DLC: What do you prefer? The poll. ! ENDING SPOILERS !


What kind of story do you hope to see in DLC?

  • Continuation of V's story. Hope he/she survives (finds a cure/way out of cyberspace)

  • Prequel to V's story. Events before meeting Johnny

  • Prequel to Johnny's story. Events before meeting V

  • Additional story within the main game, after meeting Johnny and before infiltrating Mikoshi

  • A story not related to V or Johnny. Quest about a new hero or some of V's friends

Results are only viewable after voting.
Post ending DLC/expansion with V and multiple final outcomes, no need to retcon anything for me
Peralez storyline started absolutely fantastic plot about some hidden shadow organization (government, corpo ???) who is changing people minds and the way they thinking and what the believe for - it MUST be continued.
Peralez storyline started absolutely fantastic plot about some hidden shadow organization (government, corpo ???) who is changing people minds and the way they thinking and what the believe for - it MUST be continued.

So much, and since they showed up as one of the people who called at the end - I'd be surprised if we didn't see that in the future. Especially because it's one of the few things that could have major ramifications on night city. Exactly the kind of single player choice / consequence people are screaming for.
So much, and since they showed up as one of the people who called at the end - I'd be surprised if we didn't see that in the future. Especially because it's one of the few things that could have major ramifications on night city. Exactly the kind of single player choice / consequence people are screaming for.
Can you imagine in it will be another story where V will be not able to do things for his/her own ? First was Johnny, now there will a voice in your head who will command you what to do and how to do against your will ?
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Or aliens, or AI)
Yep, it might be that one too.
One of my issues with the current endings is that they're very skewed towards the Nomad choice, since a lot of players romance Panam, want to control V during Act 3 (and the secret ending is a nightmare to trigger naturally) and it's the only ending that leaves on a more positive note. That was also my first ending, and I liked it, but it's very restricting.

I'd like V to also have the possibility to fail terribly, or refuse to leave NC and continue the Path of Glory, whether obsessed with being a legend or just too used to fighting to choose a quieter/slower way of life, or sell out to corps and "get to the top" but work swallows their life and they're abandoned by friends. In every path you gain and lose something, not every V wants to leave with the nomads.

As long as there's variety and V has both the chance to die or live to fight another day, the final outcome can be satisfying in every path.
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Forum regular
there is a lot of lore to explore, i guess morgan blackhand will return at some point
the peralez storyline is interesting as well, they could expand on that

maybe even a dlc with jackie, but thats tricky since v gets her first kiroshi optics after the 6 months

im sure they will come up with some high quality stuff thats just as awsome as the main story :)
One of my issues with the current endings is that they're very skewed towards the Nomad choice, since a lot of players romance Panam, want to control V during Act 3 (and the secret ending is a nightmare to trigger naturally) and it's the only ending that leaves on a more positive note. That was also my first ending, and I liked it, but it's very restricting.

I'd like V to also have the possibility to fail terribly, or refuse to live NC and continue the Path of Glory, whether obsessed with being a legend or just too used to fighting to choose a quieter/slower way life, or sell out to corps and "get to the top" but work swallows their life and they're abandoned by friends. In every path you gain and lose something, not every V wants to leave with the nomads.

As long as there's variety and V has both the chance to die or live to fight another day, the final outcome can be satisfying in every path.

My first ending, was perfect for my character and how I had played, but was still brutally bittersweet.

I do think they potentially underestimated players desire to 'win'. Edit : Or as rightly pointed out below 'To not lose'

There might be an argument for finding deeper meanings with scenarios that don't fit that 'Player Wins' bill as well, but I think in this case the issue is the game leading up to it didn't do enough to really make it meaningful. It ends up being a gut punch to most players. Where was the opportunity to build stronger relationships outside a couple of LIs that are involved, and where are the goodbyes? Where are Vs friends challenging their decision? Where is the agency that V mattered.

The lead up to it needed more to really make those outcomes have meaning, and that starts earlier in the game, and carries through the middle.

It just wasn't there - and I think a lot of that is because the focus shifted to Mr Silverhand, and closure to their story. Not ours.
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My first ending, was perfect for my character and I had played but still brutally bittersweet.

I do think they underestimated players desire to 'win'.

There might be an argument for finding deeper meanings with scenarios that don't fit that bill as well, but I think in this case the issue is the game leading up to it didn't do enough to really make it meaningful. It ends up being a gut punch to most players. Where was the opportunity to build stronger relationships outside a couple of LIs that are involved, and where are the goodbyes? Where are Vs friends challenging their decision? Where is the agency that V mattered.

The lead up to it needed more to really make those outcomes have meaning, and that starts earlier in the game, and carries through the middle.

It just wasn't there - and I think a lot of that is because the focus shifted to Mr Silverhand, and closure to their story. Not ours.
At least out desire to not lose.


Forum regular
come on, her storyline is fantastic. doesnt feel rushed at all.

romance dlcs are definitely not going to happen.
there are threads like this for every character in the game.
come on, her storyline is fantastic. doesnt feel rushed at all.

romance dlcs are definitely not going to happen.
there are threads like this for every character in the game.

There is precedent, even for new romance-able characters.

Shani in The Witcher 3 - although it existed in much more isolation...just like all the characters in Cyberpunk! :D


Forum regular
84% for the one that is not going to happen
there are way too many different outcomes after the main story
84% for the one that is not going to happen
there are way too many different outcomes after the main story

That can easily be shouhorned into a specific outcome. In addition, not all endings should unlock the content. It has always worked that way in games.

Fatal mission in me2 lead to you not being able to use that safe file for ME3.

I personally think that the devil endings should not qualify, because V is either trapped in mikoshi or a loser after returning to earth, who is not worth Mr blue eyes time or has no more connection to the aldecaldos. In addition, in both outcomes, the biochip is destroyed and arasaka the major ruling power.
The other endings have pretty similar backgrounds.
84% for the one that is not going to happen
there are way too many different outcomes after the main story
In this case, it’s just like my next purchase from CDPR :)

also - retcon or make all endings to be more convergent with some proper backstory.
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