Patch 2.01 coming soon (known issues)

Actually, it's much simpler than that. CDPR forgot to up the 8 MB game save limit on PS5. You'd think with an update as massive as 2.0 and PL that someone would have caught this. Moreover, PC players had this SAME problem with damaged save files 3 years ago. Why didn't CDPR just up the save limit for ALL platforms when they increased it for PC?!? C'mon now!
I can't say how I feel about that cause it would earn me a forum ban choom. 😂
Just encountered a bug I can't believe is still in the game. In the Spellbook quest, if you non-lethally choke out the woman selling the spellbook instead of buying it off her or killing her combat music will start playing and never fade away. the only way to reliably get the music to stop is to sleep with a joytoy. No, I'm not kidding. Someone once suggested fighting a cyberpsycho would stop it, but that didn't work for me. This is an old bug, so its disappointing to see it can still be triggered this way in 2.0.
Just encountered a bug I can't believe is still in the game. In the Spellbook quest, if you non-lethally choke out the woman selling the spellbook instead of buying it off her or killing her combat music will start playing and never fade away. the only way to reliably get the music to stop is to sleep with a joytoy. No, I'm not kidding. Someone once suggested fighting a cyberpsycho would stop it, but that didn't work for me. This is an old bug, so its disappointing to see it can still be triggered this way in 2.0.
Plenty of old bugs still around, my guy. That one open bar in the Glen that cars spawn into and explode? Yep, still there.
Hey, chooms! We want to give you a heads-up that Patch 2.01 will be coming soon.

Here's a list of the most important fixes and improvements that will be included there:
  • The distorted effect caused by selecting a specific dialogue option when talking to Johnny at the end of Automatic Love will no longer persist on the screen.
  • V will no longer die in The Heist by falling through the elevator when riding to the 42nd floor with low FPS.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI could show controller inputs when playing with keyboard and mouse.
  • Made it possible to properly switch to arms cyberware by cycling through weapons.
  • Gig: Breaking News will be properly triggered after approaching the quest area.
  • Vehicle radio volume will be adjusted so it's not too quiet when compared to other sounds in the game.
  • Addressed the issue of corrupted saves on PlayStation by increasing the maximum save file size limit.
    Note: this won't fix the saves corrupted before the update. If you're experiencing the issue, keep a working save (e.g. resave it as manual save) till 2.01 arrives.
  • Performance improvements for both PC and consoles, especially in the Dogtown area.
Remember that these are just the highlights, so stay tuned for more details!

Any possibility this will fix the crash on startup bug?
Yeah I'm hoping you guys fix the weird scaling we have now. Mainly the nonsensical scaling of attributes that keep locking out dialogue options. Tried 3 times to complete the Delamain quest, each time it asked for a higher int value (15, 17, 18...)

Fingers crossed.

In the sidequest "Don't Lose Your Mind" if you destroy Delamain's core! The car does not appear in the garage for you to enter. All other cars flee, including the one you would need to get into to complete the sidequest!

The garage is closed making it impossible for you to go out and complete the sidequest!
Fix those goddamn memory leaks and make the engine use SSDs better. Every time I hit something in a car I get serious slowdowns and audio stutters horribly. I drive fast through the city I get serious slowdowns like in Dogtowns crossroads (you very well know which one).
Otherwise just put NVMe drive as a requirement for all. Those drives doesnt have this problem.
Yeah, so far RR and what seems to have been done to accommodate it's use has done more harm than good. That peculiar blackness of objects and a few characters has been there from the start. I'm pretty sure on objects is geometry that's hidden and not culled.
On trees and bushes it's probably a result of contact shaders - things like when a tree sways in the wind or your charcter nudges a bush

Contact shaders are used to fake physics interaction because the real thing is prohibitively expensive when any number of them could be on screen at once. Since it's not real geometry moving you get that bad shading as the actually geometry is completely stationary. Similarly damage states for cars have problems as pieces are removed the older visual state isn't culled fast enough. On concrete barriers it isn't culled at all - and may even be worse if they were because then the whole thing would turn black for a moment since it's so slow. What the deal with NPCs has been is something I'm not entirely sure about. I guess it's part of the NPCs body that's masked but it's still "there" in the buffer. There's a handful of NPCs that have always been like that and every single one, from what I've seen following 2.0, got worse. It's really, really bad now on 6th street gangers.

All the above isn't even taking into account the blatant visual embellishment through out the campaign. The actual content of the expansion is great so far, love the gigs, story has been entertaining, and the cars are bitchin'. But the difference between what was said/shown and what's here can be stark at times.

Below: Kind of looks like 1.63. Other than some things that may not be ideal in the open world, it's damn near perfect. Amazingly done.

Below: What it really looks like. Maxed out, everything at 11, even with Ray Deconstruction turned off.

There are moment where it almost looks like the first image, but those are fewer and far between than in 1.63; where it looked like that all the time barring an error or just low quality background NPC of course.

All that said; I'm confident they'll get a handle on it. If anyone can make it work it's the CDPR tech guys. NRD reLAX had issues when they launched PT - it caused the irridescent artifacts on textures and blood, and they sorted them out. I'm hoping I don't find more game breaking bugs that put me off before then.
Wow, the difference here is staggering, it's almost like looking at a generational gap between the two shots. :/

Thanks for the explanation.
when are you going to release the patch??
the curropted saves on ps5 makes the game unplayble , you dont know when the save will work or not , even manual saves are damaged.
i have progressed hours of play just to replay it all over again becuse the save file is damaged , it happends many times.
please fix that i'm getting frustrated of the game.
I have a suggestion, add a manual draw distance setting in the settings. Cool idea? ahhh?:cool:
(dissatisfied views of CDPR programmers)
when are you going to release the patch??
the curropted saves on ps5 makes the game unplayble , you dont know when the save will work or not , even manual saves are damaged.
i have progressed hours of play just to replay it all over again becuse the save file is damaged , it happends many times.
please fix that i'm getting frustrated of the game.
I love the game. I think it will be my all Time #1 Game, BUT I paid 80 € for this "thing" it was when first released and I couldn't play but had to wait for many Bugfixes, and now I paid 30€ to play through the whole DLC (which is awesome btw), just to have my savegames ruined and now I have to wait AGAIN just to spend more of my time to replay at least the last few hours of the DLC only to get to the point where I already have been. This is just inacceptable.
I don't want no refund, I'm happy to pay money for a game this good, what I want is an appartement in a Black Sapphire or Heavy Hearts Suite as a recognition of our patience 😁😘💐
The Hunt mission - BD is bugged. It goes "Leaving Signal Area" loop which i cant move around


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I suggest staying out of Dogtown until patch 2.01 drops, so you can still enjoy the game without fear of losing any progress. Also, Manual Save every now and then just in case.

It's been a week since I attempted to enjoy the DLC and suffered save file corruption. While waiting for patch fixes, I also decided to delve into the new perks, implants, and skills within the original game area, trying not only to avoid entering DogTown but even staying away from the Pacifica zone.

And now, while awaiting patch 2.01, my saves made within Night City itself have started to become corrupted. So, be cautious and refrain from overwriting save files.

P.S. A special thanks to the developers who prioritize a smooth DLC release so much that they are hesitant to send out a warning about an issue that could potentially wipe out players' entire game progress. It's quite clear where the сorporation company's priorities lie.
Hello Xbox series X user here, i can confirm also that i get constant crashing now after completing Phantom Liberty. Everytime the auto save kicks in the system just crashes back to the dashboard now rendering my saves completely unplayable. i deleted all my saves and reinstalled both Cyberpunk and the expansion and began a new play through from the start on 2.0. So far after 15 hours i have had only 1 crash and that was when signing in to my xbox profile on the frontend menu of Cyberpunk 2077. Which is how it all started on my previous save game and became gradually worse.

As a side note the auto save crash increased in frequency as i was playing through Phantom Liberty. Towards the end of my play through of the expansion at level 60 i must of reloaded the game about 50 or 60 times due to crashing on those final missions. i was literally saving every 2 mins to make progress. It was only after the Phantom liberty expansion was finished that my game would crash constantly within 5 minutes of gameplay anywhere on the map.

Both Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom liberty is installed on internal drive. Whether i was playing on performance mode or RT the issue still occurs.

Not sure how your Q.A. team could of missed this to be honest, unless they did report it and you still released it in this state. Any way this is quite disappointing to say the least. To anyone thinking of buying Phantom liberty on Xbox series X do not buy it. Wait at least for a few patches to come out or when FSR 3 is introduced. As it stands the constant glitching of FSR 2.1 during gameplay in combination with the ever increasing crashing later on in the expansion ruins the immersion of the overall game.
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Hello Xbox series X user here, i can confirm also that i get constant crashing now after completing Phantom Liberty. Everytime the auto save kicks in the system just crashes back to the dashboard now rendering my saves completely unplayable. i deleted all my saves and reinstalled both Cyberpunk and the expansion and began a new play through from the start on 2.0. So far after 15 hours i have had only 1 crash and that was when signing in to my xbox profile on the frontend menu of Cyberpunk 2077. Which is how it all started on my previous save game and became gradually worse.

As a side note the auto save crash increased in frequency as i was playing through Phantom Liberty. Towards the end of my play through of the expansion at level 60 i must of reloaded the game about 50 or 60 times due to crashing on those final missions. i was literally saving every 2 mins to make progress. It was only after the Phantom liberty was finished that my game would crash constantly within 5 minutes of gameplay anywhere on the map.

Both Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom liberty is installed on internal drive. Whether i was playing on performance mode or RT the issue still occurs.

Not sure how your Q.A. team could have missed this to be honest, unless they did report it and you still released it in this state. Any way this is quite disappointing to say the least. To anyone thinking of buying Phantom liberty on Xbox series X do not buy it. Wait at least for a few patches to come out or when FSR 3 is introduced. As it stands the constant glitching of FSR 2.1 during gameplay in combination with the ever increasing crashing later on in the expansion ruins the immersion of the overall game.
Have had the same exact issue
Hello Xbox series X user here, i can confirm also that i get constant crashing now after completing Phantom Liberty. Everytime the auto save kicks in the system just crashes back to the dashboard now rendering my saves completely unplayable. i deleted all my saves and reinstalled both Cyberpunk and the expansion and began a new play through from the start on 2.0. So far after 15 hours i have had only 1 crash and that was when signing in to my xbox profile on the frontend menu of Cyberpunk 2077. Which is how it all started on my previous save game and became gradually worse.

As a side note the auto save crash increased in frequency as i was playing through Phantom Liberty. Towards the end of my play through of the expansion at level 60 i must of reloaded the game about 50 or 60 times due to crashing on those final missions. i was literally saving every 2 mins to make progress. It was only after the Phantom liberty was finished that my game would crash constantly within 5 minutes of gameplay anywhere on the map.

Both Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom liberty is installed on internal drive. Whether i was playing on performance mode or RT the issue still occurs.

Not sure how your Q.A. team could of missed this to be honest, unless they did report it and you still released it in this state. Any way this is quite disappointing to say the least. To anyone thinking of buying Phantom liberty on Xbox series X do not buy it. Wait at least for a few patches to come out or when FSR 3 is introduced. As it stands the constant glitching of FSR 2.1 during gameplay in combination with the ever increasing crashing later on in the expansion ruins the immersion of the overall game.
as long as you send a support ticket, they'll see it's not an isolated incident. I got poked for my crashes this AM. So they're slowly going through the mountain of support tickets.
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