Interviews and Articles Part 2

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Couldn't agree more. It's even more scary now that we know the game is feature complete, and so pretty much what we see is what we're going to get... Hopefully various little quibbles and issues with all the WIP footage will be somewhat (mostly) gone and it'll look like everything we're hoping it to be. Damn exciting, but I am nervous as to what we'll see and how everything will look.

I dont actually think we'll get to see more footage, in the literal sense of the word, just hear and read impressions, thats what usually happens.

But even in that realm, yes I feel like that, as more and more the game gets closer to be complete naturally one becomes a bit nervous about knowing you'll have to start accepting what you get, and not just give constructive criticism for things that you want changed.
I dont actually think we'll get to see more footage, in the literal sense of the word, just hear and read impressions, thats what usually happens.

Well, that's certainly a possibility. Depends on what kind of event it's like... Games like Far Cry 4 & Dragon Age: Inquisition had these sorts of press events where they allowed people to capture what they played and upload it to youtube and discuss it.
However those situations occurred MUCH closer to those games launches than the ~4.5 months we are still away from TW3's... So I'm honestly prepared for either/or.

Whether we actually see footage, or whether it's just journos discussing what they played, at the very least I'm sure there'll be a few proper Witcher fans amongst those journalists who will actually go in-depth with what they played and talk about Alchemy, Witcher Senses or whatever else they get to play, depends on how restrictive CDPR is about what they are allowed to go hands-on with.

Either way we'll certainly hear some tidbits about lots of features, and those features will be in their definitive state, so as you said, it's that realization that whatever we hear, good and/or bad, it's there to stay and we'll have to start our own personal mind games about stuff.
It's good they're allowing hands on this far out from release. I recall some pretty frank assessments of TW2 and CDPR had a chance to start thinking about what to patch after the game was out.
Well... nothing new, really. 2:18 Witcher 3 (a little late to "wake up"). All those who keep track of information about the W3, already know about it.

PlayStation Now Subscription Price Revealed & Incredible Art from The Witcher 3 - GS Daily News
Yes, there is indeed a hands-on in this month, possibly next week.

Sauce: I know people, media people tee hee

Brst gaming related news I've heard this year ;). Halfway through W2 as of yesterday and can't wait to hear press impressions on W3.
Kind of pointless article, but still.

"One of the best" it's a pretty safe thing to say, and it also makes no sense since nobody has actually played the game yet. It can always turn out to be underwhelming.
Kind of pointless article, but still.

"One of the best" it's a pretty safe thing to say, and it also makes no sense since nobody has actually played the game yet. It can always turn out to be underwhelming.

Lol, I liked that article's conviction, its like talking to a child about their favorite videogame ever that they could imagine.
From the facebook The Witcher:

Gra Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon została właśnie wybrana najbardziej oczekiwanym tytułem 2015 roku przez czytelników serwisu GameSpot.
Chcieliśmy w tym miejscu podziękować wszystkim Wam za oddane na nas głosy oraz za pokładane w nas nadzieje! Dziękujemy z głębi naszych serc!

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has just been selected the most anticipated title of 2015 years by readers of GameSpot.
We wanted to thank all of you for the votes cast at us and for the hopes placed in us! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Most Anticipated Game


Sorry. I haven't saw existing subject. Thx @Kinley .
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So does anyone know other magazines for the new stuff in the next weeks? EvilChris wrote something about different countries and for different groups (no idea what that means). I looked for germany. One pc magazine has a preview, but it is available since yesterday, so I doubt it will feature one of the mentioned hand-ons. Couldn't find anything else
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Scryar, what I was referring to was some hands on press events that take place in different countries this month. Whatever we do/show at these events would not be in the issue you show. As to who will be attending which event in what country, we can't say just yet.
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