Can you link the youtube video?
Thank you in advance
Here's one
Can you link the youtube video?
Thank you in advance
increasing the size of the save won't solve the issue from coming back, it's the way data is stored into the save that has an issue, you already have a black screen before every loading since 5.5 mb, that's for me a concern too, if the double the size, what would you do when you'll reach this new limit... there's something going on, maybe it's a perk, like the auto dismantle perk. let's just give them information and let them do their work and fix this when they can...
Oh definitely! Hopefully CDPR will have a solution soon (probably after the Holiday at least). It may not fix currently corrupted saves, but I agree a long term solution is needed.
Tried a couple of other things with no real results yet;
- Added the ini changes to the already existing ini 'gameservices.ini'. Seemed logical but no.
- Tried to use a TW3 save editor to see if they somewhat matched, but i'm getting too many errors to feel okay changing the code
- Currently installing TW3 to see if they've got any clues in the files. Probably not, but who knows.
MaxProfileSize = 4194304
MaxSaveSize = 16777216
MaxSaveSizeTotal = 20971520
MaxSettingsSize = 4194304
SaveCompressedChunkSize = 524288
SaveMaxCompressedChunks = 512
What system is it on? I almost bought this for PS4 myself, but currently it seems to only run up to 30FPS with low level upscaling to 4k on newer versions (Pro/X) and 60FPS on next gen, including Xbone X and series S respectively which have the resolution advantage, seemingly caused by more mem to work with.Well i don't own the game on PC so i can't edit anything but we have the same issue "save corruption"
I'd like to hear what your savegame size is, what your system is, what the size is of your last loadable save.Well i don't own the game on PC so i can't edit anything but we have the same issue "save corruption"
Yeah, but they need to acknowledge this bug asap and also mention that they are working on it. As mentioned before, I certainly do not demand a patch before the holidays, nor do I want one. I think the developers are already in a difficult situation and they are trying their best to solve the worst issues. I don't even want to know how many hours they have worked the last couple of weeks. Imho they do deserve their holidays and if I can't play CP2077 for the time being than I'm OK with it.Oh definitely! Hopefully CDPR will have a solution soon (probably after the Holiday at least). It may not fix currently corrupted saves, but I agree a long term solution is needed.
I think its the autosave that is make this problem not only it corrupt them but also after a long period of time the game crashes due to the large amount of autosave files there must be an option in the game setting so we can turn it off that way no more problems. Also CDPR state that the crafting makes the save files corrupt.
AutoSaveEnabled = false
It was certainly tested but I doubt anyone at CDPR played the game as a whole while also playing side missions and other things. Each mission was certainly tested and I think they also played the main story, but nothing like we are doing. For something like that, there wasn't any time left. (I also honestly doubt that this is done by any game company.)Was this game even play tested? How was this missed? This had to be known internally and just ignored by leadership. Not acceptable.
I'm seeing a lot of people that are getting scared to play the game. I guess it's (EDIT: important word)not(/edit) completely without reason, but I still think it's a hard limit to reach. It took my playthrough (about 120 hours, completed all missions including NCPD ones) an extra 1 hour and 15 minutes of fully exploiting the weakness in the save files of this game to come close to reaching the file limit.
I'm not saying it's impossible. If you craft endless amounts of grenades and items, yes, you're going to reach the limit at some point. But if you're simply playing the game you should be just fine. My initial save was at about 6.229KB. That was my playthrough where I looted everything I came across.
I think most people will do just fine.
If you really are too scared to enjoy the game then maybe you should either keep an eye on your save file or wait for a patch, but I'd recommend just playing the game.
I have it on PS4 pro but the problem is the same corrupted saves and leads to crashWhat system is it on? I almost bought this for PS4 myself, but currently it seems to only run up to 30FPS with low level upscaling to 4k on newer versions (Pro/X) and 60FPS on next gen, including Xbone X and series S respectively which have the resolution advantage, seemingly caused by more mem to work with.
We understand that, we just want to know as much detail as possible, including what the save file limit is for ps4 users so they can keep an eye on it. Since we've heard reports of 12MB save files on the playstation, which is larger than the max pc saves can be.I have it on PS4 pro but the problem is the same corrupted saves and leads to crash
So this game is a lie: It is not open world, you should not play side missions, do not crafter etc ...Then, there's no need for you to follow it. Go ahead, and keep on loading saved games as you will. If the bug is occurring during the loading process, as opposed to the saving process, then you'll eventually corrupt all of your saved games and have absolutely no backups to return to, ensuring all of your progress is lost. That is entirely your choice.
Secondly, this is not official CDPR Tech Support. This is a community board where players can come to check on known issues or try to troubleshoot problems on their own. If that's not working out, then let me repeat, yet again:
Technical Support — CD PROJEKT RED
Welcome to CD PROJEKT RED Technical Support! Here you will find help regarding our games and services, as well as answers to frequently asked
Please, read the appropriate FAQ section to the end, ensuring all suggestions have been followed. If the problems persist, you can use the "Contact Us" link to send in a ticket.
Be sure to include your system (including specs if on PC), a brief description of the issue, and the steps taken to reproduce it (if applicable).
Right -- now here's a reality of the way that inventory systems work sometimes. (TW3 has a similar sort of limitation.) Whenever you create an item in the inventory, it creates an ItemID. For every new instance of that item (like if the number of that item changes...or I pick up two of the same type of gun) the game will need to assign a unique ItemID for it in order for the program to be able to tell the two different items apart or record the change to the stack, and that number, for each successive instance, will obviously get bigger.
So, if I am rapidly adding / removing items from my inventory, I may inadvertently increase that ID number to something that the engine no longer recognizes. Or a number that conflicts with some other function of the inventory. Or save system. Or loading system. Whatever. Something doesn't like it. That's where the bug must live.
BUT -- considering that CP2077 probably works similarly to TW3, Bethesda games, Bioware titles, etc. -- this also happens to your inventory whenever you save --> reload a game. First, the game reads your save file. It loads an "active" version of your inventory into RAM, and assigns new ItemIDs to every single piece of your inventory from top to bottom. It re-saves those larger numbers for every new save / quicksave, and they become the new default. This is how a program can correctly load older savegames. It compares the newer numbers with the older ones, and chooses the older, smaller number instead. (Computers can't "think", and items in your inventory are not "guns" and "medkits" to the computer. They're collections of data that it needs to be able to tell apart from one another using a numerical expression.)
Not all games are designed for unlimited, endless play. Not all games are designed for NG++++ etc. CP2077, as of now, seems to have been designed with upper limits in place (likely to avoid issues elsewhere in the engine, just like TW3).
The workaround for now?
Don't do it. Play the game until the end, then start a new game. Don't continue saving and reloading the same character for too long. Don't craft thousands of items at once.
Is that ideal? No. And hopefully it can be worked out in the future. Although...maybe not. No game that CDPR has ever created has ever been designed for ongoing, unlimited play. (NG+ was added into TW3 after its release; it was never intended. It was extremely difficult to get working without major issues, is capped at level 100, still gets wildly weird at higher levels, and there is no NG++. It can only be done once per playthrough.) CDPR designs their games with a finite structure: with a beginning, a middle, and an end. They are not meant to be played on and on like Dark Souls, GTA, or an MMO. They're meant to be restarted from the beginning with a new character and played differently. Love it or loathe it, that's the design.
So, for right now, the best step is not to put the game in this sort of situation. It's the nature of the machine. Or, more classically:
Patient: "Doctor! Doctor! It really hurts when I do this!"
Doctor: "Then, don't do that."
Now, the treatment can begin.
So this game is a lie: It is not open world, you should not play side missions, do not crafter etc ...
Ok, so I'm going to get a refund for this scam and send this screenshot as proof.
OK, thanksThat's not an official spokesperson, that is merely a community suggestion. This is the official statement.