Playing other games

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Alpha Protocol is linear Bloth and they made the best pro-active protagonist I've ever played, but yes you are right in that very few protagonists are actually intelligent these days.

In some stories it can work very well: Spec Ops: The Line Walker is a rather big idiot in many cases, but he is still believable as a character mostly because the story smacks him over the head while shouting: YOU FUCKED UP.

Heck even Geralt. I love the man and character, and he's definitely not stupid, but he's not the most impressive, versatile, and pro-active of protagonists imo.

Absolutely, he's a reactive character through and through.

By the way where the fuck is your article on your Thorton, the Manipulative Bastard that he is?
No he's not I agree but it was nice to see him knowing his craft, preparing, riddling with the Golem under Loc Muinne and being able to walk away from big boss fights. Out of all the triple A game market characters, Geralt is probably one of the more peacable ones, despite being a monster slayer by profession.

Aye AP is an overlooked classic.
CostinMoroianu said:
By the way where the fuck is your article on your Thorton, the Manipulative Bastard that he is?

Rather busy these days.

But since there is so much this magnificent shit can do, I am thinking of writing a Mike Thorton diary as I replay the game. Because there's something awesome he does in almost every level.

Not sure when I get enough free time for that.
I really like Geralt as a character because he's smart enough to know politics and smart enough to try and stay away from them. Unfortunately (for him), he's unlucky enough to be right in the middle of it all.
Anyone heard about "I am the night"difficulty of arkham origins?
There is only one life and there are no saves/checkpoints at all...
Let the marathon begin(in one month of course)

Cant wait for this game :)/>
Even for all its faults, I'd still play it if they had Stephen Russell voicing Garret. Which they don't. Damn, it still makes me angry that they actually had him and decided to lose him for a fucking stunt guy or whatever.
So yesterday my wife and I decided to take a break and chill, and played Amnesia together. Last night we were playing a part where we had to find elevator parts, with the lights dimmed and the sound loud. We were in this room in what seems to be a dark, dark basement, when suddenly we hear a growling noise and see a freaking flesh eating zombie coming right at us. We turn off the lantern, try to hide behind some crates but it's too late! That was nerve racking, kind of. The water monster in the previous levels was also disturbing, especially with all that flesh eating.

In any case, Amnesia: The Dark Descent is more fun than I thought. It's not THAT scary, but it does have those awesomely disturbing scenes. And the exploration and discovery are lots of fun.

How does A Machine for Pigs compare?
Jobbert said:
Even for all its faults, I'd still play it if they had Stephen Russell voicing Garret. Which they don't. Damn, it still makes me angry that they actually had him and decided to lose him for a fucking stunt guy or whatever.
Yep and if you needed another reason to be pissed off... day one DLC.

I'm playing Company of Heroes. Not a huge RTS fan but I have nothing else to play currently (gave up on Game of Thrones RPG after hitting a game-breaking bug) until Bioshock Infinite DLC comes out. Got this in the THQ Humble Bundle. It's pretty fun.
Volsung said:
How does A Machine for Pigs compare?

Bit disappointed with Machine for Pigs to be honest, there's a lot less game there, they removed lamp oil and made it infinite amongst other things, it does what it does well but it's more of a graphical picture book than a game. Apparently it's not made by the original devs and you can tell.

Edit: Monsters sometimes patrol in the Dark Descent, good glute work out avoiding 'em i found.
CostinMoroianu said:
What bug was that in GoT Veleda?
In Chapter 9 Alester, I'm not able to pick up some of the keys. I can see them but the R'hllor power doesn't highlight them and they're not interactable.
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