Phantom Liberty or "What would you like to see improved in the future of CP2077"

basically what most are asking for is to make the game world more Dynamic instead of a static world that follows a script. Which atm that is what most games are like.
Sadly there is no such game that is truly dynamic at least not for me, A truly dynamic game would be very expensive to make, but you take what you can get.
i want to see the option where we can turn off the changes made by 1.7 if we wanted. it seems to make to many changes and i might want to play the old version again.


Forum regular
I would like to see

1. permanent night. The game looks awesome at night, and I hate that I have to change always daytime in menu because the night is too short.
2. Cyberware radio
Hey all,

After seeing a few threads on this post, I've been loving the game since I got it on PS5. Dunno if these posts will get to the right people at CDPR but one can hope.

Anywho, here's a few suggestions I had for maybe the CP2077 sequel since I'm not seeing the current game getting these kinds of updates any time soon.

Quest lines

  • Max Tac
    Accompany Max Tac on a few jobs and be forced to reevaluate your views on Cyber Psychos. Varied missions that range from your typical gonk gone mad to more tragic scenarios and be forced to choose whether to save or spare your targets.
  • Trauma Team
    Accompany Trauma Team on missions to save and retrieve Platinum status clients from dangerous situations (burning buildings, firefights, etc) while also trying to keep as many of your teammates alive as possible.
    Could include mini-games that have the player character trying to resuscitate the Platinum client while under fire.
  • NCPD
    As with River Ward, go on various NCPD assignments and either earn favor with the NCPD or work against them and their corrupt policies.
    Find clues, review crime scenes, collect evidence, and give players the option of how to handle a case. Maybe the crime was victimless and they let the suspect walk or maybe they're dealing with serial killer with money and connections that will walk if they don't act outside the law.
  • Corpo jobs (Araksaka, Militech, Kiroshi, etc)
    Open jobs posted by various Corpos that can either earn you favor with whomever you align yourself with, or a vendetta.
    Jobs can be anything from corporate espionage, sabotage, kidnappings, theft, or outright assassinations.
  • Racing
    I would love more quest lines based on the racing scene set up in the first game.
    Would also like the ability to repeat races or compete whenever you want.

Gang vendettas

  • You now have some form of rep/ karma with each gang
  • Gangs will react to you depending on your rep with them
  • Some will antagonize and attack on site while others will greet and compliment you
  • Depending on your rep, gangs will either offer forms of protection in the form of safe houses, weapon stashes, etc, or they will put hit contracts out out on you that other characters (maybe friendly fixes) may warn you about.

Corpo hit squads/ contracts

  • Depending on whom you align yourself with and your reputation as a Legend of Night City, both gangs and Corpos can put out open contracts on you whether this be to steal something from you, delay your progress, or to take you out.
  • Enemies that get hired can range from ordinary street gangers, high level netrunners, and even professional corpo assassins with some of the best chrome and tech that eddies can buy.


  • If the quality of the gear you buy is over your level, you begin to experience CP in the form of everything pausing, the screen going static, and you appearing in a random scene of carnage.
  • Could be in the midst of corpses, could be in the middle of a chase or firefight with NCPD/ Max Tac, hostage situation, etc.
  • Could include flashes of places and people the player has interacted with to further immerse the player that their character is losing their mind.

More car chases with passenger first person shooting as in the opening levels.

More random acts of violence in Night City. With such a high crime rate, there should be more random events in the open world that may or may not involve the player. Gives the city more life.

During shoot outs, announce Max Tac has been called and show them arriving by ship.

Have Max Tac and NCPD give chase when at a 4 star or above Wanted level.

When being chased by NCPD/ Max Tac, gangs whom you have good karma with will give you safe houses to lay low until your wanted level goes down.

Past decisions from previous game having more impact on the characters and the narrative.

Give the player character the ability to dual wield one-handed weapons such as pistols or knives while sacrificing accuracy.

Weapons, quickhacks, mods, upgrades, etc. all carry over from previous game and are available to be used right away but are eventually stripped away in the story progression and you have to steadily get them back or choose a different path (netrunner instead of solo or vice versa). Maybe raise the level cap to 100.

Braindances – actually being able to collect and view braindances that you can buy in shops. Most have no story significance. They’re just fun in-game cutscenes you can collect. Could be BDs of movies, music, art, or smut. Even some like the BD you find for David Martinez from Edgerunners.

Players should be able to take mind-altering substances and have effects in game. Alcohol has an effect but considering how much lore is in NC for crime and drug use, there should also be some funny effects for when a player decides to use a substance in game.

When you mark an area on the map and you're driving to it, the guide on the map can be very distracting. If there was some kind of guide on screen that didn't take away from being able to appreciate Night City as you're driving through it, that would be awesome.
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- 1st person driving camera shod be rework ( we are so low on the floor u cannot see nothing , camera keeps resetting all the time
- Cars and motorbikes shod be ez to drive FFS [...]
- Stop make me press F if there is no dialogue option
-- Cars spawn and der-spawn in my face
- same car same ai all over the map ( some times u get 4 exactly the same cars next to each other
- every time i crouch my screen gets darker ( wtf why ?)
- Aye adaptation make it stop pls (screen gets darker and brighter as the developer wish , mr developer who implemented this , when u enter a room your ayes get darker WTF man)
- Cars customization ( if u make them drivable)
- a way to open /brake doors if u are Intel base character ( i have mission who ask body ++++ to move something )
- if u delay a text option for 5 seconds npc start to hurry u up to chose a text option( this results in npc talkin one over another , this happens at list 100 times) BTW developers not all F planet speaks English's and some words we need to think what they mean
- items rework i have legendry's that are scrap
To many action to start the game
- open game
- press space to continue
- press space to continue again
- press continue / load
- and ofc press enter again
In order to start this game u must press 5 ( nice game design)

haha there are allot of annoying things in this game probably that is why this game is not good and is meahhhh to bad cause the writing and voices are the best .
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I'm still in the boat of "GIMME MORE ROMANCE CONTENT!" because romance is a good distraction from one's ticking time-bomb in their brains. Also, the romances feel very unfinished to me. I wanted far more than just a couple of cutesy texts once my boy locked in his romance with Kerry. More dialogue options, a gig where they go on a date, or just the ability to cuddle on the couch would suffice.
Absolutely, one of the big *mehs* was that we could not take our romance out on a wild night in Night City
just to have some silly fun with some quality time afterwards and wake up the next day ^^

Thats just part of what is still missing though, the while City needs to be more interactive alongside the NPC AI
(not only the gangs and police) i mean all the behavior. Give us some more interactions in bars and clubs.

Open up the gomorrah so we can blow our eddies there as well, give those poor 4 lonely Joytoys some really needed
reinforcements those 4 must be severly overworked i tell ya. Speaking of it... how about a chance for lapdances?
All the advertisement in the city and no raunchy clubs are open (except for those 4 poor souls) da heck o_O

There is even more, since more minigames are needed as well, basically more silly and fun stuff to do OUTSIDE
of the gigs and sidemissions and derelikt events. As i called it, Night City still needy a healthy dose of GTA SA stuff.
Does not mean is should be like GTA, but most definitly there should be stuff to do in the City that does not send
you on some sort of "treasure" hunt or mission.

Car tuning anybody? hehehehe
Ofc i mean all that should be added outside of mods, it should be "native" in the game so to speak
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Adam Smasher might have found deep happiness in MK.

Here a doc reacts to some of it. Brutal scenes warning.

Long story short, they show things that CP2077 would benefit from, given it already has a mature rating and all the potential gadgets/means to lead to same results as MK.

I forgot something to add that does not suit the overall "tone" of my previous post.

I wish that CDPR does fix the SMT addressing of the Ryzen 8 Cores with the upcoming patches.
The Six Cores were fixed and above 8 cores the Ryzens work as intented, but for some reason the 8 Cores
do not work at full capacity, yes even now with 1.63

Here is the proof of it (sadly a german site) but the graphs speak for themself, i tested my system as well
you can clearly see a massive + on FPS with the PCGH fixed executable

PCGH Ryzen test with and without SMT FIX (german)

Check the graphs there if you can not read german, that should give you a hint.
Not sure if english sites have tackled that problem in suchn a depth.
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I haven't thought of this for a while.

Tanking. I would like to see them bring considerations for tank builds, but the news coming out from attendees at the demos isn't reassuring.
1.5 really took a steaming dump on this build. I understand that in the initial release the game was severely unbalanced to where you could tank the hell out of your character, min/max to an absurd degree, then melt everything all while running around like a lunatic - clearly something had to be done.

Sadly it would seem thus far that there's won't be option to tank as the debuffs from the new augment/armor system will make the prospect impractical, it's been said chromed-out characters were dying in 1 hit. :(
personally I just want CDPR red to release Fem V’s and Male V’s ear piercings for the last update for the console generation. It adds a a bit of that “punk” personality to both male and Female V.
I would like to be able to lock a weapon so I don't delete it. I have accidentally deleted so many weapons that I wanted to keep. To be able to call some one to have to cops stop chasing you. have a photo with your car door open with a pose option. Have a co-op mode so people can visit your city.
Faster cars and correct speedometers. It's 2077, and that is time for some 600 km/h hypercars.

Plus an option to switch on/off the level scaling.
Being hunted by Arasaka assassins unknownlgly or possibly befriending one through an ironic situation which leads to a unique quest.
I'd play the game over and start from scratch if they'd let us choose one of the street gangs to join.

Total missed opportunity.

An Ending for each gang. Never gonna happen, too much work for them and they can't even fix the crashing. They're moving on and taking our money and running. They're not gonna fix shit for us. I thought they were trying to regain our TRUST, they're falling like Wile E. Coyote. Good thing cartoons don't die though.
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Remake the entire game in a better engine :LOL:

^^^^ This right here. Same game, different engine and no crashing.
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- more friends to collect and put them in V's apartment. I mean dogs, cats, hamsters, opossums, orangutans, Judy, Panam, President Myers.
- a way to marry President Myers :love:
- also, a way to move Nibbles and Iguana to V's other apartments.
- option to cancel your default apartment when you rent (bought) a different apartment
- option to sell (or at least scrap) vehicles you don't want
Everything that you offer from these 95% new ones will not be in the patches. All it will be is a stupid correction of minor bugs and errors in the game. And there will be no new ideas or mods to complement the game.
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