Key Remapping

More options and having two options per function, like many other games, would be great.

I really want to remap the inventory key.
I cannot rebind the J K P O I F M keys in the "Exploration and Combat" section, unable to bind F key in "Braindance" and "Vehicle" sections.

This is extremely disappointing.
ESDF Crew! I know your out there! “Fist Bump”

Did you play the first hour like me suffering? Not able to drive or move properly in the most anticipated game of the decade! Going to bed feeling cheated, upset and all alone? Me too… which lead me to the forums in search of answers… Hopeful that the Devs will get on this and allow us the control we need to enjoy the game as intended.

Well Fear not my Friends, I got your back we can adjust a few settings and be back in the game, until they can give us some proper control of our characters keybinds. I am sure they have other pressing issues to deal with, we can be patient and wait a little while for them to sort that tout. Until then, here we go! The 10 Step Program to Breath Easier in Cyberpunk 2077!

Before you Begin
I would recommend making a copy of the Files we are about to Adjust Just in case you need to revert back to its original state down the road or if mistakes were made.

Step 1:
Your Looking for : C:\Users\”YOURPCNAME”\AppData\Local\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077\UserSettings.json

Step 2:
Right Click Edit File “UserSettings.json” w/ Notepad++ Program

Step 3:
Don’t be scared search thru the settings and change Both the “Vehicle Accelerate” and “Movement Keys” which is lower down in the file as follows:
(Once you get the hang of it you can change any of your other key binds this way very easily also)

“name": "vehicleAccelerate",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_E",
"default_value": "IK_W"

"name": "vehicleDecelrate",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_D",
"default_value": "IK_S"

"name": "vehicleSteerRight",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_F",
"default_value": "IK_D"

"name": "vehicleSteerLeft",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_S",
"default_value": "IK_A"
"name": "forward",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_E",
"default_value": "IK_W"

"name": "back",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_D",
"default_value": "IK_S"

"name": "left",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_S",
"default_value": "IK_A"

"name": "right",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_F",
"default_value": "IK_D"

I would now save this file and close it.

Step 4:
Now I would go back and Right Click on the File “UserSettings.json” – Then Select Properties this time. Once selected at the bottom in attributes section you will see a box that you can check “Read Only”

Click that box, hit apply and your locked in!

(Note that if you Read only the file, if you make any changes to key binds in game, down the road they probably wont save you will have to toggle the read only or manually change the setting to adjust them like you just did)

Nice Work! Take a Deep Breath!

Now that gives you most of your movement Back! Now you will probably like to change The “F” Key to a preferred Interaction Key you would rather use. No Problemo! I use “SpaceBar” you can use whatever you like.

Step 5:
So what you need to do is head on over to:
“Directory you Chose” \GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config

Step 6:
In here you are looking for "InputerUserMappings.xml"
Don’t forget to make a copy as a backup like you did above.

Step 7:
Right Click on the File and Edit with Notepad++

Step 8:
Now what I did here is do a search/find for "IK_F" and then everywhere It had that I would Replace it with “IK_Space” or whatever key you have chosen “IK_End” Etc….

Just be very careful as there are a bunch of “IK_F” Function Key binds that you probably don’t want to remap. (Example (“IK_F5” You would just skip on by))

I would now save this file and close it.

Step 9:
Now I would go back and Right Click on the File “InputerUserMappings.xml” – Then Select Properties this time. Once selected at the bottom in attributes section you will see a box that you can check “Read Only”

Step 10:
Click that box, hit apply and go enjoy the game!

If anything goes wrong, remember you have backups! - Delete those files we just created and throw back in the backups you made and your back to suffering like you were 8 minutes ago.

Cheers Gamers – I hope I helped someone.
Be Kind to one another and Stay Safe out there!
I'm a lefty, and not being able to change keybinds has been the SOLE thing that has ruined this game for me. If 5-10% of people are colorblind, why can't you also make the game accessible to the 10% of people who are left-handed or to the countless numbers of people who might just not want to use the default keybinds all the time-- because it's basically impossible to remap to anything custom given the limitations.

Just in order to walk, I had to manually edit a .json from the game files to remap WASD to arrow keys. And despite all that, there isn't even a place in the game files to remap F, meaning I have to lift my hand from my mouse or keyboard everytime I need to use something.

Please fix this. It's the only thing ruining an otherwise awesome game for me.
You cant bind arrow keys even, how oblivious are these developers to leave out a fundamental aspect of playing the game on PC, its utterly lazy, greedy and down right stupid, every developer who has done this has failed and suffered horrible consequences for a stupid development decision that's been made in error over and over and yet they still dont learn, FIX OUR DAMN KEYS AND LET US RE MAP THEM HOW WE LIKE! Who in hell doesn't allow arrow keys to move, its just mind boggling how stupid a move this has been, and nothing but crickets from support and the developers, they knew they did this, it was done on purpose, they have people on their team who use Arrow keys and Keypad mapping, not to mention every left handed person. FIX THIS CRAP ASAP, Like by tomorrow! otherwise its just a huge failure and you will see tens of thousands of people getting refunds and dumping this game just like every other game that left out proper key binding

Once again, I totally get where people are coming from on this, and your arguments are totally valid. I would imagine this will be dealt with in the future. However, for now, let's look at some simple facts:

1.) The game includes hard-coded keys. This is not done for no reason.

2.) CDPR has specifically advised players not to alter locked key settings through config files. This was not said for no reason.

3.) Most keys on the keyboard are able to be rebound. There are still options to make it work, even if tricky or perhaps downright awkward.

All considered, here is what we know:
The keys are locked for a reason. Why would a developer intentionally do that without cause? I'm going to take an educated guess and say that they were locked because it avoids bugs or glitches in other parts of the game. Engines for games like this are not simple. To pull off complex things in a game, parts of it may need to connect in unexpected ways. As the game was finished in less-than-ideal conditions, I think it's reasonable to say that the devs tried to follow the path of least resistance. If inputs could become conflicted in certain situations, rather than further delay the release of the game to fix it, they just avoided the conflicts. Thus...we can no longer rebind the Up and Down arrow keys...and F is off-limits! :LOL:

But, I'm very confident things can be improved. What's there is to ensure players don't do something that the devs know may or will break something else. For now, I think the message from players is clear, and I don't think it's a surprise to any of the devs. But it's just part of the reality of the game for the moment. Patience.

Also, let's keep the heat and hostility under control. Again, this is a perfectly valid complaint, and it has been noted. But, it's not completely impossible to rebind a setup that works well enough. It's possible to just use a gamepad for the time being. It's an inconvenience, not an insurmountable obstacle. (Kind of ridiculous, I agree, but it needed to happen that way for some reason.)
Once again, I totally get where people are coming from on this, and your arguments are totally valid. I would imagine this will be dealt with in the future. However, for now, let's look at some simple facts:

1.) The game includes hard-coded keys. This is not done for no reason.

2.) CDPR has specifically advised players not to alter locked key settings through config files. This was not said for no reason.

3.) Most keys on the keyboard are able to be rebound. There are still options to make it work, even if tricky or perhaps downright awkward.

All considered, here is what we know:
The keys are locked for a reason. Why would a developer intentionally do that without cause? I'm going to take an educated guess and say that they were locked because it avoids bugs or glitches in other parts of the game. Engines for games like this are not simple. To pull off complex things in a game, parts of it may need to connect in unexpected ways. As the game was finished in less-than-ideal conditions, I think it's reasonable to say that the devs tried to follow the path of least resistance. If inputs could become conflicted in certain situations, rather than further delay the release of the game to fix it, they just avoided the conflicts. Thus...we can no longer rebind the Up and Down arrow keys...and F is off-limits! :LOL:

But, I'm very confident things can be improved. What's there is to ensure players don't do something that the devs know may or will break something else. For now, I think the message from players is clear, and I don't think it's a surprise to any of the devs. But it's just part of the reality of the game for the moment. Patience.

Also, let's keep the heat and hostility under control. Again, this is a perfectly valid complaint, and it has been noted. But, it's not completely impossible to rebind a setup that works well enough. It's possible to just use a gamepad for the time being. It's an inconvenience, not an insurmountable obstacle. (Kind of ridiculous, I agree, but it needed to happen that way for some reason.)

I understand what saying but please don't say there are usable workarounds when there are 11 pages of us saying it's completely unusable. Especially a few of us with disabilities. We know it's hardcoded and that was for a reason, but that reason is causing left handed and many a disabled player to miss out. It's a load of keys. I found basically 50% of my must use keys aren't usable. Gamepads are expensive if don't own and aren't the most accessible. I can't use without dislocating my fingers for example. It may be fixable for you, but your reply proves you miss the whole aspect of accessible... paying a further £50 for a controller, or just not playing because disabled is a issue that is insurmountable to many that if CDPR actually gave us custom controls like their other games we wouldn't need to complain.

If it's no surprise from devs, why was none of this publicized? it was actively hidden even it seems with how many embargos there was. They have taken our money in return for a broken game, people are rightfully pissed. I appreciate you probably have CDPR messaging saying to calm us down possibly even to shut down convo but ultimately we want info from CDPR, we want them to take responsibility, and promise us this is being addressed and anyone who asks for a refund due to this will get one. Until then, we are going to be vocal and trying to get the same access to the game as others.
Changing the crouch key also does not work on my game.
I can change the crouch key to "alt" and remove the "alt" key to switch weapons, but in the game the character proceeds to switch weapons when i use it.
Then i press "alt", the characted takes cover behind an obstacle and in the same time switches to katana (really useful).
Has someone of you the same problems with that key?

You have to bind any other key to "switch weapons" or "list of weapons" instead of blank field (or alt).
Post automatically merged:

Once again, I totally get where people are coming from on this, and your arguments are totally valid. I would imagine this will be dealt with in the future. However, for now, let's look at some simple facts:

1.) The game includes hard-coded keys. This is not done for no reason.

2.) CDPR has specifically advised players not to alter locked key settings through config files. This was not said for no reason.

3.) Most keys on the keyboard are able to be rebound. There are still options to make it work, even if tricky or perhaps downright awkward.

All considered, here is what we know:
The keys are locked for a reason. Why would a developer intentionally do that without cause? I'm going to take an educated guess and say that they were locked because it avoids bugs or glitches in other parts of the game. Engines for games like this are not simple. To pull off complex things in a game, parts of it may need to connect in unexpected ways. As the game was finished in less-than-ideal conditions, I think it's reasonable to say that the devs tried to follow the path of least resistance. If inputs could become conflicted in certain situations, rather than further delay the release of the game to fix it, they just avoided the conflicts. Thus...we can no longer rebind the Up and Down arrow keys...and F is off-limits! :LOL:

But, I'm very confident things can be improved. What's there is to ensure players don't do something that the devs know may or will break something else. For now, I think the message from players is clear, and I don't think it's a surprise to any of the devs. But it's just part of the reality of the game for the moment. Patience.

Also, let's keep the heat and hostility under control. Again, this is a perfectly valid complaint, and it has been noted. But, it's not completely impossible to rebind a setup that works well enough. It's possible to just use a gamepad for the time being. It's an inconvenience, not an insurmountable obstacle. (Kind of ridiculous, I agree, but it needed to happen that way for some reason.)

What? Why I cannot use, for example, key S for "Use" instead of F key? This is really annoying!
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Another lefty, another ply for binding all keys at will, including that awkward F button ....
My left hand is on a mouse, my right hand is in the neighbourhood of the numpad, how on earth can I reach F and C ??

Oo, and regarding using a gamepad instead?
Do we get one send over?
Realizing, after purchasing CP2077, we have to rewire our motoric system just to play this game?
ESDF Crew! I know your out there! “Fist Bump”

Did you play the first hour like me suffering? Not able to drive or move properly in the most anticipated game of the decade! Going to bed feeling cheated, upset and all alone? Me too… which lead me to the forums in search of answers… Hopeful that the Devs will get on this and allow us the control we need to enjoy the game as intended.

Well Fear not my Friends, I got your back we can adjust a few settings and be back in the game, until they can give us some proper control of our characters keybinds. I am sure they have other pressing issues to deal with, we can be patient and wait a little while for them to sort that tout. Until then, here we go! The 10 Step Program to Breath Easier in Cyberpunk 2077!

Before you Begin
I would recommend making a copy of the Files we are about to Adjust Just in case you need to revert back to its original state down the road or if mistakes were made.

Step 1:
Your Looking for : C:\Users\”YOURPCNAME”\AppData\Local\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077\UserSettings.json

Step 2:
Right Click Edit File “UserSettings.json” w/ Notepad++ Program

Step 3:
Don’t be scared search thru the settings and change Both the “Vehicle Accelerate” and “Movement Keys” which is lower down in the file as follows:
(Once you get the hang of it you can change any of your other key binds this way very easily also)

“name": "vehicleAccelerate",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_E",
"default_value": "IK_W"

"name": "vehicleDecelrate",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_D",
"default_value": "IK_S"

"name": "vehicleSteerRight",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_F",
"default_value": "IK_D"

"name": "vehicleSteerLeft",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_S",
"default_value": "IK_A"
"name": "forward",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_E",
"default_value": "IK_W"

"name": "back",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_D",
"default_value": "IK_S"

"name": "left",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_S",
"default_value": "IK_A"

"name": "right",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_F",
"default_value": "IK_D"

I would now save this file and close it.

Step 4:
Now I would go back and Right Click on the File “UserSettings.json” – Then Select Properties this time. Once selected at the bottom in attributes section you will see a box that you can check “Read Only”

Click that box, hit apply and your locked in!

(Note that if you Read only the file, if you make any changes to key binds in game, down the road they probably wont save you will have to toggle the read only or manually change the setting to adjust them like you just did)

Nice Work! Take a Deep Breath!

Now that gives you most of your movement Back! Now you will probably like to change The “F” Key to a preferred Interaction Key you would rather use. No Problemo! I use “SpaceBar” you can use whatever you like.

Step 5:
So what you need to do is head on over to:
“Directory you Chose” \GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config

Step 6:
In here you are looking for "InputerUserMappings.xml"
Don’t forget to make a copy as a backup like you did above.

Step 7:
Right Click on the File and Edit with Notepad++

Step 8:
Now what I did here is do a search/find for "IK_F" and then everywhere It had that I would Replace it with “IK_Space” or whatever key you have chosen “IK_End” Etc….

Just be very careful as there are a bunch of “IK_F” Function Key binds that you probably don’t want to remap. (Example (“IK_F5” You would just skip on by))

I would now save this file and close it.

Step 9:
Now I would go back and Right Click on the File “InputerUserMappings.xml” – Then Select Properties this time. Once selected at the bottom in attributes section you will see a box that you can check “Read Only”

Step 10:
Click that box, hit apply and go enjoy the game!

If anything goes wrong, remember you have backups! - Delete those files we just created and throw back in the backups you made and your back to suffering like you were 8 minutes ago.

Cheers Gamers – I hope I helped someone.
Be Kind to one another and Stay Safe out there!

I could damn well kiss you! TYVM.
I have a list of keys that are essential keys for people who use the arrow keys for movement, that CP2077 has unbindable.

Up Arrow
Down Arrow

I have a list of keys that are essential keys for people who use the number pad for movement, that CP2077 has unbindable.

Num Lock

Keep adding to these for other main alternatives to WASD movements.
Throwing in my 2 cents as well. As a lefty gamer who uses ijkl the game is completely unplayable for me in it's current state. I really would love to just play and enjoy the game but that won't be possible until this issue is fixed.
Once again, I totally get where people are coming from on this, and your arguments are totally valid. I would imagine this will be dealt with in the future. However, for now, let's look at some simple facts:

1.) The game includes hard-coded keys. This is not done for no reason.

2.) CDPR has specifically advised players not to alter locked key settings through config files. This was not said for no reason.

3.) Most keys on the keyboard are able to be rebound. There are still options to make it work, even if tricky or perhaps downright awkward.

All considered, here is what we know:
The keys are locked for a reason. Why would a developer intentionally do that without cause? I'm going to take an educated guess and say that they were locked because it avoids bugs or glitches in other parts of the game. Engines for games like this are not simple. To pull off complex things in a game, parts of it may need to connect in unexpected ways. As the game was finished in less-than-ideal conditions, I think it's reasonable to say that the devs tried to follow the path of least resistance. If inputs could become conflicted in certain situations, rather than further delay the release of the game to fix it, they just avoided the conflicts. Thus...we can no longer rebind the Up and Down arrow keys...and F is off-limits! :LOL:

But, I'm very confident things can be improved. What's there is to ensure players don't do something that the devs know may or will break something else. For now, I think the message from players is clear, and I don't think it's a surprise to any of the devs. But it's just part of the reality of the game for the moment. Patience.

Also, let's keep the heat and hostility under control. Again, this is a perfectly valid complaint, and it has been noted. But, it's not completely impossible to rebind a setup that works well enough. It's possible to just use a gamepad for the time being. It's an inconvenience, not an insurmountable obstacle. (Kind of ridiculous, I agree, but it needed to happen that way for some reason.)
1. I'd rather a dev give me a reason. I doubt they could give a cogent one though.
2. Don't care. They made the mess. We're offering solutions.
3. If it's tricky and awkward then it's not working. It doesn't matter if most can be rebound if ones that are used often can't be. I know you're doing a job, but please don't blow smoke up our collective backsides when a similar problem existed in Witcher 3 and was patched out.

But we can rebind Up and Down in vehicle movement, just not in character movement. That's not oversight, that's ineptitude.
Well enough is subjective. Please, don't tell us what is "well enough" as a rebind setup. If I wanted to use a gamepad I'd buy a console.
I will continue to edit files and offer info to others to safely do so until the issue is addressed.

I understand you're doing a job, but please don't tell others what's "good enough" for their gameplay experience.
That's the key I use. If you open the InputUserMappings.xml in the install folder (Cyberpunk2077>r6>config) with notepad++ and find-replace all instances of IK_F with IK_End it works great. Be careful not to override the Function binds (IK_F5 etc)

Many thanks, SyvSekstini .. I will do this a bit later, I've changed a couple of instances of F to End key .. but, there are quite a few other instances of F use, opening and closing doors, picking stuff up, etc.

I noticed with the single change I made that you still need to use F to enter your car on the drivers side but on the passengers side I can use my preferred key End.

Some real specific command strings in the code for actions, it seems .. feels a bit over worked, where a single 'Use' command line might have sufficed for basic things like 'Dynamic Object Use' interactions.

Many thanks for the tip.
I came here with the same issue as most people in the previous 11 pages. I'm a disabled lefty who has a moderate case of cerebral palsy. In short, I have limited motor control. I cannot "learn to play right handed", as has been suggested by so many people over the years.

I use the mouse in my left hand with swapped left/right buttons (which the game doesn't respect the Windows settings on), and I remap WASD to IJKM, and remap the "use" key, which is usually E but seems to be F in this game, to U. Then I use W for the world map, and B for my "bag" or Inventory, with crouch on N. I also remap weapon reload and sprint to the side mouse buttons on my ambidextrous mouse.

As far as I can tell, there aren't really any unique functions in CP2077 that I haven't seen and remapped in other games. They really have no reason to be hardcoded.

Yesterday I basically spent an hour using the Corsair iCUE software to manually rebind every key. It's still not perfect as the ten-key rollover ceases to be translated, so any movement, like diagonal movement from the forward and strafing keys, cancels out the input of both and I have to let go of the keys and repress them to get them to register again. The game is almost unplayable like this.

In addition to straight remapping, clicking the left (or right, in my left-handed case) mouse button SHOULD select a conversation option. It has in almost every dialog-heavy RPG I've ever played from Baldur's Gate to Mass Effect. Why can't I do here?

Why certain keys are hardcoded is just beyond me. I already have to swap to a controller every time I get into a car because of my reduced motor control. I don't want to use it for FPS aiming too.

As a general rule when making PC ports of games, every key should have the ability to be remapped. That should be the *standard*. I'm so tired of buying games on PC and then have this happen because it's actually a console port.
Last edited:
1. I'd rather a dev give me a reason. I doubt they could give a cogent one though.
2. Don't care. They made the mess. We're offering solutions.
3. If it's tricky and awkward then it's not working. It doesn't matter if most can be rebound if ones that are used often can't be. I know you're doing a job, but please don't blow smoke up our collective backsides when a similar problem existed in Witcher 3 and was patched out.

But we can rebind Up and Down in vehicle movement, just not in character movement. That's not oversight, that's ineptitude.
Well enough is subjective. Please, don't tell us what is "well enough" as a rebind setup. If I wanted to use a gamepad I'd buy a console.
I will continue to edit files and offer info to others to safely do so until the issue is addressed.

I understand you're doing a job, but please don't tell others what's "good enough" for their gameplay experience.

Absolutely .. a £50.00 game on it's release date isn't meant to be about crowd-solving software to hardware issues just to make it functional on the most BASIC level .. like being able to use an Arrow key to move the player character in a direction in order to explore and interact with the game world.
This is primitive stuff a caveman once figured out.

Your 2. and 3. points are spot on .. and while I couldn't possibly comment on 1 .. I suspect you're right :)
Last edited:
Maybe best way to deal with this rude silence from "devs" is to reach popular reviewers, gaming articles and selling platforms and warn them about this so they can put notice WARNING! NO KEYBINDING CUSTOMIZATION.....NOT FOR L/H PLAYERS
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