is this statement still true?

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Ok, I watched both IGN streams and the Gamespot stream, all of them were about 2 hours long, they played the game on ultra settings (only no HairWorks and SSAO instead of HBAO) and I can tell you the PC version looked pretty much the same as the console version. Sure, there might be a longer view distance (didn't really pay attention to that) but other than that, it was pretty much identical. Not sure again about texture resolution, but seeing as Marcin didn't talk about texture resolution being higher on the PC version, I'll assume it's the same as on the consoles.
Hmm, weird, why would they choose SSAO over HBAO tho ?
The IGN stream surely doesnt got sharpening on neither lightshafts, these make apparent difference when seen.
that's a bold assumption to make, seeing as he did address resolution...

There will be visible differences between console and PC (we always said so), stuff like:
- draw distance
- framerate
- resolution
-exclusive features such as hairworks

nothing bold about that. Texture resolution and screen resolution are 2 completely different things. You can run the game at 5k on pc, with exactly the same textures as consoles. Listing resolution and framerate as a "difference" between PC and consoles is ridiculous btw, of course PC can run any resolution you want, 4k, 5k, I will personally run the game at 1440p etc, and framerates only depend on your hardware so of course it's going to be different.

---------- Updated at 02:27 AM ----------

Hmm, weird, why would they choose SSAO over HBAO tho ?
The IGN stream surely doesnt got sharpening on neither lightshafts, these make apparent difference when seen.

Don't think there was a lightshaft setting in the IGN video, can't remember now. They played with SSAO, not sure why, maybe there's a performance hit with HBAO atm, that's the only explanation I can come up with. They also had Hairworks off, but from what I've read, that's pretty buggy atm and requires a beast gpu to run smoothly. They had chromatic aberration off too, but most will turn that off anyway, and they had AA off too, but again, it's only post process AA (FXAA most likely) and that wouldn't really have a performance hit and make the video better on youtube.
nothing bold about that. Texture resolution and screen resolution are 2 completely different things. You can run the game at 5k on pc, with exactly the same textures as consoles. Listing resolution and framerate as a "difference" between PC and consoles is ridiculous btw, of course PC can run any resolution you want, 4k, 5k, I will personally run the game at 1440p etc, and framerates only depend on your hardware so of course it's going to be different.

---------- Updated at 02:27 AM ----------

Don't think there was a lightshaft setting in the IGN video, can't remember now. They played with SSAO, not sure why, maybe there's a performance hit with HBAO atm, that's the only explanation I can come up with. They also had Hairworks off, but from what I've read, that's pretty buggy atm and requires a beast gpu to run smoothly. They had chromatic aberration off too, but most will turn that off anyway, and they had AA off too, but again, it's only post process AA (FXAA most likely) and that wouldn't really have a performance hit and make the video better on youtube.

There was a light shaft setting and it was enabled.
They most likely chose SSAO over HBAO to maintain a constant 60 FPS for marketing purposes I guess.
that's a bold assumption to make, seeing as he did address resolution...

There will be visible differences between console and PC (we always said so), stuff like:
- draw distance
- framerate
- resolution
-exclusive features such as hairworks
Make sure you do not confuse texture resolution with the screen resolution.

---------- Updated at 02:39 AM ----------

There was a light shaft setting and it was enabled.
They most likely chose SSAO over HBAO to maintain a constant 60 FPS for marketing purposes I guess.

I do not understand, since Witcher 3 uses HBAO+ which is proven to be better than SSAO+ with lower loads and its full resolution compared to half of the SSAO .
Unless im missing something HBAO should be the primary choice?
As for the light shafts i cannot see them enabled?
If this is a legit thread then we'll monitor it closely but for the most part, these threads are turning into flamewars and hence why we're deleting them. As for the question - Going by what I'm seeing, I think they(SoD specifically) absolutely can be replicated with exceptions of certain artistical changes(colours mostly).

So all it takes for a thread to get deleted is for someone to deliberately make an unsavoury comment?

[Sard Edit: Sure. That works. Or because I don't like your name. How do you spell that again?]

---------- Updated at 02:47 AM ----------

that's a bold assumption to make, seeing as he did address resolution...

There will be visible differences between console and PC (we always said so), stuff like:
- draw distance
- framerate
- resolution
-exclusive features such as hairworks
That means when it comes to shaders, textures, lighting, tessellation, shadows, foliage density, anti-aliasing, particle effects, anisotropic filtering, decals, there is going to be no difference?
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So all it takes for a thread to get deleted is for someone to deliberately make an unsavoury comment?

Nope. That usually just gets the post deleted, and possibly a ban. What gets a thread closed is what sid said:

If this is a legit thread then we'll monitor it closely but for the most part, these threads are turning into flamewars and hence why we're deleting them.
That means when it comes to shaders, textures, lighting, tessellation, shadows, foliage density, anti-aliasing, particle effects, anisotropic filtering, decals, there is going to be no difference?
Not really, it means that they will focus on day for performance and stability patch while throwing in some improvements that can affect the visual along with higher resolution options.
A texture upgrade would require more time but i wouldn't count it out honestly.

---------- Updated at 02:57 AM ----------

They played with Ultra, minus AA, HBAO, Sharpening, Light shafts, Hairworks. But according to those 2 CDPR employees, and I quote: "We're indeed playing on Ultra, like... every setting on".

Wow, every setting, apart from the 5 I mentioned above lol. Here's the video
Yeah , to me it sounds like they want to promote the console version and make it sound like its the same with the PC version, from a marketing standpoint it sounds normal but like you mentioned,especially the AA HBAO and Sharpening off you cannot simply call that all settings are on, these 3 options affect a lot the quality of the visuals.
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Hmmm. Things seem...fine here. Damn! Well, keep up the generally mature discussion.

Watch the lols. Avoid attacks. Respect your fellow posters.
They played with Ultra, minus AA, HBAO, Sharpening, Light shafts, Hairworks. But according to those 2 CDPR employees, and I quote: "We're indeed playing on Ultra, like... every setting on".

Wow, every setting, apart from the 5 I mentioned above lol. Here's the video

They also said they were at 720p because of streaming reasons. Which is worth noting, and I haven't seen anyone else mention.
exceptions of certain artistical changes(colours mostly).

I think that is one of the main problems though. everything is almost pretty much the same, but the change in color makes a striking difference whether not the game technically has more effects. the 35 min demo still gives a better impression to allot of peopl, even in motion despite its low frame rate and poor LOD.

be warned, I have created awful YouTube comparisons of Geralt and Johnny. I presume the Gamespot review that i captured these from is footage of one of the consoles.

---------- Updated at 04:19 AM ----------

I think that is one of the main problems though. everything is almost pretty much the same, but the change in color makes a striking difference whether not the game technically has more effects. the 35 min demo still gives a better impression to allot of peopl, even in motion despite its low frame rate and poor LOD.

be warned, I have created awful YouTube comparisons of Geralt and Johnny. I presume the Gamespot review that i captured these from is footage of one of the consoles.

I think your right, about the graphics but color is a problem i think.


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I don't think it was ever true unfortunately. That statement has been countered by other devs as well as every piece of footage we've seen since.
i hope the final build which has been sent out along with the day 1 patch fixes a lot of things. Just 3 more days......

about the colours , i hope the devs make it less bright and more nitty gritty .Sweet fx perhaps will help
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Doesn't look to be true outside of SweetFX and use of the SDK no, but I'd love to be proven wrong. It's a shame really, I wouldn't have even been upset if they said no, but, and I know this isn't proven to be the case yet since it's not fully released, since they said it was reproducible and it looks like it's not I'm going to be very disappointed.
It is not like the developers purposely intended to downgrade the graphics solely for advertisement reasons.

My Skyrim will not run on a console, that is a fact, that you cannot get around.

Witcher 3 looked better in 2013, but the main market is console. Your not just pissing console players off if your studio manages to make two separate versions of the same game, your braking the system. Its not allowed, its against the rules, and takes time, and resources to have two separate versions.

And we are not talking just graphics, we are talking large scale battles, more, and larger in scale random events. You can't just add that to the PC version, and not the console as well.

Mods, and the tools given to by the developers, that is the loop hole to the rules, the developers are not the bad guys, they at least in the Witcher 3's case have done all they can do for PC, from what I can tell. That's just the way things are, things change in development, only it was unexpected for Witcher 3. The game looks incredible for the scale of the game.

Wait for the mods, that is how you customize, or turn your Witcher 3 into a more PC version.

The morale of the story, theoretically their was not a downgrade at all, you should think concept. Don't not buy the game over a 2013 concept, that will be your loss.
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It is not like the developers purposely intended to downgrade the graphics solely for advertisement reasons. I could tell you what happened, but when does someone not get mad, or is not in denial of things.

My Skyrim will not run on a console, that is a fact, that you cannot get around.

Witcher 3 looked better in 2013, but the main market is console. Your not just pissing console players off if your studio manages to make two separate versions of the same game, your braking the system. Its not allowed, its against the rules, and takes time, and resources to have two separate versions. I was also really liking the gritty dark art style not the more colorful one .....

And we are not talking just graphics, we are talking large scale battles, more, and larger in scale random events. You can't just add that to the PC version, and not the console as well.

Mods, and the tools given to by the developers, that is the loop hole to the rules, the developers are not the bad guys, they at least in the Witcher 3's case have done all they can do for PC, from what I can tell. That's just the way things are, things change in development, only it was unexpected for Witcher 3. The game looks incredible for the scale of the game.

Wait for the mods, that is how you customize, or turn your Witcher 3 into a PC version.

Or they could have just stuck with PC made it great then dumbed it down for the consoles later like the Witcher 2. I am disgusted with how similar it looks to console when i expected to be demanding. I went and bought a titan x for this game expecting to need it for such a graphically impressive game.

EDIT: I went and pre orderd the collectors edition long ago if i hadn't and all i had preorderd was the game i would have most likely canceled i hate console ports.
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Or they could have just stuck with PC made it great then dumbed it down for the consoles later like the Witcher 2. I am disgusted with how similar it looks to console when i expected to be demanding. I went and bought a titan x for this game expecting to need it for such a graphically impressive game.

EDIT: I went and pre orderd the collectors edition long ago if i hadn't and all i had preorderd was the game i would have most likely canceled i hate console ports.

Assuming you had similar complaints for Skyrim, if you bought it?
Assuming you had similar complaints for Skyrim, if you bought it?
No i actually enjoyed it a lot but then again i wasnt waiting years for it to com out. I was really looking forward to more of the dark atmosphere instead of the more colorful one. for example the reason why I like diablo 2 and don't like diablo 3. 2 was all dark, evil, and creepy 3 was diablo 2 ran through a wow filter. Not to mention mods are the only thing keeping skyrim a live these days I very much doubt we will see much of a modding community for this game. Also didnt they mention they may not release mod tools recently ?
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