Oils should be usable in combat. Agree/Disagree?


Oils should be usable in combat. Agree/Disagree?

  • Agree

    Votes: 20 33.3%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 40 66.7%

  • Total voters
Well you can already do it, so you basically have unlimited oils (which is ridicules)..

Wouldn't mind it if, as others have said, that Geralt applies it ingame Witcher 1 style, that way it kinda maybe balances out the fact that it never runs out.

Also in regards to potions if it was limited to only using the consumable slots in combat, but then added an upgrade-able 'pockets' like saddlebags. So you start out with the 2 slots, but maybe you can end up with 4 potion slots and 3 bomb slots or something along those lines, so you have to prepare but you can add more to your pockets so you aren't so limited.
yes there is a need for the game to impose limitations

if i play on the max difficulty i want to be challenged by the game. i want my fights to require some thinking and knowing everything that is at my disposal and having to use it, not "do what you want cuz a witcher is free", not having to invent additional house rules just so that "death march" difficulty is at least half as hard as it claims to be and not a de facto "sword and story"

otherwise there is no point in having diffculty levels at all

So if I understand you correctly you don't want to use oils but you can't stop yourself from using oils?


Forum veteran
Using Oils isn't because I need to use, it's because I'd like to use it. Random encounters are quite easy. Even contracts are weak, and oils barely give you a bonus (at least at the start).
This game lets you use potions and everything else in combat, so why not Oils? Go all the way.
Well, for a start because , unlike for potions, for oils not being usable in combat is *literally* their only restriction.
So if I understand you correctly you don't want to use oils but you can't stop yourself from using oils?

no, i want to have to use oils instead of being able to hitdodgequen my way thru everything

i already have a bunch of house rules anyway and having to choose between using everything the game offers and having a challenge is not exactly a good thing
no, i want to have to use oils instead of being able to hitdodgequen my way thru everything

i already have a bunch of house rules anyway and having to choose between using everything the game offers and having a challenge is not exactly a good thing

So just use the oils before combat and don't use them in combat, what exactly is your problem?! The game doesn't automatically apply them to your sword while in combat.
Disagree. Additionally we should not be able to change potions during combat. I would prefer not being able to open the inventory at all during a fight (at least on Death March)

Only ever being able to use two potions during the fight would be rather stupid and destroy the system, that is supposed to let you use potions more freely, regardless of the difficulty level.
Using oils during combat is absurd, I agree.
Usually you can spot enemies from a distance and use an oil, or if you go on a contract you know that enemy you will fight so you use an oil before that fight.
"Hold on a second mate, I just need a half hour pause in the middle of the battle to rub this oil into my blade. Just stand there and look menacing and I will be back with you shortly..."

Ya, na, doesn't quite work for me :/
If you got problems with oils you should also have a problem with carrying weight, drinking potions mid combat, eating food mid combat, not being able to attack city guards, swim like a fish while fully clothed (while carrying all the loot that is magically hidden somewhere in your clothing), worrying about flasks breaking as you roll in combat, and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on....

What is it that makes oils stand out above all this? Is it the immersion?
It's part of the combat preparation, it's more than fine the way it is. ;)
That said, it isn't right to be able to eat and drink during combat.
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If you got problems with oils you should also have a problem with carrying weight, drinking potions mid combat, eating food mid combat, not being able to attack city guards, swim like a fish while fully clothed (while carrying all the loot that is magically hidden somewhere in your clothing), worrying about flasks breaking as you roll in combat, and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on....

What is it that makes oils stand out above all this? Is it the immersion?

It will be easier if I list your points and try to answer my feelings...

carrying weight (you are not carrying anything other than what's equipped, the rest is carried by your horse, hence weight and saddlebags issue)
drinking potions mid combat (taking a second to chug a bottle is no different than a cyclist drinking whie riding, look up tour de France for more info)
eating food mid combat (while you may not be able to eat a three course meal, stuffing something in your gob quick poses no real problem, see above)
not being able to attack city guards (nothing to say to this one, you may have a point here)
swim like a fish while fully clothed (while carrying all the loot that is magically hidden somewhere in your clothing) : (you are not carrying all that loot, your horse is, although that idea clashes with the overencombered bit. Poetic licence lol)
worrying about flasks breaking as you roll in combat (again, your horse is carrying most stuff and do you really think people never fought with breakables on them?)

So, I think there was one that I could in no way answer and a couple of poetic licence points, but in general, these things can be explained :)
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Disagree. Oils are meant to be used in preparation for a battle. If you're not fully prepared before the battle, you shouldn't be given the same bonuses as someone else. If they were able to be used during combat, it would be a straight up 10/25/50% buff without any side effects.

Exactly, I totally agree with this and also I wish potions would still used the same way like they were in TW2 ( hoping for the moddingcommunity here ).
Agree, they even should make it easier to access and put it in 'tab' button (pc version), ALL USABLES should be put there imo.
I would continue to argue all this further if I felt it would actually lead anywhere. So I'm just going to bugger off until I either come back or I don't come back. I like cliffhangers.
I strongly disagree, its totally un-witcher. I won't be doing that in any case, sometimes you have to role-play yourself instead of relying on the game to force you
Agree, sometimes you just don't know exactly which monster you're fighting, or sometimes you just randomly encounters them and are already in-combat.

If you dig the whole "combat prep" thing, just do it yourself. No point in just making everyone who doesn't like the fact that you can't apply oils when you randomly encounter foes to play the game as the same as you do.

And if the argument is immersion, we shouldn't be able to eat mid-combat also. So, yes, I agree, if you wan't to do the whole combat prep thing, just do it yourself.
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