Cyberpunk 2077 User Reviews & Impressions

I don't like that you need technical skill to upgrade iconic items. These are supposed to be special rewards you get for completing various milestones of your journey, but if you make any kind of build that doesn't have technical skill (Which is already extremely punishing) you don't get to enjoy them at their best.

It's honestly silly that you can't hire someone to craft for you in the game. Technical ability simply being the "Have good items & infinite money" skill isn't really a great design.
It's a bloody mess, but it's wonderful in terms of writing. So much so that I just ordered the Collector's Edition, although only Cthulhu knows when will I actually get it, is not famous of being very reliable with their delivery dates.
I've cleared most of the side missions in the game now and I'm wondering what I'm missing. There were supposedly some amazing side missions that people saw that outshined the main story or gave this game a ton of gameplay and life. Pretty much every mission I've done has been over within a few minutes, were incredibly shallow and boring and offered nothing that other games didn't do better.

Aside from the romance option side quests and one regarding a companion, there was nothing that stood out so far.

The boss fights are a complete joke, same with the Cyberpsychos. The gameplay is repetitive and offered nothing that Deus Ex didn't offer just as well years ago. The world itself is pretty, but as shallow as Fallout 4, maybe even more so. The more I play the more disappointed I am. The more I see how dishonest CDPR was the more upset I am with this release.

I never trusted CDPR, because they're a business first and foremost, but how a company can decide to actively destroy any goodwill and reputation like they have with this launch is beyond me. I would think short term gains would be vastly overshadowed by long term gains had they delivered on this release.
The game is vastly unfinished. For example:
- Cops spawn right on top of you when committing a crime and they disappear after like 10 seconds lol They just stop chasing you.
- In races if you get ahead the rubber banding is so bad that it will just spawn cars in front of you so you are no longer winning.
- The economy is the game is completely broke. A gun bought for 20k eddies only sells for like 100 eddies.
- There is also a bug when you drive in third person your car will leave white dots behind it if you drive towards the sun.
- Driver AI is broken, put something in front of them and they don't know what to do.
-Enemy AI is also broken, i ran over a member of a gang and the others just ignored it lol

AND THE BIGGEST! The game doesn't save my settings on PS5. So each time I quit the game I have to set my video, interface and other settings over again.
That's what happens when you spend 8 years tailoring graphics and actors instead of making a game with playable mechanics that matter and , in the end, actually give the player freedom of choice. In CP77 (can't speak for the witcher because i didn't like that one either gameplay wise as an rpg and I ditched it after 45 hours) you are played by the game, you're not playing the game and you have that constant feeling of the director watching over you waiting for you to chose the next line. You actions don't matter, the city doesn't respond to your presence in any meaningful way, there's no immersion, there's 4 freacking mechanics period splatted all over the game and every mission, no need to plan anything since you just go there following the esclamation marks and do shit, oh and all this in Very Hard , that just makes enemies thougher. Enemies that spawn triggered when you pick up a abody and when they start fighting they get trashed by their own Gang memeber just because the game doesn't recognize them as members of that gang (because they spawned you know) etc etc etc. How this game got so much higher scores is beyond me. It's an 8 and being generous just because fropmm a movie perspective is almost perfect. From a videogame perspective it's around 6. I guess if I wanna play an rpg I have to go back to Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity or any other game from Bethesda or Larian's. Again, next time LESS GENITALS AND MORE GAMEPLAY.


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Ever since I was a little kid watching my older cousin play the Pen and Paper with his friends I dreamt of a Cyberpunk game and
let me start by saying that this game is not what I thought it would be.

My main issue with the game has to be the STORY.

The first red flag for me was when you meet Jackie, everything up to that point is absolutely amazing the graphics, the fat man sitting next to you, the car ride with that priest godfather it really was breathtaking, you meet Jackie and everything is great and boom, you get a montage of all the great stuff you and Jackie did instead of you actually playing it, which is a weird decision but I'll get into that a bit later. I assume the great things you and Jackie did in the first 6months will be the DLC.
It's just an odd decision cause honestly we all wanted that 6months. Even after the montage the game is still great the missions are awesome you are getting to know the city and its absolutely gorgeous.

The game takes a nosedive after Johnny is introduced. Now I understand that every story needs an overarching story but this is not all that interesting if I'm honest. You're dying and you need to get the construct out of your head...really? With the rich lore and world of Cyberpunk you can easily tell a better story than this. Why couldn't V trying to become rich and famous be enough of an overarching story? From this point on it becomes the Johnny show, you might be the protagonist but he is the main character. In my opinion in every cyberpunk/blade runner story, the city should be the main character always.

As you progress through the game the story becomes worse and worse and by the end of it and you know its the end I just wanted to be done with it. The main story is incredible short if you don't do any of the sidequests, you could probably finish it in 12hours.

It's not the story that I wanted. And I don't think its the story that CDPR wanted either. 1.5years ago they showed us this:

this is not a story where Johnny takes over the whole game, this is a story where YOU are the protagonist and in charge. This is not a story of you dying and the whole story is about you saving your life. This is a story of you being in charge of YOU and taking night city by the horn!

My second issue with the game has to be the Missions and Gameplay
Lets start with the mission that introduces Militech, Meredith Stout and the Maelstrom. It's the mission we all saw in the 48min gameplay reveal, amazing mission, right? In my playthrough I sided with the Maelstrom cause Meredith game me an encrypted shard which i decrypted cause if the game gives me an option to do something i will do it. At the end of the mission I get the flatbed I'm buddies with Maelstrom instead of Meredith which I'm fine with, the Maelstrom are far cooler anyways so now I'm going to do missions for them right? NOPE, you never see or hear from the Maelstrom ever again until the very end when you do a sidequest with Rogue and they are guarding a container shipment, you have no interaction with them other than choking them out. Same thing with the Vodoo boys amazing intro and yep you never see or hear from them ever again.
It was definitely alluded that you could side with different factions and that would impact you and night city but that didn't come to fruition, imo the two best missions of the game were both in the 48min trailer.

Gameplay-wise its a mess. Lets start by upgrades and leveling up...they don't matter I think I had 10 extra points which i saved for passing speech options and had about 20 perk points by the end of it. The reason is that sneaking is too easy and the game or the roleplaying aspect of it encourages you to sneak it feels canon to do so its the same problem Deus Ex Mankind Divided had where sneaking was so OP that non of the great upgrades you bought you actually got to use, this game doesn't even have great upgrades. The best part of the game was when you were forced to do combat and even then the gun you used was far superior to any upgrade you could get.
You can upgrade everything guns, your body, perks, skill points but non of that mattered cause the game has very little combat and when it does you just sneak.

The hacking minigame is just atrocious I would rather netrunning was eliminated completely, and the only thing you use it for is to either distract and shut off cameras which is not all that interesting honestly and rarely used. A good option would have been to have a netrunner on your side and you tell them to shut down cameras and such. Just like in the mission to save the girl in the bath tub from the 48min trailer.

The boss battles were fine, they were bulletsponges and they didn't really have any tactic or specific thing you needed to learn, the game gave you plenty of cover and they were easy to take down 3 in total they were fine not great but they did the job.

The game bombards you with sidemissions and it becomes all very overwhelming. The sidequests are a mixed bag really, my personal opinion is that the sidequests should work as an enforcement of the mainstory and should pertain to it cause if not it really just throws the pacing off. I'm dying and Johnny is in my head so why am I driving this ripperdoc across the map? Why am I looking for rogue AI cars? Unlike witcher 3 where sidequests were given to you when you visited a specific area and its story pertained to that area here its just thrown at you from phonecalls. Every sidequest should have been about the task at hand.
And another issue I have with the sidequests is that a lot of them are several levels above my own, they should have been evenly distributed as you progress.
Also a lot of the sidequests were kinda lame and felt forced, the jesus christ mission for instance, some of them are not that good plain and simple.

Yes the bugs are there, yes they detract from the experience, but to me I don't judge CDPR based on them, cause that is not their intent obviously and they can be fixed. Some missions had a sound bug where you couldn't hear the NPC speaking it was annoying sure. Other times you got stuck in the environment but a reload fixed that problem, I'm not that harsh on bugs I know some people are but to me they can easily be fixed. I didn't experience anything gamebreaking so I'm ok with it.

DLC and the Future
Like I said before I have a hunch that one of the DLC will be the 6months we missed with Jackie. I honestly think this should have been in the game from start. It all feels very much like FF15 where they tried "fixing" the story with DLC and its just nope too late. You can't retroactively fix story, you can fix bugs sure but not story, we all experienced it and that ship has sailed. I honestly think CDPR should not make any DLC for this game and skip the MP as well. They should make their Ciri game come back and focus on Cyberpunk 2. They have the technology they can build it, for me its not a lack of vision that is at fault here its the execution of that vision. They should skip last gen systems and now its just smooth sailing as I said the tech is there and the vision is there too CDPR proved it with their initial trailer
everything for a great Cyberpunk game is all there!
Thanks, but I would have preferred my own thread. Did you actually read everything, do you agree with it?

Can't say I agree or disagree with everything as I haven't finished the game. It definitely has a lot of problems right now, but from what I saw I can agree with the last sentence:

the tech is there and the vision is there too CDPR proved it with their initial trailer everything for a great Cyberpunk game is all there!
So... finally, here it is! What do you think about Cyberpunk?


Quote of the day:
My impression is that the launcher is nice. Can't say more because the "play" button don't launch anything.


As for myself, I have decided to let this game age in the cellar for 1-2 years to become a true masterpiece. If you played The Witcher Wild Hunt long enough, you know the difference between version 1.01 and 1.32. If you didn't, trust me - it was very noticeable. I enjoyed the game so much more when the bugs and rough edges were refined, so I am going to do this with Cyberpunk.
Everyone needs to take the same approach, we have a long ride ahead just enjoy it.


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Game has a great foundation. City is beautiful depending on what platform you play on. The soundtrack is amazing, the story is slightly annoying, but a good foundation.

The TL:DR issues.
-Gunplay seems wonky, aiming is wonky, hitboxes are wonky, the sound and realism of the guns are wonky.
-Melee system is wonky, and offers no feedback. Dynasty warrior games have more satisfying melee.
-cyberware aspect is uninspired, very boring.
-inventory UI is absolutely terrible
-bugs and glitches
-End game takes place on a damn checkpoint, instead of letting you continue to mess around post ending as a corpo agent, afterlife queen, or whatever with randomly generated quests until DLC comes out. I mean, Johnny letting V back into her body ending is literally the most annoying ending I've played in a game in nearly a decade.
-Cars look nice, however, handling is wonky, the exhaust notes are cheap (especially on the bikes)
-AI is lazy, and not nearly as impressive as hyped up to be. Police spawn out of nowhere, same character models walking next to each other, AI has 2 lines. The game was promoted to having some of the best AI known in the industry.
-The "night life" of night city seems lazy and uncomplete. Throwing a bunch of LED 18+ signs everywhere isn't immersive, especially when you can't even enter 90% of the buildings.
-You can't ever experience what NC has to offer, as you can gain all the money in the world, with nothing to spend it on. Can't even buy an AV, a new house, prostitutes', or whatever you horn balls desire
-Has the most disappointing clothing system and options I've played in a long time in a game that offers them. You can't even preview crap before you buy it.
-Story is a heavy "ok" but has tons of holes, and at times seems all over the place or just missing content.
-I love Reeves, but DLC needs to be more V centered.
-I find Jackie to be extremely cringy of a character, and I was happy when he died. I was waiting on the option to kill him myself just so he'd shut the hell up.
- At this point, I rather them have delayed the game to middle of next year. Just to polish it up, fix the embarrassing endgame, and release it then.
-I don't regret dropping the 60 bucks, the game is not THAT bad. But it's "why did I think this would be a industry breaking game" bad.

At least it's not Anthem.
I pretty much agree with all of this here. My biggest complaints aside from how buggy the game is and the misleading advertisements/cut content is the story and world.

The side quests simply are not as described. They're mostly all short, uninspired and give little in terms of story or gameplay. They were bragged about as being these amazing side stories that tie into the narrative and ultimately make up for a shorter game with replayability and choices and consequences, yet there was none of that.

The world suffers from similar issues. It's pretty, but it's one of the most shallow worlds I've seen in a game. There's nothing in it. The AI is beyond terrible and there is no interaction with either the world or its inhabitants. That's one of the biggest sins in an RPG and in world building.

Then the main story is incredibly short, which is not as advertised. I don't care who you are, less than 20 hours IS NOT "slightly shorter" than 51 hours. The entire main story, with side quests and some extras takes on average 10 hours less than JUST the main quest of Witcher 3.

You hit the nail on the head with gameplay too. Though I'd also like to add how absolutely broken quickhacking and tech weapons are in addition to sneaking. They simply break the AI. The gameplay is an absolute mess.

The image you showed of early gameplay designs further highlight the issues with the game. They had EIGHT years and TRIPLE Red Dead Redemption 2's budget with an enormous number of workers and yet they they couldn't capitalize on any of these designs. The character is incredibly shallow and linear. I have to seriously wonder how many times content was scrapped and things restarted. I have to wonder how poor management and direction was, because this game is cannot even be five years of development from Witcher 3.

I also agree in regards to the future of the title. I hate to say it, but they should make it playable, fix bugs and then move on to the next project. By the time they're able to patch everything, bring all of the content that was promised and then gutted, make the game what was originally shown or even bring new content in the form of expansions, they would have been better off making a Cyberpunk sequel the game that this SHOULD have been with actual choices, consequences, living world, narrative and side missions, romances and NPC stories and interaction, etc.

You can't build something amazing on a sinking foundation. Poor decisions, wasted time (?) and the current code base would mean having to create an entirely new game, which you're better doing with improved technology, a fresh start and better working conditions.

If there was as much time in development as projected, then there is absolutely no reason any crunch should have happened. That's on management and higher ups that the developers suffered for and will ultimately be blamed. The thing is that people tend to bring higher quality products and work when not under insane pressure or when overworked. This game does not deserve the Metacritic score it received, and CDPR should learn from their mistakes and deliver a high quality product in the future. I don't care about Cyberpunk 2077 anymore, it was a failure, I care about Witcher 4 and Cyberpunk's sequel (even more so).
Great game at a glance but say I dont feel like doing missions.....
Oh there is literally nothing to do apart from have sex with 2 people.
1. Add mini games on machines
2. Working Casino would be nice.
3. More races (unless there is after completing four from side mission)
4. Mini map while driving is awful if you travel over 100 you will always miss your turn.
5. Car customisation.
6. More vehicle types (flying stuff, boats etc)
7. Better ways to make money apart from exploits.
8. A reason to eat food atm seems pointless as buffs are negligible yet there is a million food places seems a waste of time.
First post, so:

First, I play on a PC. Nothing against consoles. I just prefer to play on the platform every game is developed on.

I purposely avoided the hype for the game right from the start when I first heard of it years ago. I didn't want to have exceedingly high expectations when it finally came to release. I watched Twitch gameplay for 3 days before buying the game, and liked what I saw. I don't regret that decision one bit. Because what I saw was quite impressive as I had very little to compare it to. And playing from that same perspective has proven quite enjoyable.

Many have noted their opinion. Some I agree with, some I don't. As for me.....

I'm having minimal issues (typically fixed with a simple save/reload), and am having a good time with the game. That said, once the issues are resolved for the majority, I think CDPR should look toward longevity for the game once everything they need to fix/patch is done with.

I think this game would greatly benefit from player generated content (think along the lines of Bethesda's FO4/Skyrim/Oblivion type mods). The potential for player generated content for this game is simply astounding. Want a penthouse in a high-rise? Build it to your own specs, or download one that fits the bill as-built by someone else. Need more side quests? No problem. Custom vehicles/clothes/armors/npcs/locations? The possibilities are endless.

That said, offer player creation tools and let modders have at it. THEN focus on fully fleshed out DLC content every couple of years to keep players coming back for main story content. Having played AND modded (and still am) both Skyrim and FO4, it's fair to say that my time modding those games is relatively on par with my thousands of hours of playtime in both. And that's an environment I think this game would thrive in.

Anyway, there's my two eddys.....
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When i first started up the game i saw the fps instabilities, but that didn't bother me the game was absolutely amazing. Sure! There were many bugs that needed addressing but it didn't take away from the game play. With Patch 1.04 some more prominent showed themselves like one instance some loot unable to pick up with bush or something blocking it from being able to be picked up but even with a bug like that i kept playing the game keeps you hooked deep in the story and loot system with very very good
Do i think this game can and will be fixed?

Yes. Do i think it will get more and more content? Yes if it doesn't then making this game was pointless so much room to expand on so much options to do.

Do i think this game needs a chance and a re-review when everything is fixed with more content?

Yes i think it should no game is not buggy from release, sure there are "good" examples but who is going to say no the game has the potential to be the greatest game of all time, just give it time.

Overall the game is amazing if you are on PC for console players id say give it about hm.. 3 months before things start getting completely fixed as i know how bad it is over there for you console players. But if you want to buy the game on the consoles you can choose to wait or you can buy it and wait, for PC id say B.U.Y it no questions asked trust me it will get you into the game join some modding communities there are alot of talks and conversations that are helpful and useful.
Fun, but not what was promised. If people say that they didn't promise anything or that gamers were overhyping it then the marketing was maliciously misleading. I loved the story and will continue to play the game but all I can say is the game is filled with bittersweet moments of possibility and potential, you see it everywhere trying to break through. The game could truly be one of the best games of all time and a diamond-solid new franchise, but what we got was what we got. I'm putting the last bit of faith I have in CDPR to make this right and pull a miracle.
Before this game came out I constantly listened to people say cp 2077 had no chance of living up to expectations. After around 34 hours in night city the only thing I can say is that it exceeded mine. I'm playing on a relatively high end PC with a 30 series graphics card, and have been fortunate enough to not experience many significant bugs at all. This game does have a number of issues, I don't have any illusions that the game is perfect. However, the more I spend my time in the game, the more it becomes the best game I've ever played. Even in the intro of the game, I could already see the level of detail and care CDPR put in to making the world feel just right. 20 minutes of my first hour in the game was spent just watching someone on the side of the street play a few tunes on their guitar. It was so captivating, hearing renditions of songs I had heard elsewhere in the game, with the NPC's animations and strumming actually match the music they were playing.

Night city is probably the best map I have ever seen in an RPG. It makes you feel like an ant with sky scrapers and megabuildings looming over head, and the streets are like a labyrinth. You can really tell so much care and detail went into every corner of the city. With RTX on it is truly a sight to behold.

The characters CDPR has managed to create and develop throughout the game are some of the best I have ever seen, and not just those who have significant roles in the main story. The side stories in this game are absolutely phenomenal just like the main story has been so far. The way stories are framed and the writing is all insanely captivating. They weren't kidding when they said they were gonna take immersive story telling to another level. I know it might sound weird, but whenever I see subtitles appear at the bottom of the screen I get excited because I know dialogue is about to start. CDPR masterfully uses lighting, scene composition, background environments, body language, amazing character animations and models, and a wonderful score to deliver the best storytelling I have ever seen.

Not only do I love the storytelling, but the game is so much fun! Going into cyberpunk I was expecting great writing and hopefully serviceable combat. I am pleasantly surprised with how good the gunplay and melee feels, and how much fun I am having with being able to choose one of many ways to approach each mission. I also have to mention that driving feels great, and the vehicles look and sound fantastic.

There are a number of issues I have with the game, but the thing is they are all things that are absolutely fixable with more time. I would appreciate some more interactability with the map. At various points throughout the story we see V sit down at the bar or at a table, order a drink and actually be able to see animations for it. Unfortunately, outside of these quests bars or restaurants are limited to a shopping menu and there aren't actually any animations to immerse yourself into the situation. I would hope this could be a simple fix, or relatively easy to implement, and have faith over time CDPR could make the world feel more interactable. There are a few systems I'm not a complete fan of. For example the crafting and armor/weapons statistics could use some reworking. The thing is, these are all balancing issues, and stuff that can be fixed with time. I would also very much appreciate a proper visual customization system similar to what we can see in a game like Terraria. I hate having to swap out an awesome looking jacket for a trashy one just because it has higher stats.
I'm stuck between me absolutely loving this game to thinking its a complete fail. I have to say it "seems" like a fun game if it weren't for all the glitches. It ruins the experience but, ill be patient, trust in you all to fix these issues so I can come back and give it another chance. For now, I'm refraining from playing this sad unfinished game.
Seriously, when i visited V's apartment for the first time and went to sleep and watched this animation of going to bed, i had this tiny blink of strange feeling in the back of my head that "we might have a problem here, cap'n". Then it was like "wow...the City...oh my god....WOW". Unfortunately after a while the disappointment on a regular pace from the, some will say, little unimportant things has started. Before i've noticed there were more and more of those little unimportant things and they started to pile up. I had enough when the game started literally, in real words, promising me something and immediately after that failing to deliver. I said: Ok, lets wait for a few months just to see if they will try to squeeze a game they had talked about all the time from this Placeholderpunk2020, like Hello Games did, or they will leave it in the present state of sloppy, castrated, low quality techdemo. And someone have to say it: These are not the easy repairable bugs or low frames on some ancient, obsolete consoles or PCs that trouble Cyberpunk2077.
High expectations and hype are fueled by game companies that have an advertising blitz and release trailers of, in this case, the "next-gen of open-world adventure" (I wonder if the person that came up with that is still employed). People can dampen this somewhat, but it all starts somewhere and that is the impact of marketing.
When people say that it's hyped up, what I really hear they say is that people believe what the company promotes.

Am I suppose to feel bad and stupid for believing what the company promised I will get for my money?

I'm sorry but hype is not the consumers/fan's fault. Hype gets bigger by promised features and promo materials. Whole conventions and show are dedicated to fuel hype. Why did it become normal to let companies get away with blatant lies? Why are we punishing the consumer who is dissapointed by the delivered product? Why not punish and call out the company that built up the hype in the first place then failed to deliver? Especially when they dare withhold preview copies so customers can't even make an educated decision in time.

I understand that people who defend the company feel like people are directly blaming/attacking the devs. And for that reason they have to defend them personally. But noone is blaming the actual devs who work on the project. We all know how difficult it is to make a game, working in an industry that is exploitative by default.

Noone is blaming the devs. We simply want the decision makers to keep to their words.
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