Mini-map while driving needs to be zoomed out

Completely agree here. It becomes extremely annoying and takes the fun away from driving around the city when you have to CONSTANTLY make u-turns because you overshot a street or exit.
Yeah! Please, make something with minimap zoom or just show path on the road. This is primary issue for me in current game state
Or at least let us adjust the zoom on the mini-map or something, driving in the game feels nice but constantly doing 3-9000 point turns when I miss an exit is making me want to just fast travel everywhere.

Came here to say just this after overshooting like 95% of the turns
I wish they'll change it but I don't have that much confidence in this company. They will focus on bugs, not on feature requests. There won't be an incentive to improve anything once the thunderstorm passes by, they'll go the regular marketing strategy and forget about improving player satisfaction.
Please do 2 changes to navigation.

1) Ability to change the position of the minimap, zoom in out etc.
2) Path of the way to waypoint/quest on the street like the race mission.

The minimap needs improvement asap, Thank you!
Also, the yellow dots are a bit weird sometimes. For example when you drive of the highway, the dots make a 90 degree turn instead of following the road.
Time to get out of the car and walk along the path or down the alleyway. Follow the yellow brick road 👍(y)
+1000 to minimap zoom options.

Or just an idea, we could buy a Kiroshi module to add augmented reality on road as a GPS while driving.
Exactly my sentiments, I actually created my account to suggest this one; a more Cyberpunk solution would be seeing the recommended route on the road though.
Please do. Can't drive this way!
It shouldn't be that difficult
if (speed > X) {
minimapzoom = 90

... you get the point
Either the map needs zoomed out, or even better there is augmented reality overlay on your screen showing the directions, which would seem to be a much more cyberpunk implementation...
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