Patch 1.07 coming soon to all platforms!

Well guess I'm going to enjoy the sunshine, it will come to gog eventually. Cheers for the people at CDR, being a software developer I know all too well how those busy periods filled with deadlines are, maybe missing a few. Time for weekend guys.
Downloading for ps4 now. 7 gigs. I hope this fixes a bunch of problems I been having. I actually have held up some parts of the game and haven't played as much cuz I was waiting for this.

It's coming, relax.
I have never been pissed at CDPR, until now. No patch or DLC on GOG. What happened to the so-called simultaneous release? WTF, CDPR?:scold:

Its quite obvious there were issues with the PC patch. They added last minute changes to Hairworks and Steamdb records show within the last few hours updates listed as nVidia_beta and AMD_beta.

So to me it looks like the PC is what delayed this patch all a long.
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