I use a weird control scheme, esdf instead of wasd. I can't bind any keys to F other than exit vehicle. I always get an error saying there is an error binding to that key. I saw there isn't a choice the confirm key which is by default set to F so I'm guessing that is the issue.
This game looks amazing and I wanted to thank all the people involved who created it.
Unfortunately, it looks like can't play the game (or if I do it'll be in a compromised state). I am a left-handed gamer and I rebind my movement keys to I, J, K, L. It looks like I, J and K are hard bound to menu items in the game. Because of this I can't rebind my keys and play as a lefty. I can try to play with WASD but since I'm using my right hand to move, it is very difficult for me to play.
Please can you add these key bindings to the game or at the very least allow us to modify the .json file in C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077 so I can edit the hard code bound keys on I, J and K.
I'm having the same problem. You cannot bind UP or DOWN arrow under 'Exploration and Combat'. LEFT and RIGHT arrow works fine. Weirdly, you can bind those keys just fine under the 'Vehicle' section. You also cannot bind 8 or 2 on the number pad. Every FPS game I bind to the arrow keys because I am left handed. I've never had this issue. What gives?
So, I heard on the Steam forums that you cannot remap the F key. I am an ESDF player, if I can't remap the F key, I won't be buying this game.
For a "AAA" game I'd expect keybinds to be done more correctly. Screwing up keybinds for even a basic movement key change is a seriously indie studio issue.
Sorry, but no $60 from me until I can use ESDF for movement. No offense, but it's just muscle memory, and I'm not going to fight to change it.
I hope this problem will have a solution, i use arrow keys in FPS since i have my first PC in the 90s ! For the moment, i mapped my movements with num pad (5,1,2 & 3) but my character moves like an old lady ^^ i tried the RV program in the game (after first failed mission) and it's a massive catastrophy !
Yeah, sorry CDPR, but this is a NONO.
Keys need to be rebindable, specially arrowkeys (left handed players).
I practically cant play this, Autohotkey doesnt work and Corsair iCue cuts out the second you press more than uparrow (like left or right to steer your vehicle).
I might have found a temp fix for this.
I edited the ini file and made it read only, that worked (so far).
UserSettings.json can be found here %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077
Open with Notepad++ or text editor.
Look for the "SettingsLocomotion" part of it.
"value": "IK_Up",
"default_value": "IK_W"
"value": "IK_Down",
"default_value": "IK_S"
"value": "IK_Left",
"default_value": "IK_A"
"value": "IK_Right",
"default_value": "IK_D"
Should look like this.
Replace IK_W value with IK_Up and so on, upper and lower case need to be correct or they wont work.
Save file - make read only - hope it doesnt cause any issues along the way, seems to work for me (for now)
Same (although i bind to OKL; ). Its super frustrating. Why make 95% of the keys can be changed but leave a handful out?! Its weird since its the inventory buttons and the Use button that cant be remapped...
Same here except it's the arrow keys that won't map. Every other game that I've got allows the arrow keys to be mapped, including the Witcher 3. Why not this game?
Yes I will require the Keybinds to be remapped Also! At your Earliest Convenience. @CD Projekt Red
ESDF is my Go to Setup instead of WASD. "F - Key is Locked".
I had to go through my SteelSeries engine and manually map the side button on my mouse to the F key, just because I can't stand the ergonomics; I have to take my hands off the WASD keys to press the F key, which isn't very fluent.
Does not seem to be a bug, they built this game with only SOME remapping allowed. Read the last line on their tech support page regarding accessibility features -
"Keyboard and mouse controls
Remapping of controls for keyboard and mouse is almost fully allowed, with the exception of menu shortcuts.
[Key Bindings]"
Not only F is locked, but P is also locked.
I use WARS (Colemak) so wanted to map P for Reload, only to get turned down with this very unhelpful error message of "Binding Failed." (gee, thanks)
It's now 2021-ish, still this AAA game fails to support fully customizable keymap.