looks like this for me; overbright for dark fantasy)

How hard is to fix it?
I believe problem is in light brigthness,
for exemple now brigthness == 1, should make it about 0.6-0.8 from original light thickness (saturation).
on leader cursorhover.
Here 6sec video: check out yourself: (bright eredin) (bright woodland s.)
uploaded on google drive, no ads nor viruses.
Thank you for All your Hard Work!
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64 bits only

Has it been tested that it won't run on 32 bit at all? Because even the current open beta Gwent is officially 64 bit only, but it runs on 32 bit perfectly. (And yes I am aware that the homecoming open PTR was 64 bit only, but someone wrote in this topic that PTRs were always 64 bit only.)
Loved HC PTR and thank you for the opportunity.

Is a day/night cycle possible? Maybe morning round 1, noon round 2 and what we saw in PTR round 3? I love the visuals, but it can be dark. May impact watching streams and tournaments too. Game boards have great detail that can be diminished with the dark shadows. NG board seems to biggest offender.

Also, battles of the sort we see in the Witcher world wouldn’t tend to be fought at night, right?
Hi Burza! I mostly hang out on Reddit. Do CDPR employees still read Reddit (I know it's been a bit toxic, but there is a lot of positive and constructive feedback on there as of now)?

My question: I know you're busy right now, but is there a possibility of CDPR releasing an offline-only build of the final version of Gwent Beta, for posterity / nostalgia? I asked about this on Reddit. I think of HC as Gwent 2, and while it looks fantastic, it just seems such a shame that we'll never again be able to open up Gwent 1, a game we've played for two years. Maybe you can just release the LAN client used for tournaments if that works offline and supports AI matches.

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