Card Ideas

Moderator's Note: create your own cards using the following website:

How do you like them?

Illusion: Creates a mirror image of your current Board. If you place a spy in the Illusion, it goes to your side too. If you boost an enemy unit in the Illusion, your card gets it too.
- Use Duchess's Informant, to create one more copy of a bronze card.
- Use Cahir, and boost your Illusion-cards, instead of your enemy.
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Rience (6 provision)
- Use Cahir, to get the maximum value of this card.


  • Borkh.png
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  • Codringher.png
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  • Falka.png
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  • Istredd.png
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  • Lyrian_Blacksmith.png
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  • Mirror_of_Illusions.png
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  • Paladin.png
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  • Raven.png
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  • Renfri.png
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  • Rience.png
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  • The_Professor.png
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I've got an interesting dual SY-NG card for you:

Cost: 9p

You use it on a 3 strength Bounty Hunter and it leaves your side. Then you can seize any enemy unit with 6 or less power.

This card can get 6 immediate value, falling short by 3p. However it thematically fits both factions and enables some interesting strategies:

1) You can trade a useless unit for an engine, denying enemy value while generating it for yourself.
2) Works great with self-poisoning in SY. You poison your unit - getting all upsides - then trade it and kill it with another dose.
3) You can trade units with bleeding, bounty and other bad statuses and get back those 3p.
4) It is also a crime and a tactic, synergizing with other faction cards.

Pretty interesting. It could also counter a Cow Carcass and the interactions with Self poisoning are pretty good.
I've got an interesting dual SY-NG card for you:
View attachment 11008042
Cost: 9p

You use it on a 3 strength Bounty Hunter and it leaves your side. Then you can seize any enemy unit with 6 or less power.

This card can get 6 immediate value, falling short by 3p. However it thematically fits both factions and enables some interesting strategies:

1) You can trade a useless unit for an engine, denying enemy value while generating it for yourself.
2) Works great with self-poisoning in SY. You poison your unit - getting all upsides - then trade it and kill it with another dose.
3) You can trade units with bleeding, bounty and other bad statuses and get back those 3p.
4) It is also a crime and a tactic, synergizing with other faction cards.

Good idea. I like it.


Forum veteran
Most of the OP's ones are amazing, had seen some before, including some from Thronebreaker.

Would love to see them added, at least based on the art.

Guest 4305932

Beautiful ideas, Probably not balanced but very interesting. Good job.
It's better to make game more interesting, then to balance it. Because the balance is mostly automatical. There forever will be cards and combos stronger then others - it is called meta. Balancing is a perpetual process. So, let this process be at least fun with interesting cards.

Guest 4305932

You are right but not everyone will agree with you. Take the recent discussion about SY for example.
The art in those cards is amazing. I want them. All of them.

I'm in love with cards that includes characters from the books. Just look at Falka or Renfri. Wow!

Rience, The Professor (we need Azar Javed too) Bohrk, Istredd... all of them are stunning.

Also I really like some of the abilities in these cards. Falka's ability is super interesting! I want it. Against heroes like Meve, Crach, or Eithné she could have a cooldown of 1. Not op because with only 3 strenght body that's easy for removals. And others abilities like Filavandrel, Harald, Annarietta, Ardal, Woodland could have only one use because they can be ultra good. Others abilities like Foltest or Unseen Elder are completely useless in most cases with her (except assimilate decks). Same with Francesca, not worth it. So I think Falka's ability could be good or no depending who is the enemy hero (RNG) so I think that ability could be super interesting.

Istredd's abiity is perfect for him. 10/10. Borkh... mmm why not? Codringher's ability is good too. Lyrian Blacksmith "give an artifact 1 charge" is perfect too, but the other one is super strong and op (so give an artifact 3 charges god no way) Mirror of Illusion is super amazing! but it can be super strong too (it's perfect to play an order unit in the next turn without repercussions ) so the illusion is only available for 2 turns and it starts at the moment you play the card, (I say 2 turns because in your next turn you can play the safe unit, the opponent will see the same so there will be no removal on that turn for that specific unit) also it is an artefact so if this card is destroyed, the illusion of course is gone and the opponent will see your next card yes or yes.

Paladin's ability is very good. It makes sense. Raven... mm... destroy an allied artefact perfect, but destroy an enemy unit with 1 base power? hell no, nobody plays Gael because he has the same ability and it's useless in all situations and almost impossible to get. So nope.

Renfri... mmm I think that ability is not that good. So maybe no. Rience yes, I like his ability. The professor... I like the idea but in practice is completely useless in both scenarios. But yeah another possible ability with 'poison' for him would be good. But not that one.

Hostage Exchange I like the card, crime, special but I don't like the ability.
The art in those cards is amazing. I want them. All of them.

I'm in love with cards that includes characters from the books. Just look at Falka or Renfri. Wow!

Rience, The Professor (we need Azar Javed too) Bohrk, Istredd... all of them are stunning.

Also I really like some of the abilities in these cards. Falka's ability is super interesting! I want it. Against heroes like Meve, Crach, or Eithné she could have a cooldown of 1. Not op because with only 3 strenght body that's easy for removals. And others abilities like Filavandrel, Harald, Annarietta, Ardal, Woodland could have only one use because they can be ultra good. Others abilities like Foltest or Unseen Elder are completely useless in most cases with her (except assimilate decks). Same with Francesca, not worth it. So I think Falka's ability could be good or no depending who is the enemy hero (RNG) so I think that ability could be super interesting.

Istredd's abiity is perfect for him. 10/10. Borkh... mmm why not? Codringher's ability is good too. Lyrian Blacksmith "give an artifact 1 charge" is perfect too, but the other one is super strong and op (so give an artifact 3 charges god no way) Mirror of Illusion is super amazing! but it can be super strong too (it's perfect to play an order unit in the next turn without repercussions ) so the illusion is only available for 2 turns and it starts at the moment you play the card, (I say 2 turns because in your next turn you can play the safe unit, the opponent will see the same so there will be no removal on that turn for that specific unit) also it is an artefact so if this card is destroyed, the illusion of course is gone and the opponent will see your next card yes or yes.

Paladin's ability is very good. It makes sense. Raven... mm... destroy an allied artefact perfect, but destroy an enemy unit with 1 base power? hell no, nobody plays Gael because he has the same ability and it's useless in all situations and almost impossible to get. So nope.

Renfri... mmm I think that ability is not that good. So maybe no. Rience yes, I like his ability. The professor... I like the idea but in practice is completely useless in both scenarios. But yeah another possible ability with 'poison' for him would be good. But not that one.

Hostage Exchange I like the card, crime, special but I don't like the ability.
The Lyrian Blacksmith's Bonded ability should have been 2 instead of 3 charges. True that.
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Here's a voivode for the Northern Realms soldier-deck.
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Black Knight would be far too strong. Even with 3 strength and 13 provisions it would still be op as it would be able to shut down every deck whose damage is relies on orders completly.

Concerning Dark Druid what is a row effect supposed to be and when is it triggered? Do you mean when a weather card is played, or each round when the weather effect is triggered. What about Lacerate or Cruhsing Trap.

Northern Beast doesn't sound like a SK card and much more like a MO one. Even if you have 3 1 strength Tokens you can kill, you need an at least 7 strength target to get full value out of the card. That seems far too situational if not for Arachnas Queen or Gerni.

Dethmold sound nice, but should have 1 more provision, as tutoring Alzurs with a body is pretty strong and he also has an melee ability which is a stronger Reinforcements.
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