Favourite Character

My favourite was Cahir. I even named my character i BG2 after him He was thorn apart between two things that he thought he should that didn't go well with each other - serve his motherland and help Geralt find Ciri. Most of his companions didn't understand him - I'd say he was very lonley although always with the rest of the company. He was a great individual and also a brave and a skilled warrior.


Forum veteran
BloodyGuy said:
My favourite was Cahir. I even named my character i BG2 after him He was thorn apart between two things that he thought he should that didn't go well with each other - serve his motherland and help Geralt find Ciri. Most of his companions didn't understand him - I'd say he was very lonley although always with the rest of the company. He was a great individual and also a brave and a skilled warrior.
We have the same favourite main character . He was really great hero and i think we could say that he was patriot ... I really enjoyed reading that he was Black Night from Ciri's nightmares ...
Rioo said:
and i think we could say that he was patriot ...
Yes, indeed he was. He had a complicated personality. I we could have the possibilty to play other charactes in the game it woluld be great to play Cahir. But unfortunatelly he died and we cat't even hope that he was somehow brought back to life He should come back and help Geralt in his new mission
Cahir was a great character. Some of the most powerful character interaction scenes are between him and Ciri. It is too bad that he got killed by Bohnart, I can only imagine what would have happened between him and Ciri if he stayed alive. And, of course, the fact that he was a Nilfgaardian was great, especially considering that I like everything Nilfgaardian (except for their attitude towards mages).
Oh I can't understand why Sapkowski had do this sh*t with one of the best characters in his books (who had written - knows)... Also Regis was interesting, Vysogota and at last (but not least:) was Reynart de Bois-Fresnes, this one was so odd:)).
What are you doing?! You may show what was happened in the books people who haven't read yet. It distroys all pleasure of reading. Stop doing that! You can talk abaut who is your favourite character, but don't say who was killed or who was who!


Forum veteran
BloodyGuy said:
/.../ But unfortunatelly he died and we cat't even hope that he was somehow brought back to life He should come back and help Geralt in his new mission
I wouldn't be so sure that he died, Geralt probably also died, but he will be main hero in the game, so maybe Cahir will came back like Gerlat ... ...
I have still hope that plot will be before events in Sapkowski's books. Gerall also lived then:).
The development team has clearly stated that the game will take place after the original events. It is tied into the storyline, and the story is one of the first things written in a game. Which means that it is already done and if they want to change it the developers will have to redo an extensive part of the game.
Rioo said:
BloodyGuy said:
/.../ But unfortunatelly he died and we cat't even hope that he was somehow brought back to life He should come back and help Geralt in his new mission
I wouldn't be so sure that he died, Geralt probably also died, but he will be main hero in the game, so maybe Cahir will came back like Gerlat ... ...
I hope not, I liked him a lot, but as Geralt had been transferred by Ciri to another world [and after few drinks I can believe in his return ], Cahir was cut open like a fish and died for sure, let him rest in peace, pretty please
Cahir was good person and I think that wasn't well when AS killed Milva, Regis, Cahir, and that girl Agoulume?? I'd like to see Cahir or Regis in game but It isn't real
You know... Regis was great. As I ask in poland, i see that he is favorite character. And Cahir. Of course everyone tell me Geralt at first, but you know-it's normal thing.
Well, to my mind, best characters are Regis - he is the best vampire i've read about - and Willentretenmert. They are the coolest guys in the whole book(s). And why is Cahir so popular? There are much more interesting characters (or at least i think so).


Forum veteran
OK i could agree with you that Regis is the best vampire in books, and so is Willentretenmert as a dragon. And why Cahir is so interesting? Read few posts which was written by for example Lord Lightbane, BloodyGuy and me - we all have the same opinion - Cahir was really great character
hmm... My favourite sapkowski's charracter is Regis, he's extraordinary, i do not know adjectivs to say what i'm thinking about him :) In polish we have 'zajebisty' and Regis is very zajebisty :) Also Samson Miodek from the new sapkowski's trilogy "Narrenturm", "Boży bojownicy" and "Lux perpetua" is f**kin good:) He is a demon from the alternativ or astral world in big, agly body of stupid monk. He speaks many languages, he's very very strong and wise :)
Wolf 359 ---> wow, i didn't know that. hmm... I was thinking that in Latvia people speaks latvian.
Cortes said:
Wolf 359 ---> wow, i didn't know that. hmm... I was thinking that in Latvia people speak latvian.
Well, there's about a half of population is Russian-speaking and most Latvians understand Russian too. It's an ex-USSR republic.
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