Announcing Gwent and bolstering Xbox One Collector’s Edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Besides all the hatred: Anyone else super excited about having such a thing like gwent in the game? I personally love it as I believe it will eat up even more playtime ^^

Yeah, I already tried a couple of times to steer the discussion in this direction, but in vain. Everybody just wants to display that they are sure that the road to abyss starts with two decks of cards.

Anyway, I also think that Gwent in game is awesome. Will we have to search for the cards and collect them, I wonder? Also I'm wondering whether the AI for the opponents in this minigame will be strong enough.
Because this too is part of the repeated history. I said the same things on the BioWare Social Network back when the first signs showed for BioWare as I am now. I was chastised by fans and developers back then too for being a "doomsayer" about the whole thing. Then it just escalated and by fears gradually became a reality with every passing month. About 3 years later, it had all pretty much come true.

Who has hurt you so ruthlessly? oh lord, who did you this? I'm truly sorry.
BioWare cut corners, reused assets in a way that was never seen before (same dungeon everywhere) for the abomination called DA2 made the game a DRM game. and here thy are giving freebies in the CE.
I Purchased the GOG version of the game and i really want the statue and the medallion, i will be happy to pay for it but i cant because it is CE exclusive.


Slippery slope is a way of speaking to get a point across. There is no real definition as the meaning changes with time.

Sorry, but I think the term and point still applies. Having been a gamer since the mid-80's and watched a lot of devleopers and publishers come and go and seen what happens when this type of thing happens, then I think it's pretty safe to say that "slippery slope" is indeed the term I should have used. The fact is, these type of things almost always start with these type of events. BioWare is a classic example: a company that slipped very quickly after a series of events and became a shadow of their former selves in only 3-4 years, pretty much beginning from when EA took the helm. I called it during the first steps then, and was right. I actually wish I hadn't been, but... there we have it.

Prove me wrong, CD Projekt. Prove. Me. Wrong. Because I'd rather be wrong than right under the circumstances.

You still don't get it.

It really doesn't matter you decided to call it «slippery slope». You could have called it «critical thinking», like a fellow poster did a few pages ago, or «shoofly pie» just as well. The label is irrelevant.

What matters is your committed a fallacy. You described a scenario where Event A - Xbox One gamers getting extra goodies will «almost inevitably» lead to Event B - Complete sellout. Yet you have not presented any mechanism, not even assorted reasons, by which that would happen. This qualifies as «Slippery Slope fallacy» as it perfectly fits the description of that logical problem, as described in the provided quote. And it will remain an unsurmountable problem until you have done so and presented a mechanism by which the current crisis will lead up to that dystopian future. Until then, yours and similar claims cannot be taken seriously.

Moreover, that very claim flies in the face of the latest statement from Iwinskky, explicitly stating there will be no more exclusives. Additionally, the backlash has been so intense and ill-timed that to me that path seems more unlikely than ever. So, basically, you're now faced with the choice of either presenting a particularly compelling mechanism or me dismissing your claim for holding no water whatsoever.
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It's a shame all these people asking for a cloth map in the CE probably are not going to get one unless they Pre-ordered Xbone thanks for listening to what we wanted and then deny most of us from it.
It's a real shame that the announcement of a nice mini-game was shadowed by all this. And it leads me to thinking, how the work of some people that have nothing to do with creating games (the marketing people from microsoft and CDPR) can destroy something very beautiful and beshadow the things that really matter.

In any case, most people think that everyone who rants does it because of some cards or a cloth map, well that's not the case. CDPR has a certain philosophy (or had?) and this action contradicts it, I wonder how can a rebel with anti DRM policies can work so close to someone who at the least has contributed A LOT to DRM, DLCs, subscribe to play, and so on...
"We are treating all gamers equally"

*goes and gives XB1 gamers extra stuff*

You still don't get it.

It really doesn't matter that you decided to call it «slippery slope». You could have called it «critical thinking», like a fellow poster did a few pages ago, or «shoo fly pie» just as well. The label is irrelevant.

What matters is that your committed a fallacy. You described a scenario where Event A - Xbox One gamers getting extra goodies will «almost inevitably» lead to Event B - Complete sellout. Yet you have not presented any mechanism, not even assorted reasons by which that would happen. This qualifies as «Slippery Slope fallacy» as it perfectly fits the description of this logical problem, as demonstrated in the provided link and quote. And it will remain an unsurmountable problem until you have presented either a mechanism or assorted reasons by which we get from Event A - current crisis to Event B - dystopian future. Until then, yours and similar claims cannot be taken seriously.

Read my analysis of BioWare in a prior post in this very thread. These things always start with the small things. Usually with developers suddenly doing something so massively out of character. A few years later, it's the norm.

Moreover, that very claim flies in the face of the latest statement Iwinskky issued, explicitly stating there will be no more exclusives.

Once trusted developers have said all kinds of things before that turned out to be lies. CDPR also said they would be essentially treating all platforms equally and not playing favourites, but now they are. And they've already employed lawyer style tactics and execu-speak to try and dodge around the issue and make claims that they aren't going against their initial claims. They said only 3 months ago that this type of tactic goes against "their values" when it comes to in-game platform exclusives. The minutia that it's taken a non in-game form and they've chosen to play favourites with Microsoft suddenly should also go against these values if they have them because the principle is essentially the same.

Today it's cards and a map, tomorrow it's timed exclusive content and getting fully in bed with some AAA publisher who will turn you into the very thing you rebelled against in the first place.
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Today it's cards and a map, tomorrow it's timed exclusive content and getting fully in bed with some AAA publisher who will turn you into the very thing you rebelled against in the first place.

But why are you stocked here? with a prophecy? Do you know the future? do you know CDPR's plans? Are you a guru?
But why are you stocked here? with a prophecy? Do you know the future? do you know CDPR's plans? Are you a guru?

Cause and effect and prior experience. I've seen this before. The same signs are there. I'm not saying it's outright inevitable, but I've seen this result in disaster down the line FAR more times than not.
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