Driving in this game absolutely needs to be the very next and biggest thing they work on. I am running on a freshly reinstalled, vanilla version of the game that is patched to 1.2. Several issues need to be urgently addressed in this regard that have not been fixed:
- Traffic AI is still straight up broken. Shitloads of cars will just stop in the middle of the street for no reason. No traffic lights. No obstructions of any kind. Cars just fucking stop. Unacceptable. The worst instances of this are on uneven surfaces. It's like the traffic AI has no way to pathfind onto or off of ramps, hills or anything of that nature so it just stops. The only way to get it moving again is to ram into the back of the stopped vehicle and hope it gets them moving again. Every once in a while you can honk at them and that gets them going but mostly they are going to sit there until you bump them. Add to that the NUMEROUS places where the traffic pathing just runs right the fuck into barriers. And It can't figure out how to drive around actual barriers either.
- The overexposure when driving in first person during the daytime is unbearable. The glare coming through the windshield is far greater than it realistically should be. It should be reduced by about 65%. I can see there being a little bit of glare in cars with glass windshields because of the light magnification and the RTX but even with it off it's still blindingly bright. And its even present in the super cars like the Caliburn and the Aerondight that have armored windows and broadcasted screens inside. Technically those cars should be absolutely immune to glare because there's not really any light leaking into the cabin.
- There absolutely needs to be a way to adjust your seating position. In every car V sits with the seat pushed all the way back and all the way down and in most cars its impossible to see over the dashboard to even see the road. It's worse in some cars than others. The Galena, Quadra V-Tech and Johnny's Porsche are actually quite ok to drive but some of the others are impossible to drive.
- The traffic does not adhere to street lights. The cars will just go whenever they feel like it, almost never when the light is green.
- This one is nitpicky but it would really be nice if they added blinkers to traffic AI so you would know where traffic was fucking going. I like to actually role play this game and I drive around the city like I would if I actually lived there and it really takes me out of it when I get in a wreck from a car turning that I had no idea was going to until it runs into me like an asshole.
- Almost none of the cars have visible headlights in first person. The Porsche is the only one that stands out as actually having working headlights in cockpit view. I have cycled through all of the headlight options in almost every vehicle and if the headlights are on, I can't see it and they make no difference.
- Most cars really need to have their brakes and gear ratios adjusted. Driving around the city like a normal person results in basically always driving in first gear at around 6k rpms and in the case of the V-Tech, that engine is loud as fuck and since we can't drive manual to kick it over into second gear you just gotta ease off or speed up. And a lot of these cars take 3 or 4 days to stop. The Caliburn being a particularly egregious offender of this. Quite a few cars need better brakes.